Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Woefully Finite

 My joints hurt often times. I can sit up here all day long and try to come up with reasons but the only one reason is, that it's nothing but the truth of just: aging! 

That's all Sonshine! Just natural fuckin agin! And ya gotta take that shit! I mean don't set up there and complain of all the God damned time about all the aches and pains...and shit! 

Fuck that! Yo Black broke sorry ass gotsta give somethin back?! Don't you? 

I mean let these younger motha fuckas understand that: this bitch hurts like a motha fucka! Shit! Fuckin hurts!...

That reminds me of a cadence in Basic Training that went like this: "Pain! Pain! Pain! That's the way we train!..." And of course there was a call and a response sort of shit that went along with it. But, I have to say, quite effective. Cadences takes your mind off of shit! And all yo Black broke sorry ass can think about is: the cadence....


...More mentally than physically, and that's the most of the Bitch! 

Give these young motha fuckas hope about gettin ol and shit! I know We in a dry spell of Hope! But give them young motha fuckas just a lil Hope! And if it's all it takes for a motha fuckin fifty-five years ol ass to walk past a young hopeless motha fucka, wearin creased Khaki pants, tucked in white Polo shirt, soft purchased Cobalt 2 Cobalt leather loafers, well groomed...with a light scent of Patchouli waftin behind him for them to say: "I would like to look and smell like that when I get old!" 


You done made my Black ol ass day! For real! It don't take much! It really doesn't. But if We ol motha fuckas don't turn these young cats round...and don't nobody wantsta pick no fuckin cotton no fuckin mo!

So, let US ol motha fuckas...walk the walk and talk the talk! 

And at the very least, this Bitch will be merciful to US when it's finally the time for this Bitch ta put US ta sleep!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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