Saturday, March 26, 2022

Tarrying On The Final Sleep...And It's Time To Wake The Fuck Up! You!

 After two years it was hard for him to get out of bed. Let a lone and go to work. Always looking at his digital dimmed red numbers on his alarm clock, located six feet away so he would have to get up to at least turn the alarm clock off when it activated. Telling him, "Time for another day!" But at least he awakened, however useful that was to his life at the present time. 

The clock read 4:10am. In fifty more minutes he would have to turn it off and, yes, start another day. 

Why? Like the umpteenth time he thought to himself over the past two years. He thought often about the people that worked for twenty or more years at their perspective workplaces. Doing the same routine and job, over and over for at the bare minimum, 260 days out of a  work year. Having 104 days left for you solely, if you are not married, if you are not going with someone or you have no children. Which meant, everyone, including himself, worked two-thirds of their days life away, until 'Retirement.' Whatever that meant in today's mindsets? And based on "Philip K. Dicks, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" 'Retirement' wasn't a good thing. Quite the contrary. Retirement meant being put to death....

He looked at the embers again, 4:22am.

The last two years had beat him down. He had rashes on his torso, he attributed to having to wear the mask two-thirds of his life for the past over 666 days. Now they were talking about a new variant! And he knew, when they decided to enact another shutdown. The next one would be way worse than the last time.

He was tired of their bullshit!

A glance, 4:32am...

(Peace! More to come...) 

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