Thursday, March 31, 2022

"Cannons - Purple Sun"

 Yah wannah be at one in this universe?!


I'm still swayin!




Just look at my ol sorry 

Black ass hips

Just swayin!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

"White Stripes - Seven Nation Army" That's Some Bad Shit!

 What the mothah fuckhahs have?

Three instruments?

But only three instruments!?

Yo head be bobbin like a muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Revivalists - Wish I Knew You" Again.

"...But I be God damned! Standing at my door! Stayed up in the city 

Til the stars lost the war..."

My Niggahs and Nigresses!

That's some playah shit there!

Quite playah shit!


"...Maybe we can share my mood! Ooooh! Ooooh! Uhm!..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Red Hot Chili Peppers"

 The only concert I would pay tah fucking see!

Them muh fuckahs be jammin!


I'd pay just tah see Flea live!

He be beatin that bass up propah!

That's a crazy muh fuckah!

But I like 'im!...


If I was intah crowds!


But I ain't!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Timbaland - The Way I Are"

 Like my wife says all the God damned time:

"Yah like whatcha like!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US To The Ukraine? Fuck Yah!

 Fuck that mothah fuckah!

Yah fucked up!

Yah been slippin with yo sorry asses!

You's ah harlot!

You's ah prostitute!

In niggerisms: 

"You's Ah fuckin ho!"

Yo shit ain't got shit tah do with


Get the fuck off thah stroll


With yo triflin ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Death! Will Be A Better Place! And You'll Think A Whole Fuckin Lot Clearer!

 Mothah fuckahs this shit's gonnah end Sonshines!

And muh fuckahs worried and shit!

I mean I don't know no muh fuckah wannah painful drawn out loathsome 



Unless yo sorry ass is a masochists!

If that's the case?

Go head with yo Bad Fuckin Ass!

But I say!

Fuck that noise!

We can't even come close tah how we imagine tah leave this shit?!

And what the real mothah fuckin real shit gonna be fo yo 

Ol Black sorry broke ass

When the shit goes down!

Oh, Niggahs and Nigresses!

But the real fuckin ShIt's gonnah go down!


(Peace! More to come...)

La Vigne



Yo damn Black broke sorry ass selves!



We ain't even gonna get on quotes and Biblical scriptures and shit!

Fuck naw!

Read and research it for your fuckin selves!

Othah than that,

You know where you've heard it from...!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

A New Era Of Enlightenment! Thee Holy Fuck!

 The real fuckin shit about this bullshit is not the fact they been lyin like a muh fuckah all these fuckin yeahs of yo sorry ass life!

Fuck no!

The real fuckin shit about this bullshit is that 

You have to wipe all that fuckin bullshit,

As clean as yo ass can of course!

Fuck it! We talkin bout fifty-six cumulative yeahs of the shit!

And start your own fuckin Black broke sorry ass Truth


With yo fifty-six yeahs ol Black broke sorry ass self!

And time ain't ohn yo muh fuckin side at the fuck all!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


 "Bon Jour?"

"Bon Jour! Cava?"

"Oui, cava et vous?"...

I'm glad tah tell yah French sorry asses!

We ain't got time fo formalities up in this US!

We just say:

" 'sup?!

My niggah!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Get Used To It?

 I don't watch too many newah movies!

Shit get on my nerves!

Then gots thah nerves with the caveat;

"Strobing effects may be harmful for some."

Yah think!

CGI tearin that ass up!


Yah evah seen some shit called:

"The Belko Experiment"?

Interesting shit!

Love that kindah shit fo some reason!

It's causatively speaking

To our given real environments!

"You go along with some fucked up rules in some fucked up environment...thoughtfully...willfully!..."

Now yo sorry broke asses

Always bein watched!


Always bein judged!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Will, Smith? Slap Christ's Face?!

 Let me tell yah somethin Sonshines!

First of all!

Chris Rock's birth name is Christopher Rock!

Get it?!

Christ got slapped!

That's some Hollywood bullshit fo yo muh fuckin ass!

If yah even thinkin bout doin that stupid ass shit tah any othah human?

Even with ah sorry ass narrative behind it!

And Not in the entertainment industry!?

My Black broke sorry ass suggestion?!


Fuckin don't!

In real life yo ass gonnah be eithah pummeled?!

Or fuckin dead!


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 28, 2022

"Purdue to Welcome up to 20 War-Displaced Ukrainian Scholars"

 Ain't that what they did with the Nazi-Scientists in "Horrible" Germany aftah World War II?!

The same mothah fuckin scholars welcomed tah this shit back in the day,


(Operation Paperclip et al.,1945) were


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Fight Is On Nigresses! What Chall Gonnah Do Bout The ShIt?!

 When you accentuate that ass!?

Yah wannah be fucked in that ass!

When you accentuate those titties!?

Yah wannah be fucked in between those titties!...

But when yo sorry tired ass tryin tah be just ah regulah mothah fuckin woman?!


Er'body up in this bitch!

Tryin tah fuck yah!

