Friday, March 11, 2022

Wait?! Shiiiought! I Wish I Fuckin Would!

 So you tell a muh fuckah yo Black sorry broke ass can help'em out with his professional business!

Catchin' im up on some claims he needs tah file tah get niggahs paid!


You know what I mean? 

He's a real good dude! 

Naw man you need some help be there tomorrow at ten. 

"Thank you."

I walk in there this mornin, the two women at the desk lookin at my Black ass like I'm gonna steal some shit!

Got up to the counter.

"My name is Meredith. Doctor Anderson wanted me to come and help you file some insurance claims."

"Well, our office manager isn't here. Doctor Anderson gets in around eleven. So you will have to wait."

I smiled to myself and said offhandedly to both ladies, "Okay." 

Turned and took my ol Black broke sorry ass back home!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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