Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"Jailbreak" AWOLNATION'

 I don't give a shit how Black yo sorry ass thinks that you are!

This shit transcends!

Oh, it really do My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!

It really, really do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Live eviL! Or Die eid?

 I'm not tryin ta tell you what ta do My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. Far be it from me tryin ta tell grown folks what ta do? It ain't eva been that type of party. I wouldn't do that to the three of You who read my vomitous thoughts! Thank you. 

But what I have noticed about the Blogs, I am outdone how linear of how some are...

I Blog while listening to music, depending on my Mood!...

Now you see why certain religions see music as evil...

But shit! Whatcho unmerciful motha fuckin ass tellin me?

To Stop!

"If you stole! Steal no more!?"

Oh Lawd!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thine Diagnostic Truth

 I'm moody!

Shit when yo ass turns fifty-five, you should understand some shit bout yo damned self...honestly.

My Black sorry ass can talk that shit, "I'm old!"

Fuck You! Old ass sorry motha fucka!


Pride done got up and left a long fuckin time ago! 

Fuck that!

Yo ass been fuckin depressive, moody, a dick, sorry motha fucka...

So don't act like the shit is nothin new! 

God damned!

Don't do that to me...and You!...

Cause We done worked too hard, motha fucka?

It's just You!...

And just Me!...

So what's Our sorry Black asses gonna get into?...

As long as it's legal!

Ya know?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Black Out Days" 'Phantogram'

 Some Luciferian bullshit for real!

But I'm so glad ta tell ya...

The shit is jammin all the same!

"I ain't scared of you motha fuckas" 'Bernie Mack'

Ya know?

My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Let US Take Care of Our Own Garden," Voltaire ; Et Sans Nous! Oui! Oui!

 I'm tired!

I'm sho y'alls sorry asses has read that from My sorry Black ass befo! 

But for you that is new, I'm tired!

Nothin I hate more than ta see these niggas, up there talkin bout, "How's those policemens kilted my Baby like that!"

Cause the hard headed, fifteen years old motha fucka wanted ta do it like ol' Blue Eyes sang about eons ago, 

"I did it My...Way!..." 

His now hard-headed Black dead ass understandin some shit! 

Maybe yo sorry parent ass is too. 

And maybe not!

I see these same people gettin that bloody, dirty...check from the so-called executioners!?

And All I can think My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothas is:

"Don't cho Black sorry ass say 'We' no God damned mo!

Unless... yo sorry Black ass gonna send this nigga a check!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Right Pitch + The Right Tone = The Optimal Argumentative Voice

 Yo ass don't needs ta have Absolute Perfect Pitch or Relative Pitch! Shit! No!

Not when we talkin bout the lingual!

"But the shit you started talkin bout has er'thang ta do with singin motha fucka!"

Help an Ol motha fuckin nigga out? Ya know?

Ya, see...Where was I?...

No, whatcho ass needs is this level conversational speech which means what it means.

When one fluctuates the pitch and/or tone of one's voice, one shall be viewed instantly as,


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"Ambien/zolpidem" One of the Good-Good

 It's some fucked up shit! 

And good shit all the same!

I know whatcha sayin right the fuck now My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, 

Mister: "Pick a side!"

Whatchou want me ta tell ya, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas?

"I made a mistake?"


That shit comes easy ta me with my ol' ass!

The older I get, the easier it is to think 

And to say!

But let me in on some shit, between just me and just you.

This is straight talk! Ya heard may.

The shit is categorized,

"...Class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics..."

Did ya read that shit? 

Research the shit! 

Ambien/zolpidem is excellent for what it's marketed to do. 

But cho sorry Black ass betta be in bed when you take the shit!

Do what cho grown ass do boo! But straight up! It ain't fuckin worth it.

Pop one of those motha fuckas, while drinking beer and cooking...

The next day you won't remeba a Goddamned thing that you did, but cho sorry Black ass did something!...

And I would prayerfully hope...

Not catch a case!...

(Peace! More to come...)

With Willful Test Subjects, You Need An Exceptional and Personable Intake Coordinator.

 So I do most of the pre-tests at work.

You know? Visual Field test, Auto-Refractor, OCT...

But let me tell yo sorry ass somethin that most practices, hospitals, clinics...don't put enough emphasis on: A personable Intake Coordinator!

"You takin any medications?" 

"I was gonna tell the young lady up there. But after I told her how many meds I took and I didn't have a list of them, she kind of dropped it."

"Would you be able to tell me all the medications that you are taking by memory?"

"You see, that's what I'm talkin about. I was getting ready to tell her about all of them. Yes I am able to tell you about all of the medications I have a prescription for. But why didn't she ask me that?'

"Well, I'm askin Angel..."

Seroquel 100 mg nightly

Gabapentin 100 mg daily

Trazodone 100 mg TID

Effexor 425 mg daily...

And she had more motha fucka! 

Like six more hard hormone hittin motha fuckin shit!

The fuck!...

Fuck kind of "Human Guinea Pig" fucked up experiment this about My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Hangin On A String, Loose Ends"

 I'm listening to this, and maybe that's why some religions believe that music is evil. 

I'm listenin ta this shit, thinkin bout the time around 1992. 

It wasn't a good time for me. Not in the least. 

So why in the fuck do I think this is the shit!?

