Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sans Conscience

This life has some shit ta teach ya! 

If... you are receptive to learning?

If yah don't give a good real fuck!

I understand! 

Straight talk! 

Oh, yes I, really do, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. I really, 

But indulge me if you will with a little true story I'm bout ta drop on yo sorry ass now?

I look at this shit and I ask myself the same sorry ass one word query:


Ya see. Be careful what yo sorry broke Black ass wishes fo!

One of the saddest things I have evah seen My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, was on a repeat. And yes, I had watched it before, so nothing new could possibly come of it.

Oh, contraire! 

My derriere!

Ya heard may?

'"Bizarre Foods America; S9/Ep03 (Iowa) 2013,"'

So they're on this farm that raises pigs for slaughter. And I see this lone Black faced pig kinda huddled toward the back of the stall. The pig's head ever so slightly with head bent in deference. Making eye contact, and not with the executioner. Looking like, "You really gotta do this?" 

While the camera shows a male hand with a hypodermic needle filled with some clear liquid, with this Black faced Pig now in the background. Well, they go on to say they inject 151 proof alcohol into the unfortunate. 

That way they fall down, now drunk, induced chemically to be more receptive to the inevitable. Like sorry ass motha fuckas gives their given prey a roofie.

They don't show what happened! The fuck! Ain't gonna do that shit!...

Please believe me! 

Ain't nothin poetic bout druggin a motha fucka! Then the nerves to film'em and ta take advantage of'em while they're susceptible. 

Shit no! 

But they sho do show motha fuckas tearin that Black faced pig's dead meat, now smoked, ass up!...

Though I had seen this episode before...

All I can think subsequent to this viewing is:

"Nigga! You need to stop eatin meat!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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