Monday, March 21, 2022

Watch What Cho Sorry Ass Says! Given The Circumstance?! II

 ...And yo Black sorry ass may be sayin tah yo broke ass self,

"I don't get it?"

But I do! And the fuckin sorry ass story ain't ovah! Cause yo woman done told my ol Black sorry ass in so many words, "You actin like a bitch!" But it ain't my fuckin relationship! And yah actin like ah bitch! Beeeatch! But I'd be a damn ol Black ass fool tah say some absurd foolish shit like that! Who the fuck yall think yall playin with Niggah and Niggress?! Been round this bitch ah long fuckin time Sonshines!

So the mothah fuckah looks at me, aftah I fuckin lost it laughin my ol Black sorry ass off ad nauseum,

"What chou doin ovah there laughin bro?" With a wry smile.

I continued laughin my ass off and said, "Cause yall sound like a couple that's been togethah for fifty years!" 

They both looked at each othah and started laughin!

And I fuckin swear!

Ovah his woman's mask

Her ass looked at me, and with her eyes, she told me,

"Well played!"

Yeah! Yo sorry Black asses need tah recognize!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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