Ya know?..

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 28, 2021

Cubism's Schisms

 You see what I mean? 

The fallacy is to think that compartmentalization brings about rationalization and determination?

We haven't figured that out yet, even up until this day!

But...we're getting close!

Believe me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's in the process!/Wilt thy "Soylent Green" confess!?

 A Carrot looks like a Carrot! 

Garlic, looks like Garlic! 

Cabbage looks like Cabbage...

You see what I mean?

Shit! Once you start processin the shit!

Who the fuck knows,

"What the fuck is in that shit?!"...

"And the forecast is, in our great city of Indianapolis, Indiana!"

 Let Go!

My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!

Just let the fuck go!...

We Eitha gonna believe in one anotha,



But...we don't have a motha fuckin God damned thang ta fuckin lose!


Not the way this shitstorm is exacerbating!

I don't know bout chew!


Fuck this! 

This is some harsh ass motha fuckin bullshit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There's Always More To The Story

 "So he's straight! Right," I said.

"Shit nigga been knowin that nigga for, forev!,"He said.

He didn't answer the question, bad news for him, good news for me, 

"I'm sorry My Brotha, sometimes I do have the tendency to mumble. So let me ask again and project a little more,

"So he is straight! Right!" I enunciated.

"Shit yeah nigga! I'm vouchin!" He said.

He did it again. 

And I absolutely! Positively! Hate to repeat my motha fuckin self...

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Masonic Algorithms

 John McAfee born 18Sept1945

John McAfee died 13June2021.

27, 622 days into his first breath.

Divide that by three?



18 divided by 3= 6+6+6...

Most will say, "But he died on the 23rd!" 

That's when it was recorded.

You do know he died outside of the United States.

Moreover; 23 is a magic number.


(Peace! More to come...)

The Gospel of John

 Think about it! 

You ain't got one conversation with Jesus you can share!?

Not one?!

John was a cell if credible;


An incredible Gospels' afterthought!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sans Conscience

This life has some shit ta teach ya! 

If... you are receptive to learning?

If yah don't give a good real fuck!

I understand! 

Straight talk! 

Oh, yes I, really do, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. I really, 

But indulge me if you will with a little true story I'm bout ta drop on yo sorry ass now?

I look at this shit and I ask myself the same sorry ass one word query:


Ya see. Be careful what yo sorry broke Black ass wishes fo!

One of the saddest things I have evah seen My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, was on a repeat. And yes, I had watched it before, so nothing new could possibly come of it.

Oh, contraire! 

My derriere!

Ya heard may?

'"Bizarre Foods America; S9/Ep03 (Iowa) 2013,"'

So they're on this farm that raises pigs for slaughter. And I see this lone Black faced pig kinda huddled toward the back of the stall. The pig's head ever so slightly with head bent in deference. Making eye contact, and not with the executioner. Looking like, "You really gotta do this?" 

While the camera shows a male hand with a hypodermic needle filled with some clear liquid, with this Black faced Pig now in the background. Well, they go on to say they inject 151 proof alcohol into the unfortunate. 

That way they fall down, now drunk, induced chemically to be more receptive to the inevitable. Like sorry ass motha fuckas gives their given prey a roofie.

They don't show what happened! The fuck! Ain't gonna do that shit!...

Please believe me! 

Ain't nothin poetic bout druggin a motha fucka! Then the nerves to film'em and ta take advantage of'em while they're susceptible. 

Shit no! 

But they sho do show motha fuckas tearin that Black faced pig's dead meat, now smoked, ass up!...

Though I had seen this episode before...

All I can think subsequent to this viewing is:

"Nigga! You need to stop eatin meat!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Immeasurable/And they will never be able to crack that code on that motha fucka!

 "Nothing measurable on the hella/brontobyte scale."

The human brain! 

Silly motha fuckas talkin that shit!

Then when yo sorry ass finds some other algorithm for some bullshit!...

The Answer will still be:

The Human Brain!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 25, 2021

"If They Could They Would" 'Foundation'

 Lessons in this joint.

Black, White, Brown...

(Peace! More to come...)

Scents Make Sense!

 Just a lil FYI! 

If ya feelin down, put a drop of Tangerine Oil on the palm of one hand, rub your other hand with it vigorously.

Take your hands and swipe eitha side of your body, or whatevas cleva.

Then take the palm of your hands and engulf those palms around your nose.

Inhale mightily!

Stressful day gone!...

(Peace! More to come...) 


 The most under appreciated band...ever!

In my humble opinion of course.

But "Flea" be beatin it up don't he?

Lookin at the camera and shit sayin ta you with his eyes and his kind of gravitational spirit:

"Look what I can do man?! Cool! Right! Watch this!..."

That's some cool-ass-shit ta me!

For real...

(Peace! More to come...)

The End of Welfare Agreement (Circa 2022)

 I tell yo sorry ass what ta do ta get rid of the motha fuckin welfare system. Brilliant! Or not!

Say to these motha fuckas, I gives yo Black, Brown, White...ass fifty Thousand dollas, minus taxes of course. 

But check it Playas and Playesses, yo name will be put into a data bank where you nor any of your offspring can get any public, state, federal...asssistance.

Let me tell y'all, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Them motha fuckas would sign that agreement in a heartbeat!

Inflation would go through the roof!