Howevah they fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Ocular Speaking

 You start diggin, well shit, 

Fuck yeah! 

You gonnah get soiled!

It's the nature of truth!

The truth isn't pretty at the fuck at all!

Fuckin ugly as fuckin sin!

But we decided tah make it that way!

It'll soon be purified!...


Came about this "Black Eyed Babies" Syndrome!

Thee Holy fuck!

If human pupils, 

with dilation properties, with the help from the iris of course,

Have the capabilities of constricting and dilating

Given thah light source,

Or perceived

Non-light source...

Where are those Black Eyed babies souls at then?!

And how...?

 The fuck!

Thee Holy fuck


Are these mothah fuckahs 

Preparin this shit tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Real Green and Gold Mirror: "Ray Crowe"!

 I remembah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

Lookin at a documentary about Crispus Attucks High School, durin the time of 'The Indiana High School Basketball Championship' years. Ray Crowe said some shit that fucked me up...shit I'm old but maybe I'm paraphrasin, but when you witness the shit, you'll know what I'm referrin too!

He said some shit like, "...A cruel social experiment." Talkin bout how the shit went down. I had tah rewind, cause I DVR'd it, some "PBS" shit! And the same thing came out of the mothah fuckah's excerpt!? 

And this muh fuckah was relevant back in the 50's! 

Do some diggin!

I got knew/new respect fo that Prophesied




Ah fuckin successful niggah!

In Indiana?!

Durin the 50's?!

Durin "David Curtis Stephenson" 's reign in this state?!



And yah don't hear shit bout 'im!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

You'll Know!

 There's only one Time!

And yo Black sorry broke ass souls' 'll know!

When that Time! 

The fuck!


(Peace! More to come...)

Tarrying On The Final Sleep...And It's Time To Wake The Fuck Up! You!

 After two years it was hard for him to get out of bed. Let a lone and go to work. Always looking at his digital dimmed red numbers on his alarm clock, located six feet away so he would have to get up to at least turn the alarm clock off when it activated. Telling him, "Time for another day!" But at least he awakened, however useful that was to his life at the present time. 

The clock read 4:10am. In fifty more minutes he would have to turn it off and, yes, start another day. 

Why? Like the umpteenth time he thought to himself over the past two years. He thought often about the people that worked for twenty or more years at their perspective workplaces. Doing the same routine and job, over and over for at the bare minimum, 260 days out of a  work year. Having 104 days left for you solely, if you are not married, if you are not going with someone or you have no children. Which meant, everyone, including himself, worked two-thirds of their days life away, until 'Retirement.' Whatever that meant in today's mindsets? And based on "Philip K. Dicks, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" 'Retirement' wasn't a good thing. Quite the contrary. Retirement meant being put to death....

He looked at the embers again, 4:22am.

The last two years had beat him down. He had rashes on his torso, he attributed to having to wear the mask two-thirds of his life for the past over 666 days. Now they were talking about a new variant! And he knew, when they decided to enact another shutdown. The next one would be way worse than the last time.

He was tired of their bullshit!

A glance, 4:32am...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Friday, March 25, 2022

"Clif High" Is Not The Fuck, In Fact, High!

 You wannah trip yo ass out with some knowledge?!

That mothah fuckah will have yo ol Black sorry broke ass fuckin

Noodlin and researchin yo muh fuckin ass off!

He's interestin as fuck!

That mothah fuckah done took some


(Peace! More to come...

A Black Fuckin Mirror! Go Dark! We Don't Need To Necessitate That Kind Of Dim Light!

 Mothah fuckahs kill my broke Black sorry ass!

I know! Y'all sayin tah your damn selves,

"Here this niggah goes again!?"

Damn straight!

And here...this niggah goes...again!

Sittin in the "Scorners' seat" and shit! 

Talkin bout these muh fuckahs doin some shit they don't fuckin agree with!

Bleachin skin, pumpin fat and/or silicone or both intah their perspective ass cheeks, payin fo mo titties, insertin polymers for muscles without the workouts, gettin nose jobs, promotin ah prurient environment, gettin penis enlargements...

What chou gonnah do? 


Censor 'em? 

Talk tah 'em?!...

Thee Holy fuck!


Good luck with that shit!

We can go on and on bout that bullshit ad nauseum!

But that ain't got shit tah do bout Our tryin tah be righteous asses!

"Well what about Our children?! They don't need to be exposed to that stuff!"

You are fucking correct!

And what pre-tell yo sorry asses gonnah do about protectin


My Lil ol Black broke sorry ass Suggestion?!

Then, Turn! 

The shit! 


Our fuckin sorry ass souls need a fuckin

Black mirror!


Well... at the very least 


The age of 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 24, 2022

"Body Parts - TLC Network"

 This shit's for fuckin pedestrians!


Of course they gonnah show Our asses some shit!

And yo sorry Black broke asses honestly think:

"This is the latest cutting edged technology in human body modification?!"


I'm ah grown ol Black broke ass sorry muh fuckah!

