Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Ecclesiastes: 12: ...13-14 KJV

 I do not know. Quizzical really. Quite so. Missing so many things. A wondrous puzzle no one seems to care to put together but a very few. Why is that? 

I mean the man is President of the greatest country on this firmament; yet, the motha fucka can't get no love?! There is something horribly disconcerting about that fact. 

After all of his 74 years old life ain't nobody talkin the same shit he's talkin except little ol him? I ain't sayin cosign for any damn human! No fuck that! But, you tellin me ain't no motha fuckin body talkin the same shit he's been espousing for four fucking years?! Come ohn naw! Something is fucking absolutely amiss!

They leaving his ass out there on an island like that to protect...what? 

I mean these motha fuckas like cockroaches and shit; soon as that media light hits 'em they scatter like a scared motha fuckin cockroach! And these are grown old ass men!? What the fuck is..."What?"

Let me tell you somethin, there's some horrible, deplorable shit bout ready to be revealed! And it ain't gonna be nothin nice at all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Truth Be Told, What Else Ya Got?

 "Well you know you're acting and talking like a nigger!" Who me? You gotta mirror? Thank you ever so  much! 

Well shit...what a surprise! My very Black ass is, in fact, a motha fuckin nigga!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Can't stand the hand which stands as it lands, right in front of you and you said, "I'll take two." You're through with that sorry betting five cards which you regard as a righteous gamble to ramble from your own mouth. The south is fucked, pickled and made into hog-head cheese, better known as souse. I'm not a  mouse but a human. Will we ever fuckin comprehend?

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Speaking of Hope

 No one knows why we have shows. Throws another pass on that ass to surpass to the various tasks to be good consumers to be rumored to be idiots! Our fastidiousness to the absurdity and profundity to the darkness. 

Ahhhh! But there's a brighter day coming, drumming, thundering....loud and proud!

We'll be all...right! Sho you right! (smile)

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Ebbs And, Sho Nuff, Flows

 And why is that My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? Tell a muh fucka will ya? Cause my Black ass confused as shit! For Real. I mean really? Motha fuckas haven't heard of nirvana? I mean shit! Yo ass can mix some shit, and Bam...my Black ass is there! Ya heard may? Fuck those pharmaceutical companies, I done mixed my own damn, "Crazy Motha Fuckin Medicine," and I'm glad ta tell yo sorry ass, I'm feelin quite propa! If I must say so my damn self. Now, the trick is always, tryin ta rememba the various elixir's component and its measurement. Shiit! Ain't no normal motha fucka got no damn calibrator or some shit! Ya just do what a motha fucka do! Until the land of Milk and Honey is exposed. Sit back and dream... 

Nirvana? One must deduce that the place aforementioned shall be subjective based on the topic of note. A medicament. Medicaments?! Well you naughty motha fucka you! All right. Anyway. What works for one does not work for all! An absolute? Perhaps. Everyone has not taken a given lethal known poison, so one can say with a certainty, that some can survive given the severity of the history of the lethal side effect. Sign me up! Ain't nobody tryin ta hear that noise. Please! But there is always inherently the ones that will have no adverse effects to the given natural poison. Now if the shit is manmade, shit, yo ass just may have a point! Man has shown their inhumanity on a sorry ass level time and fuckin time again; with....our sorry asses!

Man has done horrible shit to US and continues to do to US! That even our Heavenly Father, wouldn't even think about doing to US tryin to teach our sorry disobedient asses a lesson, on one of Our Heavenly Father's very bad day! Shiiiiought!...

(...Peace! More to come....)

Friday, December 18, 2020


 "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." Well I don't know about that playa. Just too vague for my Broke Black Ass ! Seriously! The most?! Shiiiought! I think not! Just cause yo sorry ass been sayin it's so don't mean that it, in fact, is so!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Matthew 6:6 and The Gospels. And The Ever Present Tribalism of Humans.

 Matthew is the first Gospel in the New Testament. The First, the Father. 6:6. Huhm? Shiiit!...

I don't know what ta tell yah but, "I don't believe in coincidences!"

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Senate Scene Straight Out of The Movie, "Robocop" And Even Calling Each Other The Four Letter "L" Word, Finally.

 Nigga! Did you see that shit on the Daily Beast with those two senators, no less, goin at it? You just gosta watch it. Soon as I saw the muh fucka, ol Senator Johnson, I instantly said to myself: that motha fucka look like that motha fucka played in Robocop, Ronny Cox. And no sooner I thought that the motha fucka hopped on Senator Peters ass! Unmercifully! You remember that bathroom scene where ol' Dick Jones confronts the cocky young executive, Bob Morton, and grabs that motha fucka by the back of his hair while facing that muh fucka, and if you watch very closely, ol Bob almost gave in like a bitch. But something snapped his punk ass out of it...anyway watch this shit, it goes down the same way. Senator Johnson puttin ol' up and coming Senator Peters in his perspective place. Openly! You can't fake that sort of pissiness by Senator Johnson, I gives a fuck how good of an actor you are. 

