Sunday, March 12, 2023

True Evil, Has To Be Allowed To Enter! II

 Muh fuckah wannah say about her husband,

"I hate him! He's so controlling! I hate him! I don't know why I married him!? Seriously!"

How long y'all been married?

"Six going on seven years! But after the first six months I knew I hated him!?"

And my ol Black sorry broke ass smilin inside because this niggah's thinkin, 

'Yah still married tah thah controllin hated muh fuckah! 

Which means yo sorry muh fuckin ass still lettin 'im tear that pussy up!

Ovah more than five and ah half years latah no less!?

Cause there ain't one niggah I know bein married for ovah five and ah half years,

Where yo ass ain't dropped them drawls at least seventy-five percent of thah time thah hated controllin non-worth marryin niggah got in the "mood"!?

And he's "controlling"!

So there's been multiple times his hated ass done said, 

"Awright! Drop those panties woman! It's time to take care of some business!" 

Oh, It was cute at first! Now, thah muh fuckah doin it too fuckin much!

Aftah ovah five and ah half fuckin years!?

That it?!...


Quiet as it's kept!

That's why yah married his hated, controllin, still gettin ah piece of ass, non-worth marryin sorry Black muh fuckin ass in thah first place!

"Oh he's such ah take control type of man! He's so dreamy!..." At first!?

Now what?!

That muh fuckah ain't changed one fuckin bit!

Your words! Not mine!

So who thee Holy fuck's got thah real muh fuckin problem!?

And it sure in thah fuck not him!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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