With a maximum lifespan of maybe fourteen more yeahs!

Quit fuckin playin!

The fuck kinda fucked up shit yall really got up in that muh fuckah?!

Believe you me!

I can fuckin handle it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

"Just An Illusion - Imagination"

 Take the time to try to find the truthful element 

In this beautiful


An asp is causing ill will to 


We've been warned long enough!

Time tah start educatin,

Imbue intah the ungrateful bein,

Which We are,

The ill sorry ass othah fuckin stuff!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sometimes The Light Shines On You! II

 And for some reason he didn't feel any pressure. She had a look that said to him, 'We're friends.'  He turned to her. Said directly into her beautiful being, 

"No Sonshine! This seat has been saved by myself....for you only!" She smiled the most beatific smile! While still looking into his eyes, and said simply, "Thank you!" 

And slipped easily into her awaiting preciously kept throne unbeknownst to himself of course....

(Peace! More to come...)

Sometimes The Light Shines On You!

 He had been clockin her since she had first came through the club's door. He didn't believe in the tired ass bullshit, "She was fuckin beautiful man! She fuckin glowed!" But he did now. Her ass was beautiful and fuckin glowed. 

He was just at the downtown Indianapolis club by himself to decompress after twelve grueling hours at work. But damn! What the fuck was she? All the men, even with their ladies stopped to look, and their women looking at what the fuck their men were looking at? And they didn't turn away nor did their men. And she was by her damn self?! The fuck you thinkin? He thought. And not two steps into the club she glanced and looked straight at him. He quickly looked away and concentrated on the pint of 'Bell's Two Hearted Ale' he was working on at the time of the entrance. He said to himself, don't glance over there anymore. His Mother's voice kicked in, "Don't do like all these men and bother the shit out of a woman! We got it hard enough!" She's gonna have niggas gettin on her nerves all while she's here. You all right. But that was a fine ass woman!

He was taking another pull off of the best Double IPA he had ever come across, being a beer aficionado himself. He smiled after the pull and looked at the pint glass half full, filled with the beautiful copper colored libation, still after five minutes with an inch of foamy head. 

Then he heard the voice.

"This seat taken?"

He looked to his right and it was her....

(Peace! More to come...)

"Obsession Confession - Slash" And Fucking Check Your Muh Fuckin F-Stop!

 Feel this funky bullshit of life! 

Or whatevah the fuck it is! 

We both know we gettin hosed! 

But it's quite okay, don't you know? 

There are always hard times!

Very bad times!

We can go on and on bout that bullshit!...

But cho sorry Black asses can't tell me!?

You ain't seen no Beautiful muh fuckin Life


(Peace! More to come...)

Love Is Fleeting! The Truth Is Forever!

 Muh fuckahs lookin for love and shit!

These days?!

Yah bettah start lookin for the 


Cause yah ain't gonnah find no fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Believe In You!

 Mothah fuckahs talkin that shit, 

"I don't know what to believe in?"

Now, you's a stupid mothah fuckah!

Kindah talk that shit's?!

Are you real?!

You are!?

Okay, now we talkin!

Then you fuckin know!

Right from fuckin wrong!

And that!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Is a Fatherly gift tah

Believe in!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Future.

Gonnah be a very long journey back for


And We have always made it


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 21, 2022

Watch What Cho Sorry Ass Says! Given The Circumstance?! II

 ...And yo Black sorry ass may be sayin tah yo broke ass self,

"I don't get it?"

But I do! And the fuckin sorry ass story ain't ovah! Cause yo woman done told my ol Black sorry ass in so many words, "You actin like a bitch!" But it ain't my fuckin relationship! And yah actin like ah bitch! Beeeatch! But I'd be a damn ol Black ass fool tah say some absurd foolish shit like that! Who the fuck yall think yall playin with Niggah and Niggress?! Been round this bitch ah long fuckin time Sonshines!

So the mothah fuckah looks at me, aftah I fuckin lost it laughin my ol Black sorry ass off ad nauseum,

"What chou doin ovah there laughin bro?" With a wry smile.

I continued laughin my ass off and said, "Cause yall sound like a couple that's been togethah for fifty years!" 

They both looked at each othah and started laughin!

And I fuckin swear!

Ovah his woman's mask

Her ass looked at me, and with her eyes, she told me,

"Well played!"

Yeah! Yo sorry Black asses need tah recognize!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Watch What Cho Sorry Ass Says! Given The Circumstance?!

 Niggahs are funny as hell tah me!

A Black couple came intah the dispensary!

Lookin at?

Whatdayah fuckin know?

"Versace" eyeglass frames!

So the niggah went with two frames!

Well one frame, the othah frame was the same but with black on two negligible places!

And this niggah talkin bout how it made his earrings flick! 

And the othah frame didn't?!

His woman says, 

"So yo ass gonnah be wearin black muh fuckin earrings all the goddamned time?"

And I fuckin lost it!..

(Peace! More to come...)

