Thursday, March 2, 2023

Politicians JUSt Pissing US Money Away!

 How can anything get better without US tellin each othah thah muh fuckin raw truth!?

How!? God damnit!

These muh fuckin politicians spendin US tax dollahs on grown sorry ass muh fuckahs!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckahs of all colors losin their muh fuckin glasses six tah twelve times ah fuckin year or more on state insurance (US fuckin hard earned tax dollahs) and able every fuckin time tah get ah new fuckin pair!? Why thah fuck not! It ain't comin out of their broke ass empty muh fuckin pockets! Most of those muh fuckahs don't even have ah fuckin job tah pay fuckin taxes!

"But I don't understand? You're telling me they can get an endless replacement on their lost glasses?"

Yes! Muh fuckahs! Fuckin yes! In thah state of  Indiana!

They fill out ah muh fuckin form called a U8 and in ten tah fourteen workin days them muh fuckahs seein again!

Because undah Medicaid guidelines, since yo sorry ass opted tah start takin Medicaid, you cannot deny them what is in the state's Medicaid guidelines because of them bein ah fuckin negligent grown sorry ass muh fuckah!

If I'm an optometrist that takes Medicaid, fuck it!? Cha-ching!

I'm not even talkin bout the exams, office visits, prescriptions...

This one patient, jUSt thah othah day, came in with ah whole bag 9.25 ounces of Funyuns, with a 16.9 ounces of Mountain Dew! While waiting for his appointment had eaten the whole damn bag plus the drink before I took him into the pretest room! Asked him if he was diabetic? "Yes". And your A1C the last time you went to your doctor? "12.9. I don't know what's goin on!? Cause I takes my medications like they's tell me!? And can I get some water or somethin because I ran out of my Mountain Dew. My mouth's still kindah dry!" Yah think?! Muh fuckah! I didn't get his no count sorry ass shit! Go into that bathroom muh fuckah, there's plenty of water comin out of that fuckin bathroom sink's tap! Fuck you! Of course, I didn't say that to thah muh fuckah! Matter of fact I didn't even respond tah thah sorry muh fuckin question! I moved on! 'Any hospitalizations in the last year that they kept you overnight?'...

And I'm jUSt talkin bout jUSt one fuckin medical profession!?

God damn!?

US fuckin dollah bills y'all!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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