Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Sometimes The Light Shines On You!

 He had been clockin her since she had first came through the club's door. He didn't believe in the tired ass bullshit, "She was fuckin beautiful man! She fuckin glowed!" But he did now. Her ass was beautiful and fuckin glowed. 

He was just at the downtown Indianapolis club by himself to decompress after twelve grueling hours at work. But damn! What the fuck was she? All the men, even with their ladies stopped to look, and their women looking at what the fuck their men were looking at? And they didn't turn away nor did their men. And she was by her damn self?! The fuck you thinkin? He thought. And not two steps into the club she glanced and looked straight at him. He quickly looked away and concentrated on the pint of 'Bell's Two Hearted Ale' he was working on at the time of the entrance. He said to himself, don't glance over there anymore. His Mother's voice kicked in, "Don't do like all these men and bother the shit out of a woman! We got it hard enough!" She's gonna have niggas gettin on her nerves all while she's here. You all right. But that was a fine ass woman!

He was taking another pull off of the best Double IPA he had ever come across, being a beer aficionado himself. He smiled after the pull and looked at the pint glass half full, filled with the beautiful copper colored libation, still after five minutes with an inch of foamy head. 

Then he heard the voice.

"This seat taken?"

He looked to his right and it was her....

(Peace! More to come...)

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