Shit, after the shit is all said and done ol' Senator Peters me thinks may get his ass kicked! Behind closed doors! Now, ain't that some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Monday, December 14, 2020

No Offense

 The only one person that read this Blog that I know of is known as (blackaschildisme33dontrymb). And that individual asked me a long time ago, when I let comments be able to be left:

"What's wrong with you?" 

I said, fuck that! I ain't askin yo ass fo shit. And you just best believe I ain't gettin paid for this shit. Shiiiiought! Look at the page views? And over what...thirteen years! Come on naw? I ain't tryin ta rock no boats, make a statement, be a political pundit...but what I am tryin to make you feel, hear in some sort of way we all connect, experience...my inner voice...

(Peace! More to come...) 

The Last Bastion Of Fresh Hopes And: Alas, Dreams

 You think about the shitload of information that is out there. And instead of researching the shit ourselves extensively until WE die. But; while we are here, what do we do? We get fuckin lazy! And if the truthful, pious, trustworthy media says it...shit negro, it just must be the truth! But in legal terms must is not trust. Shall, says it all! 

One has to at the very least at one point in your life that, enlightenment will ultimately come and the epiphany is aloud, "Why the fuck are US here?" 

This is the last bastion Sunshine! The last hurrah! And Combayah no more! E-v-e-r! If this Bitch falls! And I call Our Great United States of America, a Bitch, because it is the greatest nation of all! You take the baddest motha fuckin nigga or honky that says a woman is a: "Bitch!" Let me tell you with yo silly stupid ass! You listenin! Don't eva in yo livin short days, which they will be, cross that crazy Bitch! Ya heard may?

But, there is no motha fucka ain't tryin ta get in this bitch! Cause the pussy's fresh...And fuckin American Free! Fuck all y'all otha "National" so called bitches!

I look at this shit and what we have gotten our complicit asses into! Ain't nothin nice! Shit no! But We sho nuff got one anotha! I can talk shit all I wants, but you best believe if anotha American needed help...well shit motha fuckah! I got chou!

The Last Bastion! Of people from so many ethnic groups living...Free! The Last Bastion? And if this bitch falls? Our Dear Heavenly Father! We all fall! Have mercy on us all! For real!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Good Ol' Since Humankind Graft

 Niggas are new ta this here Graft game. White motha fuckas are experts at the shit! Been doin that shit since we let their asses out of the Caucasus Mountains and shit! But on we march motha fucka! And let me not just say, White People. Ya see American Christians weren't slave owners, if you read the history of the shit. It was the Jews. Look into your ancestry, and look into your last name and tell me about it then. Jews can't stand niggas! They really can't! Research the shit with an open mind then we can talk instead of argue. What good is a conversation if it isn't conversing at all save for letting out hot fetid air. No a conversation is civilized between two separate entities, both with open minds, with that being the case. Both, not one, shall have a conversation about their given trivial knowledge about their given truth in a civilized way; then, in turn, both, will depart one another and research what one conversed about extensively, with an open mind of course. Then, and only then, one can state who is a liar or not. You see, it humbles one like me, because to go down that proverbial, "rabbit hole," One shall have to relearn everything they have to assuredly: dis-believed...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 10, 2020

"Total Wine & More," 1460 E. 86th St, Indianapolis, IN 46240 (Verdeckter Testkunder, Jake Schrage, therealdopeblog) Wednesday June 23, 2021

 Now come on na my Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! You know me! I don't have no fuckin filter! I just calls'em as I sees'em! C'est tout! 

But, read me, when you see something so fucking blatant you just gotsta call a muh fucka out on some shit! 

So I'm buying various bottles of liquor for the five co-workers for the secret santa shit! Well, shit! Whatasaprize! Guess who yo secret santa is motha fucka? You got liquor? Guess no more motha fucka! Legal and numbing!..Anyway, there's this co-worker who swears by, Patron Silver. Cool! Forty-one and some change, right? Bougee nigga, but that's cool. I understand. You know what I'm sayin. But what that bougee nigga taught me from just this little, "Medication For The Office Christmas Secret Santa..."whateva the fuck! Purchasing is...a motha fucka! 

These motha fuckas had bottles of Tequila with the price of one hundred dollars (you heard my black ass right) just sitting there as pretty as they pleased, for one hundred fuckin dollas, okay motha fucka ninety-nine-ninety-nine, like I said, one hundred dollars you dick! You made me forget my fucking point!...The point is. Yo fuckin ass runnin a business that has one hundred dollars for a brand of tequila. And the Thirty-nine dollars brand, Patron Silver, has the nerves to have a security device on them. And guess what? The hundred, sixty, fifty...dollars brand had not a device! Theeeee! Fuck!...