But y'alls Sorry Black, Brown, White...asses! 

Done fucked yaselves!

And did we tell yo sorry ass bout that:

"RFID Agreement. Contained within the contract, You signed! Stating, 'After receiving such Age Of Majority payment, I will find a life on my own and promise my soul to the N-W-O and get inoculated with the great Radio Frequency Identification"...


Didn't I say: Brilliant!

Okay,: Or Not!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 We just have to be brutally honest with one anotha now. 

I mean, you got motha fuckas gettin CTE cause some papah! 

Don't make no bit of sense!

But the beat goes on and strong!


What's wrong?

Don't have the right Aperture? Ya say?

It's called: Senile Cataracts, the Docta say!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Ultimate Query Conspiracy

 In my opinion, 

"We are all just here to serve!"

"Serve what?"

Each Othah! Not one of US is better than another!

"Who says?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

No More Questions. Please!? And Life's Worth?

 Our sorry asses put more thought about the sorry ass next new vehicle we gonnata own and drive; 

Than the thought of being a future fuckin parent!


That's some sorry-ass-sad-awhile-motha-fuckin-bull-shit!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

SSA-SSI/Taking The Luciferian Oath! And When Are We Going To Finally Be Cupola-id?

 We were all! 

Born into slavery!

I's gives a real good fuck whatchew talkin bout!










(Peace! More to come...)

But I don't like the dark!

 I have always've thought I was a weird motha fucka! 

Oh, shit!

You see that shit?!


Ya heard may.

Scary shit Playas and Playesses!

Scary shit!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Patchouli Truly . And The Blessed Scent of Hope!

 It'll bring you back My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! 

It'll bring you...blissfully...back...

It's a magical scent,

To lost days


With the understanding: 

There's still a good life to come!...

(Peace! More to come...)

OT + SP = I

 Out of the Four Truths, Objective is the one constant. Out of the Three Planes of Existence I see only the Spiritual being relevant.

So I must say the Objective Truth is perpetual in the Spiritual Plane of Existence. Which makes up Our Consciousness.

Oh, we can duck up under the plane; 

Ignore the plane;

Get off the plane all together;

Most shit on it...

And some even try to blow the plane up!

But that's not ever going to happen.

You see, 

The Objective Truth is riding in that Spiritual Plane. one will ever be successful in the Infinitum task of:

Bringing down the 

Plane Truth!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

"Mein Kampf"

 On, this Father's Day I decided to try to be a good person! And fuck the Dad bullshit!

You are, who you are! 

I think as a people we get too caught up on rolls. 

Shit, you can be a good parent perceivably to the one or ones that you comingled to create, but that doesn't make yo Black ass a good person.

"The fuck you sayin motha fucka?!"

Well, I guess...

learn from some shit that was put upon your conditioning not to be, counterintuitive!...

(Peace! More to come...)


Be Better?! And No One To Blame Again, Ever!

 On this Fathers' Day, I have to express some bad news ta ya if ya didn't already know!

"We's in some big trouble."

Nothin ta be panicked about. No shit like that! Cause we saw the signs and didn't care to prepare doth not make US any less a Dad. 

Yo sorry ass just became everybody else yo Black sorry ass round and decided to, "Go along with the flow! Cause I gots ah child!"


Check this out playa?

Ya play God, 

and you will always be:


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 18, 2021

Yeah! Thank You Father! Welcome! Finally! To Our Sorry Ass Party! We Give Happily To You!

 When you want to try yo hand at bein God and the shit don't turns out so straight! Believe me.

Our Father, right the fuck now, lookin at Our sorry asses sayin ta himself:

"Y'alls some hard headed motha fuckas!" God damn me!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Can't Get A Hook Up! III

 "Thank you for calling ______'s office. This is Erin. How can I help you?" Not so bubbly. Not bubbly in the least.

"Hello Erin! I sho nuff has a problem!," I started.

"Well sir if this is an emergency! I would suggest to you, go to an emergency room! Are you all right? You want me to call an ambulance for you!?" Concern all in her voice. Damn I wasn't tryin ta do all that. Maybe my Black ass needs ta tone it down some. It really ain't eva gonna be that deep! For real.

"No Erin. It's not anything like that believe me! And thank you ever so much for your concern. That was mighty nice of ya. You're a nice person, I can tell," I said with all honesty.

"Thank goodness! Today hasn't been a good day and I'm thinkin, now I have a man on the phone that's got somethin goin on and it was going to be the icing on this bad cake of a day."

"So sorry to hear that Erin. It'll get betta! Trust me!"

"You're nice yourself," Erin said with a lilt, "How can I help you today?"

"Erin, my doctor moved to West Lafayette, Indiana. As you can probably deduce, I am here in Indianapolis, Indiana. I don't like travelin. I barely like goin ta the docta unless a brotha has to. And a brotha has to. And this Brotha ain't goin ta keep goin ta West Lafayette, Indiana to see my doctor. I mean I like Dr. Wright and all. But it ain't that type of party. You know what I mean?'

And before I could finish the last statement, Erin started busting out laughing. And while having a good ol time she sayin, "I'm so sorry! The way you said that is making me laugh big time! I can see one of my friends saying something to me, just like you said it. Like you are one of my friends."

"Would you like another friend, Erin?" 

