Friday, June 18, 2021

Can't Get A Hook Up! III

 "Thank you for calling ______'s office. This is Erin. How can I help you?" Not so bubbly. Not bubbly in the least.

"Hello Erin! I sho nuff has a problem!," I started.

"Well sir if this is an emergency! I would suggest to you, go to an emergency room! Are you all right? You want me to call an ambulance for you!?" Concern all in her voice. Damn I wasn't tryin ta do all that. Maybe my Black ass needs ta tone it down some. It really ain't eva gonna be that deep! For real.

"No Erin. It's not anything like that believe me! And thank you ever so much for your concern. That was mighty nice of ya. You're a nice person, I can tell," I said with all honesty.

"Thank goodness! Today hasn't been a good day and I'm thinkin, now I have a man on the phone that's got somethin goin on and it was going to be the icing on this bad cake of a day."

"So sorry to hear that Erin. It'll get betta! Trust me!"

"You're nice yourself," Erin said with a lilt, "How can I help you today?"

"Erin, my doctor moved to West Lafayette, Indiana. As you can probably deduce, I am here in Indianapolis, Indiana. I don't like travelin. I barely like goin ta the docta unless a brotha has to. And a brotha has to. And this Brotha ain't goin ta keep goin ta West Lafayette, Indiana to see my doctor. I mean I like Dr. Wright and all. But it ain't that type of party. You know what I mean?'

And before I could finish the last statement, Erin started busting out laughing. And while having a good ol time she sayin, "I'm so sorry! The way you said that is making me laugh big time! I can see one of my friends saying something to me, just like you said it. Like you are one of my friends."

"Would you like another friend, Erin?" 

She slowly came to an occasional chuckle. And finally she said, "Maybe I do?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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