Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A P.S.A. "Go See Your Doctor"

 I know I need some more drugs! Shit you ain't gotsta tell a motha fucka a God damned thang! I got it! For real! And not those street drugs! Fuck that shit! 

"Come ohn nigga! Tell a motha fucka where he can get some that good-good!"

Okay. Ya listenin? Yo General Practitioner dumb motha fuckas! 

Talkin bout street drug dealas? An O.G. ain't got shit on a PhD! Them PhDs be movin mega weight! Right unda the Blues noses and shit! Rubbin their faces all in it! 

Love that shit! For real! 

Niggas be out there buyin bullshit Ron, White, Yellow, Blues...fuck all that shit! 

Go to the docta motha fucka! You act a certain way? They got some prescribed shit fo yo ass! Straight up!

"I ain't crazy! Weed just calms my nerves so I can think better." 

Again, absurd shit! Still on the street copin weed on the street!? 

Hey Playas and Playesses ,You do know the shit's still illegal right? In Indiana? You do! I hear ya! I fucking hear ya! 

But that shit don't make no damn bit of sense in the world! Given what I know what some of the shit PSAs done came up with! And believe you me, they gots the good good! 

Check it! Your insurance will even pay for the good-good! With a ten dollars or less copay! 

And yo sorry ass still out on the streets because yo Black ass ain't crazy? Well Sonshines!... You all are!... If you still out on the street gettin shit that you can sho nuff get fo free! That's not only absurd...but shit...crazy as fuck! 

Pharmaceutical Sanctioned America! And all legal baby! 

Shiiought! Can't beat a score like that on the street! 

You takin some shit! Get caught! The first thang they ask yo pulled ova Black ass?

"You gotta a prescription for that?"

Sho do! And shit yeah! Offi-sir! 

I ain't gotsta drive dirtay no fuckin mo!

Go see yo motha fuckin docta! They know the signs! And they most definitely knows whatsa nigga needs ta get hooked up with! 

You know. To take the edge off...

(Peace! More to come...)

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