Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Gritty (Inception Nuclear Science Class, Professor Morgan E. Lambert, Think University, Indianapolis, Indiana) Circa June 2026

 I thank you all for taking this monumental journey of the first class of the new curriculum vitae: Altered Mental Science 101.

I'm never your friend while you're paying your tuition to be amongst the elite. (Laughter throughout the 66 student lecture hall) 

But what I will inform you of are the challenges within your own mind of conditioning, circumstances and life's individual experiences... and that each one of those compose life in its essence! Can't you just smell it!? The amalgamation of various flora and fauna?!... 

Everything in this firmament!

Means something!


Yah damn skippy! 

(Laughter throughout the 66 student lecture hall)...

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