But I hate ta tell ya my Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, if ya a Secret Santa...Don'tcha have ta do it properly? And them bitches had the lowest price in Indianapolis! Assholes!...But I won't go back! Best believe that shit! Ya heard may?

Yeah! I know! I know motha fuckas!...

(Peace! More to come...)

We all have the right time...even up until we die.

 You start digging. Tirelessly digging. Not back breaking in nature, far from it. No! Mind breaking. But it's high time to start putting those fragmented pieces back together. No matter the intricacies of the time.

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Secession Is A Comin! If...US Doesn't Make The Constitutionally Lawful Choice ...



On:  scotusblog.com

Texas is giving US notice if we don't do the right thing with this electoral bullshit. 

Power to the people motha fuckas! For real!

(Peace! More to come...) 

Monday, December 7, 2020


"Be a gentleman. Not many of those these days. Don't put a woman through all of that. They don't deserve that. I can quote scriptures but believe me. Don't do that. And any woman will always remember you because of how you've treated them." 

Damn! The fuck! 

Sometimes, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, shit comes to you in a shit storm's wake! 

And all you can say is: "Damn!"

...with yo Black Broke Sorry Ass!...

(Peace!  More to come...)

Biblically, the only prayer you need to pray. And it moves mountains...By the way, I...This is going to take a team effort... (Matthew 6:9-13 KJV)

 "Our Father which art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done; in earth as it is in Heaven. Give US this day, Our daily bread. And forgive US Our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead US not into temptation but deliver US from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Glory and the Power. Amen!"

I did it from memory My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Word for word? Probably in error a few words but read it for yourself. It's been workin for me. Hope you are all in your respective closets. (Big Smile!) Other than that, I don't know what else ta tell ya. But, maybe...keep the faith. Humanity has been through far worse. Just a glitch in our maniacal, "Emperor of The Hill," repetitive human cycle. 

Bring yourself peace. We're done! Put a fork in US! But we are here none the least. For whatever reason. Just Pray! And you best believe: We are all... going to be just fine...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cylindrically Thinking, "Thirty-Six Years Old, Graham Smith, Pro-Rugby Player," Sunday 07-February-2021

All of you who smoke CBD products from the cylindrical thin male apparatus. The object which at a push of a button the penis gets excited and is activated. 

Now one must purchase the female apparatus. That is the most important part of being Vapor. The female always carries the future. 

“So one does not screw in. One screws on." So, when one Vapes one is really fucking properly. You bloody ignorant idiot!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Nancy Downs (Jean Ecrit, Author of, "The Past Is The Past," Chapter One of his heralded third novel) Wednesday, 03March2021 @ 3:33 PM

 I remember a coworker at Riley Children's Hospital, when I used to work there third shift when I was going to the university, told me, when we were at Faces Night Club near 21st and Talbott Street, one hoppin Saturday night: 

"Nigga she loves it! Tellin her what to do and shit! What do you want me to do? 'Shit hop on this dick bitch!' And she does! Between her cummin and me cummin shit, all I can tell ya Black ass, the shit works son! And afta this I'm goin ta go home and wax that ass again!" 

And I remember, I responded, "I hear ya." Why did I respond like that? Well, I'm musing over it now that everything has been past and I am witnessing a name holding a cell phone hearing it ring, putting pieces together, "Hello?"

"Nigga! How you doin? Just callin a nigga. You said, 'Holla.' So, I'm hollerin," she said.

I'm smiling big time because I didn't think this fine sista, of my boy's ex-fiance, in a thousand years would be calling me. Let alone soundin regular and shit.

"Hell...O!?" she said.

"Oh! Whaddup lady?" I said.

"You! Boo! And whatchou got ta do today." She stated.

"I would make a good guess, seeing you," I said.

"Very good answa fine lookin! I'll pick you up at Eight," she said.

And before I could say, 'Okay," she had already disconnected...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Cataract Removal

 Selling dreams from the high beams it seems dangerous and it is, while the seams slowly give way to ultimately decay. Say a prayer for the living, fuck the dying they'll be all right! I'll give it a grandiose fight! You are always in me, you light my future's sight.

The greatest serial killer there will ever be: "Time". Unless they find a proper cure.

 I often ponder. The things that we take for granted. I guess not things at all in my opinion, but just one thing: Time. 

Time, is real and very detrimental to everyone's health! And they ain't did a Goddamned thang about the cure of this much needed, "More Time Vaccine." 

The New World Order's: New Black Plague is, Trying To Over Fuck: Fucking,Time.