She slowly came to an occasional chuckle. And finally she said, "Maybe I do?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Can't Get A Hook-Up! II

 "Thank you for calling Doctor______'s office, this is Jessica. How may I help you?" All bubbly and shit!

"Jessica! I need ta see the good Doctah! (to of course get me some good-good) I will most definitely be a new patient! My schedule is open and vast! Whatcha got?"

"Well, due to COVID, we're not scheduling new patients. I'm sorry."

"Thank you ever so much Jessica! You're just a messenger. Have a wonderful, rest of your day!"

Nigga x's two!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Can't Get A Hook-Up!

 "Thank you for calling_____. My name is Amanda. How can I help you?" 

"Amanda? I need to see Doctor ____________. ( ta get some good-good) When you think we can facilitate that?'

"Are you a new patient," Amanda asked.

"Most definitely."

"Okay. The soonest we have an open appointment is, geez, in October."

"Thank you Amanda for your time."...


(Peace! More to come...)

Bliss! Is full!

 You can't stay ignorant for your entire life...


You want to...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Write My Black Ass That Check!

 It's called Political Graft you dumb shits! 

Talkin that shit: Chil they's finally startin tas understands!

Shit, check this out. 

If you live within Marion county in the state of Indiana, go out ta Boone County, Johnson County, Morgan County...just ta name a few!

And asks those motha fuckas what they think of Juneteenth?

Ain't gonna be nothin nice!

Nothin nice at all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Exit Virility

 So what about a virus?

What about a virus?

You just told me with yo I-T ass! "It's safe. It ain't goin nowhere." I'm sorry. Please forgive me? Maybe I asked it wrong. So, 

"What happens, if some virus you've never encountered gets into the shit?" And you say?

"Never encountered? Well, based on the question posed...I would say: "You're pretty much fucked!"

Thank you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

POP (Point Of Ponder) Quiz

 I love reading. Absolutely, positively love reading, Books! Or Paperbacks! Whateva's cleva. And I have a tendency to reread shit like: "The Count of Monte Cristo," "Sharky's Machine," "Flood," "Blue Belle," "Neon Rain," "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" "Michigan Roll," "The Stranger,"....You get what I'm layin down.

But, the point! My Brotha!

Please forgive me! 


The point! 

And I guess that would be...more and more people are reading books electronically. 

And if I have control of that material, over time I can manipulate the shit out of it and it will read totally different over time! 

Think about what I am doing with you reading this now. Once you have read it, that's the version you will remember. But you see, with any Blogger one can go back into the perspective Blog and change a thing or two, based on the revisionist, now, perspective. 





Technically should leave the shit as is! 

But, shit motha fucka! I say it's just fine by me to refine some shit!

Cause I'm a classy motha fucka like that! 

Quit laughin?

Y'all just wrong!



***P.S. If you're reading this P.S. I've already made at least seven revisions...*** 

(now eight...)



(Peace! More to come...)

They Just Terribly Evil Motha Fuckas!

 Read: H.R.4

Please! My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Please?...

I can just hear those big ol drums with that ominous slow rhythmic sinister beat, thumpin its ass off!

Thought those motha fuckas just talkin bout the future when 'The Borg' said in that bitch: 

"Resistance is futile!"

Oh, they got some shit fo yo Black ass just right up chair at the cornah! 

Not too far.

It's comin playas and playesses!

It's comin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 Been off my escitalopram for a minute. 

Oh, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas...when I'm tellin you I'm havin some major panic attacks! I ain't even playin! 

Wouldn't do that at all! Believe me.

It feels as though everything is magnified and pressurized...the fuck was I thinkin? 

But shit ya gotsta ta go to the Docta ta get the good-good!

And the way I'm feelin My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, 

I just may have ta make that call!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Niggah! Whah!

 You can't be a nigga tryin ta make money off your own shit! Just ain't gonna happen Sonshines! 

But let a white motha fucka come along and be endeared bout: how those niggers are so colorful with their speech! 

You don't know? White muh fucka write a screenplay...And the next is history motha fucka! 

You ever heard of a motha fucka named Tarantino, named Pelecanos...just to name a couple of a plentiful amount livin off the land of Milk Chocolate! Or Dark Chocolate!

You see,  a nigga screenplay writa can't sit up there puttin in that shit: nigga this, nigga that, fuck you motha fucka...that ain't shit!...Shit you know how to write and act Black we know that, that's not art! 

But these motha fuckas ova here that are White! Now that's some artistic shit! 

Oh, so we talkin bout art now? I thought we were talkin bout screen writing? 

Yea, well in this case. You see, there is no artistic challenge for a nigger to write about niggers! Or to play one! There's no need. Why wouldn't a nigger know how to act like a nigger! Please.

But when one of those motha fuckas act like a nigger like no other! Well you just went down in the annals of "Oscars" history! God damned it!

Cause yo nigga ass played that nigger a real good nigger! I felt that nigger shit! You know?

Come oh naw! "Denzel Washington, Training Day", "Jamie Foxx, Ray", "Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years a Slave"...and the sorry ass short list goes on! But I sho nuff won't bother with the rest of the sorry ass bullshit!

But I'm sorry My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas but nobody takes the "Niggerdom" award like Hattie McDaniel! Fuckin shameful! 

