Saturday, August 3, 2024

US Is Called: Out!!!

 It's befitting with my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass aftah noodlin some shit!

my Niece, she plans Our Family Reunion every muh fuckin year and shit!

Well, this year she said, "I'm through with this uncle Meredith! Here it is! Almost one o'clock and the person that's supposed to bring the drinks, ain't even here! How are you going to have food without something to drink? You see? This is the kind of stuff that gets on my nerves! All this work!? I'm done!"

And all my Black sorry broke ass could say was, "I understand."

Strike One!

my Wife, gets together her Family Reunion with ah committee and shit! Goes off without ah hitch! She says, "Next year..."

'Next year?!', I interrupted, 'This is the last year y'all gonnah have anything resembling this shit! This is the evil "Year of Saturn". Next year, all Hell is goin tah pop thah fuck off!'

She jUSt looked at me befuddled. But didn't say shit else!

Stike two!

Now thah evil powers that be, are hell bent on crashing this US economy before the evil "Year of Saturn" concludes! Or most definitely before 2025 has ended!

Strike three!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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