Never Turn Away From An Individual's Truth! It's Like The Common Cold! Yah Might Just Catch Somethin?!

 Just remembah one thing My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! 


If yah haven't, since yah started readin this vomitous blog I write,

Undahstand the fuckin fact!?

And the reason I write the shit the way that I do is because, 

Yo ass is the only muh fuckin ass,

That can write the shit like you fuckin do!

Maybe it helps?!

Maybe it fuckin don't help!?

Who gives ah real Holy fuck!

Yah know!

But it's my inner truth!

All the fuckin same!

And I mean US no harm whatsofuckinevah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kentanji Brown Jackson Esq" Thumbs Down!

 A niggah Jew!

By religion of course!

Not tribal!

Fuck naw!

Unless she's a Beta-Ethiopian Jew!

And I highly fuckin doubt that shit!

The BEJs' are the real deal!


The Zionist Jews

Made that ass undahstand 'by religion'!

With...yo black muh fuckin ass!

The black bitch is all wrong!

Muh fuckahs be tiptoeing all round her shit!

That's when you know

The Jigaboo

Ain't fuckin right! 

And shouldn't evah be passed through!

Probably not even a fuckin woman by birth!


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Just A Game. (Thirty-Six Years Old, Corin Catch, Inception Speech, IUPUI's Jaguars 2029-2030 Basketball Team) 15Oct2029 @ Noon

 Don't ever take loosing as a loss! There's way more to life than that! You haven't lost your life, lost your Daddy, lost your Momma, lost your Sister...It ain't ever been that deep! Go out and have fun! And learn! When you lose a game? You lost the game? And think to yourselves: "What could I have done differently?" If your retort is "Nothing?!" You need to go elsewhere other than this program! Because there is nothing else, moving each one of you forward, this program can teach you!...


 There's only one absolute truth:

Muh fuckahs don't really want tah know the real 


And that's the absolute mothah fuckin real


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 19, 2022

"Rumours - Fleetwood Mac".

 It's a Transgenderism anthology!

Listen tah the shit!

From the first song to the 






Niggahs and Nigresses!

This shit was released back in 1977!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Countdown!

 There's a cataclysmic event that's about to explode!

And the elite will hath not a clue!

It's called the Human Conscientiousness!

Talkin bout 'Viral'!?

And ninety-nine percent of the elite

Are going to die from the 


The anticipation is killin my Black broke sorry ass!


I live long enough to Fatherly witness the shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, March 18, 2022

Peace/Piece Work!

Overstand yo shit!

Dig deep!






(Peace! More to come...)

"All Inclusive"! Again.




The underlying bass is real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Wicked Game - Chris Isaak" Hypnotic!

 Niggahs and Nigresses!

I sway tah this muh fuckin shit!

Head thrown back!

In a fuckin altered state of bliss!

Then have the nerves tah try tah belt the shit out like the mothah fuckah,

"I'd never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you..."


Yah bettah recognize!

"And I'd never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you..."


Quite solid!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ecclesiastes 12:12 KJV. And It's Time To "Shit! Or Get The Fuck Off The Muh Fuckin Pot!"

A class has a facilitator!

A class has an agenda!... 

Read the fuckin shit fo yo God damn selves!

Sans influence; 

Save for 

Our Father's Spirit!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

You believe!


You fuckin don't believe!

If yo sorry Black broke ass




Start fuckin actuatin some shit!

And fuck all that sorry ass nothingness of Bible Class babble!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Perfect Pitch!

 I know a white woman got different accents down the fuck pat!

But niggerisms?


You gottah lottah work tah do!...

(Peace! More to come....)

B.C.! Is The Fuckin Key!

 So the momma brought in not one, but three othah lil mothah fuckahs!

One was mild mannered, kindah nice, you could tell.

One was noncommittal.

But, those othah two lil mothah fuckahs!?

Were off the fuckin chain!

And I didn't say shit!

Cause when yah ol Black broke ass sorry motha fuckah!

Hopefully in yo sorry Black ol broke ass life!

Yah pick up on some shit!

And some shit is:

When yo Black ass is male,

You can't say shit bout the lil miscreants!


If they start doin some shit gonnah cost anothah mothah fuckah some money;


My employer who pays my Black broke sorry ass!


My Black ass gots tah tell yo lil ass some shit!

So, the lil one of all, six years ol and shit,

Had eyes that said, "I'm confused as fuck!"

But that ain't my Black broke sorry ass problem!

Starts tryin tah climb up the receptionist's desk, 

Makin all kinds of rubber marks on the face front.

And Momma ain't said shit!?


"Hey man. That's not appropriate behavior given the environment."

Young momma wants tah whip her head up from the cellphone she had been checkin since comin intah the mothah fuckah! And has the nerves tah say:

"Yea JuJuan! Sit yo ass down boy! Right next tah me!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Fixed State Of Mind? And There's Always Hope For US!

 I don't give ah good Holy fuck what these muh fuckahs are doin!

Don't have enough juice tah change the planned shit!