White motha fuckas wansta ask yo sorry Black ass bout, "Have you seen, Gone With The Wind?" 

Fuckin crickets! 

White motha fuckas! Ya listenin!? 

"Did you see, Gone With The Wind?"


Don't be askin no nigga some absurd bullshit question like that! 

Because if you do...shit...yo sorry ass needs ta take whateva I'm bout ready ta tell yo no count          non-understandin ass!

Talkin bout poppin off postal?


I go poppin off Black motha fuckin Negro!...

Ya heard may?....

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 13, 2021

I'd Rather Be Liked

 There's a certain way a motha fucka can say to you, "I like you!" 

And it gives a nigga like me pause; cause when I start comprehending the events and why they said it? It means way more than that Love shit! And Love is a homophonic semordnilap, for evil. Say a word enough times and one starts breaking down its purity. Now defiled.

I can love yo sorry Black ass to death! But I sho nuff don't have ta like ya! Love is unconditional! 

Like is too, but without the bullshit of life being involved!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Either/Or motha fucka! Either/Or! And My Witness of Being.

 I smile at my wife oft times. She makes me smile. 

And that is a good thang my Dear Sweet Sistsas and Brothas! 

A real good thing!

But let's not talk bout my wife. 

Let's talk bout me. 

And the way she thinks of me.

She's a hard case.

When I think she mad, she ain't. 

When I think she great, she ain't....

But let me tell yo sorry Black ass a lil som'ehn, som'ehn.

I like that shit!

Don't know why but it is perplexing to me, how I with everyone else I have worked with, grown up with...I'm not readin the shit right with her...

I like that shit too! 

But what I know bout that motha fucka!

She either goin ta say unda Our Father and to the few humans showin up when this Bitch punches my last light out, "I liked that motha fucka!"


"Shit! Whatchall waitin fo motha fuckas? Let's put that bitch in the ground!"

And I like that shit too! 

My Dear Sweet sistas and Brothas!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Walking Into Sonshine

 It was like the motha fucka on "Seinfeld" where 'Elaine' had to get the motha fucka a thing of 'Tic-Tacs' cause he would just be there out of nowhere in her space. 

That's the way this nigga was, came outta nowhere. I saw his mouth move but it was like I was dreamin or some shit. Fine man! Dressin his ass off too. Fuck he want? Motha fucka lookin like this comin up to me. Made my ass nervous as fuck. 

I just needed enough dollas fo an eight ball, take my Black ass home and I could float until another thirty-three hours or so. Then it would be back to the grind. 

He was still there. The fuck he want from me? Then finally I said to him, "Can I help you sir?"

" Hi," he started sayin, "My name is Christian. And we can help one another out?"

The fuck? Help one another out? Oh, I see. 

"Motha fucka that'll be sixty-six dollas all day long," I said to him matter of factly. 

Then he looked kind of confused. So, I helped him out some, 

"Listen you can go down this motha fuckin street fo a bitch you can pay half the price fo to suck your dick. But you ain't got shit ta look at but ugly and despair! Or, you can have my fine ass, and while I'm suckin yo dick you can get off extra special by lookin at all this." I stepped back to give him a real good view.

The fuck man? There go that look again! Get yo ass on down the road motha fucka! Bitch ain't got time fo all this bullshit! And lookin like you lookin, the fuck you doin out here talkin ta my crack ass anyway?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 12, 2021


 So they get you hooked on some shit! Then they come up and fund the ubiquitous recovery centers around Our great land.


Talkin bout double dippin pimpin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 11, 2021

"Cuttin It Up" LTD (Revisited)

 Them motha fuckas gettin busy! Ya heard may! Listen ta the shit! That motha fucka in the foreground singin that shit! That motha fucka knows a thing or two about "The White Lady," Mahn! 

And listen...My ol ass up until bout ten years ago thinkin the motha fuckas were actually talkin bout 'Cuttin a rug!..."

What can I tell ya? 

A very slow learner.

But at least I learnt!


"Love All Y'alls niggas!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

SLE + CTE (Anonymous)

 Yeah! I'm a Jousta! Tryin ta get to the next level, you know what I'm sayin. 

So I do an out, quarterback misses me bad. Motha fucka on the otha team, number thirty-one talkin that shit, "Don't get scared playa!" 

You see what I mean? I don't even know the otha motha fucka's name and shit, just by ah fuckin numba! You know? And commences ta trot his sorry Black ass back to his defensive huddle. This is the type of bullshit ya gotsta put up wit when yo Black ass yo damned self is indeed, Black too! But a nigga gotta learn.

Where was I? Damn! The shit's gettin worse for real! But a nigga gotta do what a nigga gotta do! Ya feel may?...Okay!...Bingo! Bango! Fucked up negro!...

So a few plays go by and again, quarterback once again, five feet above my head, reaching ever so much, and to no avail, plus got a helmet in the gut, from who else, number thirty-one. So in between tryin to catch the wind he had knocked the fuck out of me, he talkin mad shit, "Told ya motha fucka! No! No! No!" tryin ta trot away again to his perspective defensive huddle. It took all I could do, but I did it. 

I straightened up. That shit hurt like a motha fucka! Got steely. And yelled out, "Thirty-One!" He turnin round still with a smile on his face. 

And I said to him matter of factly, "You know we in the Spring League!" And to my misunderstanding, his face was wiped from a magnificent toothsome smile.

