Monday, July 10, 2023

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud/Daffodils - William Wordsworth"

  I USed tah drive a lot when I was younger! I mean gas was like less than ah fuckin buck!

Drive any damn place! Eight, ten, twelve hours...

Wasn't no thing!

But now? Fuck that shit! Four hours max! And fuck these gas prices! Good Lawd! Anyway...

I was made tah read this poem at the university! Fell in love with thah shit instantly!

Well, anyway! I was goin tah Louisville, Kentucky! Why? Shit! We didn't have Krispy Kreme donuts In Indianapolis, Indiana let alone Indiana proper! There was one just off Watterson Expressway! Got two dozen tah go! "Hot!" And ordered three with coffee while I sat at thah counter! Anyway, driving back. I got close tah Indianapolis. Got off at the Greenwood exit! I was going to take thah long way home by taking US31! I hadn't gotten ovah ah mile aftah I had exited! It was afternoon. Around two-o'clock? Early march circa 1988! I saw this patch of land, filled with daffodils! I hurriedly pulled over on the shoulder of thah road! And watched them shits just playing and swaying in the late winter sun. Beautiful weather! About seventy degrees with ah light breeze!... I got out of my 1973 Oldsmobile Omega Black hatchback, 350/4 BBL with dual exhaust. Set on the hood of my car and just witnessed the poem! Smilin beatifically!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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