If yo sorry Black broke asses decided tah get affianced,

(Don't know why I like that word? Heard it on Judge Judy when she said it tah ah mothah fuckah. Don't watch the bitch now cause she fucked Officer Byrd! Anway...),

Married and tah have children?

Yo sorry Black broke asses are bound by Our Father tah

Give ah good Holy fuck...

If not?!


This shit was doomed fifty-six years ago!

And I must say, not shall,;

Le fin!

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nothing To Barter

 Don't let 'em win 

to begin 

The blusterous evil wind!

The mild winter 

Is enough for this Heathen sinner.

Without a coat 

Never to float

Again for Christ's sakes!

The seas would harden.

And I have no ice skates

To bargain.

(Peace! More to come...)

"House by the Side of the Road - Sam Walter Foss"

 Live right!

Be fuckin right!

And it will 


All fuckin right!


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Zap That Ass!

 Mothah fuckahs kill my Black broke sorry ass!

"They didn't have tah kill my boy!"

Fuck naw!

They didn't have tah kill 'Your' sorry ass insolent boy!

But based on what I fuckin seen in the fuckin video!?

They should have laid that 50,000 volts on that ass!


There's a sharp fuckin awakening when yo sorry Black ass, aftah gettin zapped, done




On yo sorry Black ass self 

All at the same fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

What Else Yah Got!?

 Computers are linear.

Our individual minds are non-linear!

Look at it like this,

Computers are like ah muh fuckah pointin at ah target and firin a mothah fuckin sorry ass pistol at the shit!

Maybe hittin the shit! 

Maybe not!


Our individual minds will not only blow that target the fuck up!

But blow up everything within ah mile spread of that sorry ass target!


Keep it the fuck movin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Agitate The Gravel Mothah Fuckah!"

 The feeling of Spring is in the fuckin air My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Oh, doth thine tepid air warms my spirit so!

Now listen Winter!

Yah listenin?

Get the fuck out!

Til it's yo mothah fuckin time again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Absolute Truth?

 Even with yo ol ass Sonshines!

Yah start fuckin realizin!

Even the mothah fuckin 


Doesn't tell you everything! 

Yo sorry Black broke ass needs tah know!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Seriously Though!






(Peace! More to come...)

Going Dark 13Mar 2022 @ 2400 - 16Mar2022 @ 2400. And A Fuckin God Damned Wondrous Respite! II


Fuck yah!

And thank yah oh so much fo callin out my sorry ol Black broke ass faults!


Oft times I fail in this shit of life!

I fuckin fail!




Muh fuckahs!

And I mothah fuckin did it as best as I could!


Fuck it!

This shit's my therapy muh fuckahs!

I gottah get clean befo my ol Black broke sorry ass

Gets the fuck ghost!

Yah know!?

Or maybe I'm makin sorry ass muh fuckin excuses fo my muh fuckin faults!?...

Fuck it!

That still is!

A beautiful mothah fuckin Human thang!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Believe me!

And forgive me...for bein muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Going Dark 13Mar 2022 @ 2400 - 16Mar2022 @ 2400. And A Fuckin God Damned Wondrous Respite!

 In this technological firmament we have chosen to live in!

You have to get away from the shit!

As best as you can?!

Turn off the mothah fuckin cellphone!

Turn off the mothah fuckin Internet!...

And let the mothah fuckin ambient light of


Just fuckin


On yo sorry Black broke ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Tap Into Your Chosen Nakedness

 It's always there!

Waitin fo yo sorry Black broke ol ass tah find!

Ain't no secrets between US and Our


It is what it fuckin is!

Yea mothah fuckahs!

Take off yo clothes!

Place yo'self in front of a full-length mirror!...

With the utmost purest honesty!

Ask yo damn self two fuckin queries,

"The fuck I'm really lookin at?"


"What have I willfully become?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Human Ark Vessel Of Diversity

 If you wannah be ah passengah on this Ark of Life!

Just remembah!

There's a whole lottah mothah fuckahs that aren't gonnah be lookin and actin like


(Peace! More to come...)

Caffeinated America

 So this mothah fuckah named "Michael Pollan" was talkin bout his three months of cessation without caffeine. I was listening while writing when I heard him, for some reason, clearly state,

"Well I found out. Your self. Is caffeinated."

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Over Thirty Bioweapons Laboratories in Ukraine! Funded By Our Hard Earned US Tax Payin Dollahs! The Holy Fuck We Still fuckin Payin Federal Taxes For?!!

 "Oh, Putin's a monster!"

"Somebody needs to take this man out!"...


Naw muh fuckahs!

Putin has a human fiduciary responsibility 

To the Christian Orthodoxy which mostly his people are comprised!

That, oh shit!

He holds very dear!

Now ain't that some human shit to be imbued in ah fuckin politician, no less?!

It's called:

Protecting The Country's Sovereignty 


Its People!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, March 11, 2022

Then You're Wrong!

If you're about the right!

There's only the one right!

And if you're not about the 



(Peace! More to come...)