Yea! You understand now motha fucka! All US out here just tryin ta get a shot! Then! And only then do you have a right to talk shit to anotha lover of the bitch we call American Football! Only then! Cause then you have the right! 

You's be a professional up in here! Ya know?

You might be asking yourself right now, "Why does he keep trying?" All I can tell ya is like this. I don't mind workin. Never have. Never will. But I would just love for just a lil while to work doin the shit I love doin, which would be, not workin because I love the profession so much. 

Football ain't ever been no work fo me! I absolutely love to play the game! And to pay my Black ass an enormous amount of money to not work!

Why would I not try to get to the next level with an employment which I absolutely have a passion for?

Just sayin....

The Voice of God (Interpreted Through a Writer) (Blogger Flashback/12Nov2010)

 A clean page. Pristine in its essence. Signifying purity of spirit. What world would you like to create today Mister Man? Hmm? Since I am playing God in this scenario one must choose wisely, prudently, less one errs. And God does not err. Does God not? Definitely no! He made humans; that was definitely not an egregious error. 

Humans were made just right. And just to my liking. Fallible in their purest nature because there is only one God you see. Make you in my likeness? Sure. Make you perfect? Uh, no. Can’t have that. Oh, no. I cannot be God if I make one just like I. Likeness is not I. Likeness is a euphemism meaning, you’re going to look and appear like me but with not the same substantive nature. That wouldn’t be God. No, then there would be Gods. And there is only one…God. I Can’t have plurality. That’s a definite no-no. 

I have given you enough options, choices. So…be well with what I have given you. A God without vision is a God who is doomed. And that is not an option. I must succeed in the task of creation and Your doom. Not My creations and subsequent errors. Did I say errors? No, I did not intend to speak such untruths. I meant, My creations and Your subsequent errors. What in the world was I thinking?

 Well, anyway. I created this Eden, this world with which you live and breathe. I have given you choices to see that when things go wrong You are the one or ones at fault. Not I. I am God. I do not error. And when all else fails, blame it on my friend, you know him well, The Devil. 

But there is no such friend or thing or person or entity, of course, named The Devil. I amuse myself so when I hear his phantom name, The Devil. There I go again, that name of a figment of Your imagination to blame someone else other than who is really responsible for the misdeeds to all of you humans...well...You!

 You; give me so much laughter, so much…Joy, if you will. And I do love a good guffaw. I will hate to destroy this world again. But such is life, which I made for you all. The preciousness of it. The purity of Your existence, which I also brought forth from deep inside of my bosom. You all are a queer lot, in so much as, this life, which I have given you freely is one which You take so much for granted. 

I shake my head so at all of You. Never appreciating life but appreciating the things of this life. I muse so often of where I went wrong? I don’t mean for you to ever believe that I was wrong in creating You…but…Why do I have to keep on destroying most of you for what is left after Thy destruction to understand what it is to live? 

Time and time again I have had to do this but for some reason You take this life that I have given to You and throw it away like yesterday’s refuse. And, yet; I keep trying. I keep letting some live to start anew, for the Love of humans; to have given You a gift which I thought would have been so treasured and treated pricelessly. 

You never cease to disappoint me. Not one time have you given me pause, so predictable in your nature. The modern day church…I laugh at thee as well. Most of you thinking I have something to do with that? Please! You do me so much disservice. Churches are manmade; ergo, fallible. 

And again, I do not error. I am God. Those so called preachers who avow, on the various pulpits, they were sent by me. Do you not believe or even think I could send you some one more credible, some one more…pious than an ex-drug dealer, fornicator, whore monger…with which you have fallen ruse to?

 You are a funny lot. I have given you so much knowledge and yet most fall prey to absurdity. There is, or was, only one real Preacher and he went by the name Ecclesiastes. He was the only one of his kind who never took my name in vain, the only true Preacher. Alas; digressing, I will have to destroy most of you once more, to get this Eden back in balance. A pity though...but I must. So be it! The end is nigh.


Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Plandemic Mutates Into Everybody Gets Paidemic!

 This current Paidemic! I tell ya! 

Makes a nigga like me wanna slap the shit out of these policy makers, policy breakers and policy takers! 

They don't give shit! Selfish no good cunts! 

But those motha fuckas sho in the fuck knows how ta fuckin take! 

Don't they?

Fuck all you motha fuckas! Turn to ashes in Hell!...I's really don't give a real good solid fuck!

Y'all some sorry motha fuckas!



Them motha fuckas too evil even for that shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Broke Black Mountains

 Ain't sayin I'm betta than no motha fuckin body! But what I will say...some niggas been through some for real shit! And all you have to do is to take the time and to just fuckin...listen!

Just one time motha fuckas! Just one God damned time! And you will thank your Angelic stars that were somehow protectin yo sorry Black ungrateful ass!

Cause motha fuckas done been through some real shit! Inhumane kind of shit! Fucked up shit!...I'm sure you're gettin my point. But if you didn't or never will, let me give yo sorry ass a lil POP!

Think about how you were brought up. Then, think about the shit people spittin bout, not some, but most!

Shit! You betta recognize. If you don't...a Brotha definitely understands.

But a word of caution to ya, be careful out here!

