See when yah read some ill ass shit right there? Yah got tah give ah niggah ah heads-up! After readin thah shit! I lost my shit! Yeah, had tah clean beer off thah computer screen and shit while laughin my ol Black sorry broke ass off! Snot kindah comin out my nose caUSe that shit was funny as fuck! Anyway...
My 43,000 student loan debt as ah taxpayin US citizen since seventeen years old when I first started in this Slave Force! So, shit ah niggah had tah pay taxes tah this bitch! Now ah niggah ol and still lookin at 43,000 G's! Talkin bout ah "Debtor's Prison"?! Do US undahstand how many "Good" jobs I could have had in my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass if those student loans were not there? If your student loans are in default many of these employahs, especially federally contracted ones, sends up ah muh fuckin red flag! No sale! You's ah loser! Next! How thah fuck I'm gonnah pay y'alls sorry ass muh fuckin bully bitches! And can't get ah 'good' job cause y'all wannah fuck with ah niggah?!...
"Well, you should have just paid your fucking loans!"
Oh, they're not jUSt "loans" Sonshine! CaUSe I would have filed on them bitches ah very fuckin long time ago! How thah fuck does ah fortune 500 company get bailed thah fuck out for millions ah dollahs?! And can ah niggah get some ends on this shit!? I mean God damn! Them evil muh fuckahs redefined Black's Law Dictionary! They put "student" in front of thah muh fuckin word, "loan"! And as far as payment! Shit! Them muh fuckahs want seven hundred dollahs ah month for thah next ten years?! Or they keep that ass in default status! Cause them evil muh fuckahs know it's almost impossible tah discharge student loans in bankruptcy court! So they got that ass!
So shit! I couldn't pay thah vig! Fuck it! Yah see?! Thah principle of thah loan is fourteen-thousand dollahs and some change on some shit! With interest their evil sorry muh fuckin asses want ah niggah tah pay forty-three thousand total and thah muh fuckin interest keeps accruing! I used tah send them money! And they put thah shit towards thah interest! Thah fuck!? So I guess y'all muh fuckahs don't want challs money back!? A muh fuckin slippery fuckin slope! Anyway...
And them evil muh fuckahs wantin tah throw anothah God damned 13 billion on top of thah othah
66 Billion?
Thah muh fuckin Ukraine ain't paid one penny of US taxes! Not one muh fuckin cent! But US helpin bailin them sorry evil ass muh fuckahs out! I'm thah fuck confused as Holy fuck you sorry ass evil muh fuckahs! God damn!
But y'all evil sorry ass muh fuckahs can't help ah US taxpayin ol ass Broke sorry muh fuckin niggah out and expunge these 43 G's?!
But y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs can sho nuff pay thah graft!
My shit got only 5 fuckin digits! That 13 billion dollah evil shit got 11 and shit! And the Ukraine ain't paid muh fuckin dick in US taxes!? It's like ah muh fuckah havin ah medium sized dick on ah ten inch scale and thah othah muh fuckah is obvioUSly overqualified! But thah muh fuckah sho nuff got thah muh fuckin money because of thah overqualification! Now who's gonnah get dicked in this muh fuckin scenario?! Anyway...
But US assUS can sho nuff wtiness their Ukraine paid US taxes to infinity though caUSe shit: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
Muh fuckahs!
God damnit!!!
Thee Holy fuck is this ol ass broke
US taxpayin student loan "owing" muh fuckin niggah missin!?...
(Peace! More to come...)
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