Proximity. And Get-The-Fuck-Along!

 You can be wherever you wannah be Sonshines!


And if yah white?!

Yo sorry asses don't nevah


Have tah encountah anothah muh fuckin niggah

Again in yo sorry ass American white life!


If you an American niggah?!

We gottah encountah ah whole lottah muh fuckin

White folks!

"Well! Go back to Africa you piece of shit nigger!"




Black American broke ol

Ass is proud tah tell yah!

I ain't nevah even been close tah fuckin sorry ass


And fuck them coal Black broke ass indignant muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Putin! For Global Presidency!

 The only mothah fuckah that mattahs tryin tah 

Make the shit

Right again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Token

 It's funny how things come to light.

Things you didn't connect until they finally do.

I was talkin to a muh fuckah and he talkin bout, how the white people didn't like him, and got his Black ass out of there, because they were nervous bout a niggah takin off and bein successful! In their shit no less!?

"Who was the manager?"

"Marcus Manns, you probably know him? Been in the business for a long time! And you know there ain't too many of US in this shit!"

"Well I'm glad tah tell yah! But the white folks didn't fuck yah! In their own shit!..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wait?! Shiiiought! I Wish I Fuckin Would!

 So you tell a muh fuckah yo Black sorry broke ass can help'em out with his professional business!

Catchin' im up on some claims he needs tah file tah get niggahs paid!


You know what I mean? 

He's a real good dude! 

Naw man you need some help be there tomorrow at ten. 

"Thank you."

I walk in there this mornin, the two women at the desk lookin at my Black ass like I'm gonna steal some shit!

Got up to the counter.

"My name is Meredith. Doctor Anderson wanted me to come and help you file some insurance claims."

"Well, our office manager isn't here. Doctor Anderson gets in around eleven. So you will have to wait."

I smiled to myself and said offhandedly to both ladies, "Okay." 

Turned and took my ol Black broke sorry ass back home!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Figuratively Speaking

 Geeg'll tell yah!

The only thing I really want in this life

Is when my Black broke sorry ass dies


When they lookin ovah my body they say:

"God damn! This muh fuckah sixty-six years old?! Othah than that mediocre sized dick! 

 I'd be livin in his body any day of the week!"

And that would make my ol Black sorry dead ass smile!

Cause whether yo sorry asses gottah small, medium or large dick!

Whatevah size dick yo sorry broke Black sorry asses possesses!

There's some fuckin whatevah sized muh fuckin dick!

Yo sorry asses knows!

You'll never get ovah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Christian Country! And A Proper Refraction!

 You know that mostly Russia's peoples' religion is Christian Orthodoxy?

It's a Christian Country!

"So why in the Holy fuck would they be invading another country?!"

You askin me?!

Research the shit!

Let the pupils dilate on the truth!

Then tell my broke Black ass whatcha muh fuckin ass can



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

"Wheelchair Curling - Paralympics"

 A whole nothah world muh fuckahs!


Wild ass shit!

But let me tell yah somethin?

This shit's bout touch on ice!

Abled body mothah fuckachs doin this shit?

Bout fuckin up touch on ice,

And how tah correct the shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"R.E.M. - Losing My Religion" And Yet Another Musical Vacation.

 Take a load off.


Can't keep goin at that pace!

Kill that ass fo sho!

Come ohn ovah here?

There you go.

Have a seat?

We straight?

Lie back?


And just listen?

With me?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Strict Accounting Measures Shall Be Enforced!

 Aftah it's all said and done Sonshines!


What has yo sorry Black broke ass gotten


(Peace! More to come...)

"Everything But The Girl - Missing - (Todd Terry Remix)"

 I don't give ah shit!

Bad muh fuckin video!

Bad muh fuckin joint!

Shit's bad!

Fuckin slammin son!

And if yah find their CD, album or whatevah the fuck...

"The Language of Life"?!

Scoop that shit up!

With ah quickness!

Just suggestin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

May Peace Be Within You and Yours!

 Building up to which the Masons stand upon!

Self righteously!

Of course!

There's only one road to your 




And y'all muh fuckahs know 

"The Road Less Traveled"!

Pack yo shit!

Time tah roll the fuck out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Organically Speaking, That Sh-IT Ain't!

 No computah will evah beat a human mind!


Transhumanism all you fuckin wants!

The shit will nevah be pure human thoughts

Or even compare tah the IT shit!

Because the shIT ain't 


(Peace! More to come...)

Blow Me Away

 Let it go to and fro!

Yah know?!

Let it flow 


Without a shout

Or a doubt...

Whichever way this wind blows me!

I'll never have a pout!

That'll ever have a witness to see...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

"Pool Boy - All Inclusive" And A Musical Vacation!

Don't sweat it! 

Just forget it! 


We're gonna be all right!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Listen niggah?

Got time fo that shit.

Listen Niggah.

Got time fo that shit!

Listen niggah!

I done told yah!

I ain't got the time fo that


(Peace! More to come...)

