Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Alumni Against I...And US ( Thirty-Three Years Old, Lucas Feinberg; Alumnus, Butler University) Maui, Invitational; Monday, November 22, 2021 @ 11:53 PM; Lahaina Civic Center ( Lahaina, Maui)

 Fuckin, ay man! We rock!

You talkin bout those motha fuckas that just lost?

Fuck yeah man! We rock! Yeah!

You're an alumnus of this university?

Fuckin ay man! Like no otha! I'm mother fuckin down with the B-U!

I see! But did you pay for your own tuition while attending Butler?

Fuck no man! That's up to the parents man ta give me a good education which this university did! Go B-U!

So you didn't like most, have to take out student loans to finance your Butler University education?

My Dad told me a long time ago man, fuckin student loans are for suckers! Look at those fuckers now man! Go B-U!

So what do you think about this student loan bubble that has been in the news since the pandemic?

Fuck that man! Don't mean to cuss or disrespect no one! But you took out the loans! Pay you worthless pieces of shit! Fuck yeah, B-U!

Wow! Thanks for the fierce decision you have taken on this subject. Do you have anything else to say about this student loan bubble?

Yes I do boo! Pay your shit bitches and...Go B-U!

(Peace! More to come...)

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