Tuesday, March 1, 2022

PSYOPs And The Ultimate Real Human War Is On!

 I research and look at all kinds of shit now.

I done told yah, fourteen years tops!

So...ah research I go!

A lot of this shit out here has merit!

God damn!

Let me tell yah sorry Black broke asses somethin!

If yah didn't already know?!

They gottah way with Covid! 





This Ukraine and Russia shit is


Which it is!


And they are successful in the shit

With not ah fuckin human soul, worth ah damn in this shit, callin'em out on thah shit!...

My Niggahs and Niggresses!

All these muh fuckahs are in on it!

And yo sorry Black muh fuckin asses

Can't stop what's comin!

Let alone stop what's already here!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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