Ya heard may...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mark 7:36

 If you're done you're done! That's all I'm sayin. Motha fuckas wantsta keep sittin up there talkin bout, "Oh the Lawd done delivered me from crack!" To every God damned body! Shut the fuck up with that bullshit! For real!

You eva been round motha fuckas that don't have nothin betta ta do but to tell yo sorry ass bout what this nigga or niggress did ta them!? And even name the motha fuckas! 

If ya done! Ya done! 

But if yo Black ass keep bringin up those motha fuckas' names or bringing up your ex-crackish ways...

Shit! Ain't no shame! 

You miss those motha fuckas that's all!

Cause if ya didn't! With yo sorry Black ass!  

Ya wouldn't keep bringin the shit up! But since you do all the God damned time I gotta call yo ass out on some shit! 

Our Father don't need yo sorry ass ta be a Marketing Representative for Our Father! Shut the shit up!

And deal with yo shit quietly!

And believe me you! It's gonna be just fine with US or without US! 

Ya Know?

Like my Daddy used ta say: "I Love all y'alls niggas!" Not particularly politically correct. But hopefully pick up what he was layin down! And I, now, am layin down to all of You:

"I Love all y'alls niggas!"

Straight up kid! From the heart! But a nigga must depart!

And please remember: "I Loves all y'alls niggas!"

Solid! Out! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Much Weariness And Seeking The Land of "La"

 Shit! I wanta go! 

Erbody now livin in the "Land Beyond" and shit! 

And you know what the contemporary verbiage is to the shit?

"La-La Land!"



But I just can't get my head around it, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? 

Quite vexed!

"Why don't anybody wanna sell me a ticket to this mystical motha fuckin Land of 'La'?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

GMOs are not the real GMOs

 Modified by engineers we were not! 

Mutated naturally, yes in deedy!

We weren't modified! 

We were mutated naturally/organically, for the Human Race sake. 


Here we are!

Engineers/Men are trying to modify You...and Me!


What we gonna do bout this modifying bullshit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

A P.S.A. "Go See Your Doctor"

 I know I need some more drugs! Shit you ain't gotsta tell a motha fucka a God damned thang! I got it! For real! And not those street drugs! Fuck that shit! 

"Come ohn nigga! Tell a motha fucka where he can get some that good-good!"

Okay. Ya listenin? Yo General Practitioner dumb motha fuckas! 

Talkin bout street drug dealas? An O.G. ain't got shit on a PhD! Them PhDs be movin mega weight! Right unda the Blues noses and shit! Rubbin their faces all in it! 

Love that shit! For real! 

Niggas be out there buyin bullshit Ron, White, Yellow, Blues...fuck all that shit! 

Go to the docta motha fucka! You act a certain way? They got some prescribed shit fo yo ass! Straight up!

"I ain't crazy! Weed just calms my nerves so I can think better." 

Again, absurd shit! Still on the street copin weed on the street!? 

Hey Playas and Playesses ,You do know the shit's still illegal right? In Indiana? You do! I hear ya! I fucking hear ya! 

But that shit don't make no damn bit of sense in the world! Given what I know what some of the shit PSAs done came up with! And believe you me, they gots the good good! 

Check it! Your insurance will even pay for the good-good! With a ten dollars or less copay! 

And yo sorry ass still out on the streets because yo Black ass ain't crazy? Well Sonshines!... You all are!... If you still out on the street gettin shit that you can sho nuff get fo free! That's not only absurd...but shit...crazy as fuck! 

Pharmaceutical Sanctioned America! And all legal baby! 

Shiiought! Can't beat a score like that on the street! 

You takin some shit! Get caught! The first thang they ask yo pulled ova Black ass?

"You gotta a prescription for that?"

Sho do! And shit yeah! Offi-sir! 

I ain't gotsta drive dirtay no fuckin mo!

Go see yo motha fuckin docta! They know the signs! And they most definitely knows whatsa nigga needs ta get hooked up with! 

You know. To take the edge off...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Saka-It-to-em! Brings a whole new meaning to the anti-drug campaign's slogan: "Just say N.O. (Naomi Osaka)"

 I did a post on Osaka 20-02-2021 and look at the poor young Lady now! Told the motha fuckas, Fuck You! And fuck your money biathches! 

The nigger doesn't care about the money? Planet she from King?

Our Father's Firmament! That young lady just tryin ta stop the cycle of mental abuse that has been going on throughout the entertainment industry! And, what a surprise! It takes a nigga ta bring the good ta light!

"I'm tired!" 

Hold on got somethin that will perk you right up!

"But I mean I'm really tired!"

Which means double the dose!...

People soon forget about all that shit. "Don't rock the boat if you're in it," mentality been round here since the beginning. Ain't nothin new but the playas involved.

Sorry ass Billie Jean King comin out talkin that shit for the WTA, "That is required. Speaking with the reporters promotes the WTA." 

The fuck bitch! 

See yo shit is tainted anyway. You were muff divin while you were playin and not sayin a God damned thing about how the WTA treated gay athletes!... 

Now you want to own the shit!? So you comin out now helps the WTA? And if it does, wouldn't it had of spoken volumes about your character and who you are as a person and help in the WTA's inclusiveness of Lesbians back in the day?! You and Navratilova! Sorry motha fuckas! 

