Wednesday, June 16, 2021

POP (Point Of Ponder) Quiz

 I love reading. Absolutely, positively love reading, Books! Or Paperbacks! Whateva's cleva. And I have a tendency to reread shit like: "The Count of Monte Cristo," "Sharky's Machine," "Flood," "Blue Belle," "Neon Rain," "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" "Michigan Roll," "The Stranger,"....You get what I'm layin down.

But, the point! My Brotha!

Please forgive me! 


The point! 

And I guess that would be...more and more people are reading books electronically. 

And if I have control of that material, over time I can manipulate the shit out of it and it will read totally different over time! 

Think about what I am doing with you reading this now. Once you have read it, that's the version you will remember. But you see, with any Blogger one can go back into the perspective Blog and change a thing or two, based on the revisionist, now, perspective. 





Technically should leave the shit as is! 

But, shit motha fucka! I say it's just fine by me to refine some shit!

Cause I'm a classy motha fucka like that! 

Quit laughin?

Y'all just wrong!



***P.S. If you're reading this P.S. I've already made at least seven revisions...*** 

(now eight...)



(Peace! More to come...)

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