Saturday, July 1, 2023


 There was this ten thousand meter/cross country muh fuckah on "Butler's Track Team" at thah time!

I can see his face! Would remind you of thah muh fuckah who was Denham's friend that sat next tah him in thah classroom in thah movie, "To Sir. With love." Anyway...

I was in a political science class with him one time! And he and the professor were going at it! Of course the professor being a democrat and he being a republican! I listened and watched the discourse. I had never heard such rhetoric. It was kind of hypnotizing in some kind of fucked up way! A certain respect thah dialect type of shit that I had never before experienced until that moment!...

Ray! His first name was Ray! I didn't really pay him no mind until I heard him battlin that professor! After that! Whenever he said some shit! My ass was takin notice!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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