Everybody wants to forget the real past! Homosexuality and Lesbianism was not advertised back in the day! Eva! And I'm fifty-five years old! Shiiought! So Nat and King are perpetrators. You could have helped your gender preference a long time ago when it would have meant a whole hell of a lot given the status quo. 

Butcha didn't! 

Y'all stayed quiet and collected the dirty checks! Gots paid cause motha fuckas gotsta eat! 

Hot or cold mothas fuckas but never lukewarm! Pick a side motha fucka and fucking fight for yo life! If it's worth a damn of fighting for!? Not violently, but within the law! And ya didn't do that either back in the day?... 


 Like Mommy used to say, "I wouldn't trust them behind a broomstick and you holdin it!" Damn right bout that!

This nigga done said, fuck it! I can't do this anymore! And to have to do Black ass I guess shall find another profession! And fuck the money!...

Naomi! My Nigress! 

You just hit an ace on a fan! I like you. And need more of what's in you to be the next pandemic: The Virus of Truth. One that you will not need a vaccine for.  And one only needs to be alive, reach out and to blessedly catch it!

"The truth is a Virus!" (Happy Harry Hard-On, Pump Up The Volume) 

Big ups Young Lady! You're gonna do big things! 

But most of all, quit posing for those God damned bikini pictures they plaster on "Yahoo"! Stop that shit! 

If ya shy? Don't sho yo ass ta every God damned body that can use a mouse! God damned! 

I understand what that's about! But you're starting to get woke! 

So! Fuck the programming bullshit!...

You're going to be just fine... Sonshine!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Woefully Finite

 My joints hurt often times. I can sit up here all day long and try to come up with reasons but the only one reason is, that it's nothing but the truth of just: aging! 

That's all Sonshine! Just natural fuckin agin! And ya gotta take that shit! I mean don't set up there and complain of all the God damned time about all the aches and pains...and shit! 

Fuck that! Yo Black broke sorry ass gotsta give somethin back?! Don't you? 

I mean let these younger motha fuckas understand that: this bitch hurts like a motha fucka! Shit! Fuckin hurts!...

That reminds me of a cadence in Basic Training that went like this: "Pain! Pain! Pain! That's the way we train!..." And of course there was a call and a response sort of shit that went along with it. But, I have to say, quite effective. Cadences takes your mind off of shit! And all yo Black broke sorry ass can think about is: the cadence....


...More mentally than physically, and that's the most of the Bitch! 

Give these young motha fuckas hope about gettin ol and shit! I know We in a dry spell of Hope! But give them young motha fuckas just a lil Hope! And if it's all it takes for a motha fuckin fifty-five years ol ass to walk past a young hopeless motha fucka, wearin creased Khaki pants, tucked in white Polo shirt, soft purchased Cobalt 2 Cobalt leather loafers, well groomed...with a light scent of Patchouli waftin behind him for them to say: "I would like to look and smell like that when I get old!" 


You done made my Black ol ass day! For real! It don't take much! It really doesn't. But if We ol motha fuckas don't turn these young cats round...and don't nobody wantsta pick no fuckin cotton no fuckin mo!

So, let US ol motha fuckas...walk the walk and talk the talk! 

And at the very least, this Bitch will be merciful to US when it's finally the time for this Bitch ta put US ta sleep!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Alumni Against I...And US ( Thirty-Three Years Old, Lucas Feinberg; Alumnus, Butler University) Maui, Invitational; Monday, November 22, 2021 @ 11:53 PM; Lahaina Civic Center ( Lahaina, Maui)

 Fuckin, ay man! We rock!

You talkin bout those motha fuckas that just lost?

Fuck yeah man! We rock! Yeah!

You're an alumnus of this university?

Fuckin ay man! Like no otha! I'm mother fuckin down with the B-U!

I see! But did you pay for your own tuition while attending Butler?

Fuck no man! That's up to the parents man ta give me a good education which this university did! Go B-U!

So you didn't like most, have to take out student loans to finance your Butler University education?

My Dad told me a long time ago man, fuckin student loans are for suckers! Look at those fuckers now man! Go B-U!

So what do you think about this student loan bubble that has been in the news since the pandemic?

Fuck that man! Don't mean to cuss or disrespect no one! But you took out the loans! Pay you worthless pieces of shit! Fuck yeah, B-U!

Wow! Thanks for the fierce decision you have taken on this subject. Do you have anything else to say about this student loan bubble?

Yes I do boo! Pay your shit bitches and...Go B-U!

(Peace! More to come...)

Whatchewdoin? Trying to find peace within this firmament. For real!

 What is One living for? 

I guess that's what One needs to asks oneself. And I would have to reword the query subsequently posed to: "What is One good for?"

Now if yo Black ass wansta tell me how you: 

"I has ta see my grand kids grow up chil'!," or, 

"I's just hasta see Alaska befo I die," or, 

"I wansta fuck that bitch right ova dere befo I die!"...

God damned! 

Yo sorry Black ass really think this shit's all bout chew?! 


Please tell me ya fuckin wit me?!


God damned!...

If that's the best yo sorry broke Black ass has got for this here life? 



Then get busy dying Sonshine! 

Cause yo sorry Black ass ain't worth a motha fuckin thing (especially a person) living!

Fuck "You"!

Ya heard may?...

(Peace! More to come...)