Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Broke Black Mountains

 Ain't sayin I'm betta than no motha fuckin body! But what I will say...some niggas been through some for real shit! And all you have to do is to take the time and to just fuckin...listen!

Just one time motha fuckas! Just one God damned time! And you will thank your Angelic stars that were somehow protectin yo sorry Black ungrateful ass!

Cause motha fuckas done been through some real shit! Inhumane kind of shit! Fucked up shit!...I'm sure you're gettin my point. But if you didn't or never will, let me give yo sorry ass a lil POP!

Think about how you were brought up. Then, think about the shit people spittin bout, not some, but most!

Shit! You betta recognize. If you don't...a Brotha definitely understands.

But a word of caution to ya, be careful out here!

Ya heard may...

(Peace! More to come...)

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