Peace Work

 I listen, read and watch these muh fuckahs that fill their souls up with the same God damn bullshit all the damn time!

Fuck that shit!

I'm tellin yah!

Just like work!

Take a vacation from that shit!

And oft times


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 7, 2022

PAL v. FT/ST, 7x28

Progressive Addition Lenses v. Flat Tops/Straight Tops. 

The best way I can describe the shit bein a quasi-optician is:

It's like havin a flip-phone.

Tryin tah go back tah the mothah fuckah!

Aftah yah had a modern day cell-phone!

And yo ol Black sorry ass start understandin:

Can't go back tah Ol School!

Ol school

Takes too fuckin long!

Thah ol bastard!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Feel the human electricity flowing through every single one of US!

Feel it!

Be it!

Live it!

And most of all

Share it!...

(Peace! More to come..)

"...I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14 KJV /"Asketh. Seeketh and Knock!" (ASK) And Find Ye Thine Worth On Our Father's Firmament! Now!

 Enough of this fuckin witnessed shit!

You fuckin are!

God damnit!

Ain't nobody!

I mean nobody!


Our individual sorry Black mothah fuckin asses!

You read me!?



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Pam Grier's Greatest Role "Jackie Brown"

 The bitch can fuckin act!

God damn!

She has my Black broke sorry ass

Cryin in laughtah every time I watch the shit!

"Now take yo hands from around my throat niggah!"

Now that's a Sistah, 

Actin like a Sistah!

That's what I'm talkin bout!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Yah listenin "Frito-Lay"?

Fuck those "Bugles" knock offs!

"Layers" should be scrapped immediately!

And at the ovah four dollah price point at four and three quarters ounces?!


Niggahs please!

Now let me tell yalls sorry asses what tah do!

"Funyuns" have a horrible price point too for six ounces of the shit!

Done tried mostly all those deplorable 'Funyun-like' mimicries! 

"Funyuns" cannot be and have not been replicated by no damn body!

And they are delicious as fuck!

But they are not affordable tah ah broke Black ass mothah fuckah like me!

And they never go on fuckin sale!

So, a broke Black ass mothah fuckah leaves those shits alone!

Though I love those shits!


Lowah the fuckin price point!

And those shits will fly thah fuck off the mothah fuckin shelves!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Men's Downhill" In The Paralympics?

 Niggahs and Nigresses?!

One fuckin ski?!

And the mothah fuckahs be movin Jack!

With one fuckin ski and no legs bein involved!...

Thee Holy fuck!

Fuckin fascinatin as fuck!...

White men,

Even fuckin disabled,


Fuckin nuts!

I guaran-fuckin-tee!

Yo sorry Black broke ass ain't gonnah evah find no niggahs doin that 

Crazy ass shit!

Bein fuckin disabled!?

Or fuckin 

Not disabled!...

(Peace! More to come....)

We're All Just Soulful Plagiarists!

 Mothah fuckahs kill me!

Wantsah gets paid fo my shit!


It ain't cho muh fuckin shit


(Peace! More to come...)

"Of Mice And Men" and "The Brothers Karamazov" II

 ...Then my Optical Manager was helpin anothah patient so she took a little longah tah talk tah the muh fuckin dick!

So whadyah know Sonshines?!

And guess the fuck what!?

Bein the excellent receptionist that she is, gets on the phone with the dick and says,

"Sir our Optical Manager is just finishing up with a patient. She'll be right with you."

Makin my Black broke sorry ass ah muh fuckin


Not only once!



In one mothah fuckin phone fuckin call

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!



(Peace! More to come...)

Becoming Asexual

 Don't evah be afraid of Death!

Thee Holy fuck!

Hell naw!

But let cho sorry Black broke asses

Be in the mindset of:

I'm gonna

Fuck that mothah fuckah tah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, March 4, 2022

Always Have Patience With Patients! You Will Never Regret It! II

 ...I'm the man! I got the dick!' 

So I says tah his young barely thirty ass, and I'll have one too! You evah heard of the phrase, "Yah gottah take some ass in ordah tah get some ass!"? And I'm gonna wear yo ass out! You shoulda saw that mothah fuckah Meredith? Deer in headlights shinin on that doe fo sho! Like he was gonnah piss on his thirty somethin self! Shit! Cougar my ass!  If yah gonna put the shit out there! Yah damn well gottah take the shit! If you could've been ah fly on the damn wall?!...Too old for that bullshit? Rough? My ol sixty years ol ass knows what the fuck yo young ass talkin the fuck bout! Young mothah fuckah! I know whatcha layin down! For exit only! Nasty young mothah fuckah! Yah know? How much I owe?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Delta 8. Quit Playin!

 "Oh! It's a shame! They tried to outlaw it here in Indiana! But that would've been criminal! People using it for pain management for Christ's sake!"


Just fo gettin fuckin high mothah fuckahs!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Always Have Patience With Patients! You Will Never Regret It!

