Friday, June 25, 2021

The End of Welfare Agreement (Circa 2022)

 I tell yo sorry ass what ta do ta get rid of the motha fuckin welfare system. Brilliant! Or not!

Say to these motha fuckas, I gives yo Black, Brown, White...ass fifty Thousand dollas, minus taxes of course. 

But check it Playas and Playesses, yo name will be put into a data bank where you nor any of your offspring can get any public, state, federal...asssistance.

Let me tell y'all, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Them motha fuckas would sign that agreement in a heartbeat!

Inflation would go through the roof!

But y'alls Sorry Black, Brown, White...asses! 

Done fucked yaselves!

And did we tell yo sorry ass bout that:

"RFID Agreement. Contained within the contract, You signed! Stating, 'After receiving such Age Of Majority payment, I will find a life on my own and promise my soul to the N-W-O and get inoculated with the great Radio Frequency Identification"...


Didn't I say: Brilliant!

Okay,: Or Not!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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