Friday, March 15, 2024

Start Nourishing From Home!

 I wish I would have kept thah article. But I read some shit today about ah Mexican restaurant in thah "Mission" district in San Fran!

Well thah ownah statin that everything has went up so he had to raise his prices.

Now thah muh fuckah one day was sellin his burrito for

11 dollahs and some shit!

The next day he decides tah sale thah same burrito for

22 dollahs!

And thah article stated thah restaurant had a long line durin lunch!

A muh fuckin burrito $22?!

It's fuckin street/peasant food and shit?! Suppose tah be inexpensive tah get US bellies full and shit! On thah cheap!

Almost an hour and a half of pay for ah muh fuckin burrito?!


Fuck that noise!

They got some straight up muh fuckin suckers in


(Peace! More to come...)

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