 So the patient says tah me, 

"Yeah so the mothah fuckah says tah me, 'I like rough sex! I know you like that shit too!' So I says tah the mothah fuckah! I sho do! And I will not forget tah bring my twelve inch strap-on fo that ass! Then he gots the nerves tah say, 'Whah?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Of Mice And Men" and "The Brothers Karamazov"

 You evah read those two joints My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

Just suggestin tah yah, yah won't be wastin your muh fuckin time at all indulgin in those two shits!

Taught my ass and still teachin my sorry Black broke ass bout the psyche of this bitch! For real!


Mothah fuckah calls talkin shit! I tell him in the professional patient services voice I can muster, "Let me let you talk to my optical manager."

I get back on the phone, "Yes she said you need to schedule a contact lens check. Your contact prescription hasn't been finalized."

"I had a contact lens exam and paid for it! I'm coming there to pick up my contact lens prescription because I'm outtah contacts."

"Okay. You really need to speak to the optical manager. Can you hold please?"

"You said that before! And you got back on the phone!"

Niggahs and Nigresses!

You know how what the fuck yo sorry broke Black sorry, havin tah pay child support, tryin tah keep ah marriage in tact...havin ass was gonna fuckin say? Until all those mothah fuckin ill thoughts of imminent unemployment once yo sorry Black ass avowed that shit tah the dick! Gets caught, Fatherly, right in the back of your throat!? Savin that ass! And all yo sorry ass can say tah the mothah fuckah is:

"You are correct. I'm sorry. But she will be the next voice you hear via this phone call. Hold please."

Mothah fuckahs done lost their rabbit ass minds!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Starve Then! Muh Fuckahs!

 "I don't know why they doin us like this? We live in a food desert like a whole lot of us black people!"

Niggahs and Niggresses!

Quit fuckin stealin from the motha fuckahs! Shrink will kill a grocer quickah than shit!

Learn how tah fuckin act in public!


Quit treatin the employees in the stores like shit!

God damn!


Food desert no fuckin mo!...

(Peace! More to come...)

So What Can I Do About This Shit?!

 Fuckin pray!

Every fucking chance yo Black broke sorry asses get!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

No Kids Allowed! And The Mandela Effect.


Is a term used only for young humans!

Mothah fuckahs!

Don't call no mothah fuckin human child no damn


A kid is a young fuckin goat!


Are what muh fuckin sorry ass elite Luciferians

Sacrifice by the millions!

Every fucking year!...

(Peace! More to come!...)

A Worldwide Fuck Fest!


Are the only one tah blame Sonshines!

Just lil ol 



Of course

lil ol


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, March 1, 2022



Doesn't mattah!


Fuckin do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cut To The Quick! And "Coming to America"

..."God damn boy! What's that? Some type weave or somethin?!"

"No! That's my natural hair! I've been growing it since birth!"...

 So the mothah fuckah says,

"Tell me how you'd like tah cut this?"

"Just make it nice and neat."

He cut the mothah fuckahs hair-tale off with ah quickness and said,

"That'll be eight dollahs!"...

O' thy pain doth laughter!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Time Tah Pay The Lady!


This bitch don't owe you shit!

But you owe this bitch every particle of yo sorry broke Black ass bein!....

(Peace! More to come...)

The Gritty (Inception Nuclear Science Class, Professor Morgan E. Lambert, Think University, Indianapolis, Indiana) Circa June 2026

 I thank you all for taking this monumental journey of the first class of the new curriculum vitae: Altered Mental Science 101.

I'm never your friend while you're paying your tuition to be amongst the elite. (Laughter throughout the 66 student lecture hall) 

But what I will inform you of are the challenges within your own mind of conditioning, circumstances and life's individual experiences... and that each one of those compose life in its essence! Can't you just smell it!? The amalgamation of various flora and fauna?!... 

Everything in this firmament!

Means something!


Yah damn skippy! 

(Laughter throughout the 66 student lecture hall)...

Learning! Is...Well...Painful! II

 "I told yah Love! Don't fuck with them bitches! Them bitches hardcore Love! Not like me. You know?"

I know.

"They tore yo ass up Love. I'm here for you Love! They beat chou up something terrible Love!"

I know. But I needed it. Yah need a good ol fashion nut kickin sometimes Love.

"You know? I like you Love. You're going to be alright me thinks Love!"

Thank you.... 

Thank you Love!

"You're welcome!...Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

PSYOPs And The Ultimate Real Human War Is On!

 I research and look at all kinds of shit now.

I done told yah, fourteen years tops!

So...ah research I go!

A lot of this shit out here has merit!

God damn!

Let me tell yah sorry Black broke asses somethin!

If yah didn't already know?!

They gottah way with Covid! 





This Ukraine and Russia shit is


Which it is!


And they are successful in the shit

With not ah fuckin human soul, worth ah damn in this shit, callin'em out on thah shit!...

My Niggahs and Niggresses!

All these muh fuckahs are in on it!

And yo sorry Black muh fuckin asses

Can't stop what's comin!

Let alone stop what's already here!...

(Peace! More to come...)