Friday, March 15, 2024

US Complicit Behavior

 I remembah readin about ah case this muh fuckah filed against thah 

KKK down south. One of thah many lawsuits that brought that tired ass shit down! Oh, thah muh fuckin KKK was ah FBI and ZJ originated operation! Read about ol Grand Dragon D.C. Stephenson of the Indiana Headquartered KKK located right here in Indiana, back in thah muh fuckin day! And the ZJ he raped and murdered Madge Oberholtzer! Somethin don't smell right about thah case! Just suggestin some shit! Anyway...Thah CIA came latah! Don't get it twisted! Anyway...

Thah muh fuckah was ah White muh fuckin attorney that took on that KKK shit in ah muh fuckin case! I do believe in thah early 1980's? And in his writings he talked about,


I looked up thah word at thah muh fuckin time! Instantly liked it! The word writes, to me, its definition.

Uhm! Anyway...

Is that not what


All practice



(Peace! More to come...)

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