A Real Prayer For The Walking Dead

 Free yourself from this complicit slavery we are headed. Oh, we will dread it when the breaded and battered souls died to get fried. Like chicken, wishin for another cluck. The fuck! 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Conditioned Response and Matthew 6:6

Don't chou just love the hypocrisy of it all. I mean really. The Holy Bible King James Version states, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

And what these muh fuckas do now, fuck it! We's gonna show everybody how pious we is! And they pray aloud amongst one another?! The fuck?! My Black ass ain't that much of a heathen that I can't understand what a motha fucka reads! I mean shit. 

"May we bow our heads..." The fuck no motha fucka! No! No! No! The fuck you doin? That shit is totally not biblical with yo greasy nappy head ass motha fuckin charlatan you! God damned it! 


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Fuck! Wrong...with you...and me?

 You can't sit up there, being all sympathetic and shit, when you a selfish motha fucka! And continue to be based on the long history of yo sorry do nothing ass being in politics. The fuck you think you foolin? Just because some dumbass illiterate motha fuckin mid-rich wanna go along with the bullshit. Ain't got the fuck ta do with me! But somethin better change in the fuck hurry God Damned it! The fuck wrong with all of US? 

We hear it! Fuckin smell the fetid shit! Yet, all that we do to this day is, "Shit! That's some funky ass shit! But you'll get used to it!" When in the fuck in this great land of Our, The United States of America, we ever thought, we would be acquiescing to living in an environment that smells like SHIT!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Modern Day Local and National News

 "I'm Richard Richards and we settle the long unanswered query: Why your ass itches? And, why it just may need to be scratched. Coming up after the break..."

Monday, November 23, 2020

Network (1976)

 The best movie ever made in my opinion...wait for it...Network! Shit that motha fucka is for real Yo! Straight up! And almost a half century later, still relevant and still...extremely topical. Check it out when you have the time. The best quote to me was when Max Schumacher, played by William Holden says to Diana, played by Faye Dunaway:

"Why is it that a woman always thinks that the most savage thing she can say to a man is to impugn his cocksmanship."

Then she says, tryin to sound like the victim and shit, and that bitch ain't saw a millisecond of being a participant of  her being even near a recipient of victimizing, shit, while ya playin, she has always been the victimizer. Shiiit-ought! I can tell a playa when I witness one. You need to quit it! 

"I'm sorry I inpugned on your cocksmanship!"

Then the motha fucka gets tired of the dance and just comes out and says: you dumb bitch,"...I gave up comparing genitals back in the schoolyard."

Now he didn't say the 'you dumb bitch' part. But that motha fucka was definitely understood! And he did it the playa way...smooth! Hah!

Interaction, is in need! And is needed! My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, and it is always...A Beautiful thang! Our Good Pseudo Merciful Father! Oh, yes it is!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Ending The Ultimate Battle

Steal their will. Be still. Kneel oft because the time has come! Summon the horrid spirits from the beyond. It’s not going to be any fun! But they’ll thank US in the near future.

Who Knew? (Thirty-Five Years Old, Anthony Bohannon, Lecturer and Blogger) Sunday, 06June2021 (time unknown)

"The show must go on!" I don't know what sorry ass motha fucka was ultimately pinned to the genesis of that phrase, but what I do know is: That was a sorry ass selfish motha fucka! For real! 

And the jam of the past is the jam of the day! So what's so fuckin new? 

Friday, November 20, 2020


 Don't you like the hit, even just a little bit? Don't quit, sit down, please don't sneeze you'll break up the molecules that pools, when I take an intake from the snow that, graciously didn't blow! Negro, don't you know, take a pause for the cause, for you and me feeling free from the anticipated long sniff; Oh no, you can't take a whiff; don't stiff...en the lesson that will be in session once the powder shows you its power...until it molests you with rocks, that's true torture, now and forever! 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Capitalist Ubiquitous Answer, "Fuck No!" (A Sneak Peek of The Nathan Richards', Author of the book, "Why Not?") Video Blog, YouTube Influencer, Elaine Bon Jolie Madam, Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 12:01 PM

 All your sorry ass workin like the slave that you are, slave. All that you want like with any other thing that means anything in this goddawful life is to be appreciated! Is that so fuckin hard? You got motha fuckas that've been at a sorry ass job for thirty fuckin years and ain't missed a mother fuckin day and never been late, been in this motha fucka for ova a quarter since they been opened! Shit! And just because this bitch's been opened since 1920, Our centennial, can't a nigga get at least one percent of this bitch's ownership?...

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 You can't have a filter now! Nooooo! Not now! Please don't! You have to speak raw fuckin truths! Shit! Something's goin on and it's so fetid the smell is starting to affect Our lungs and Our overall health. They callin it COVID 19. But that's bullshit. You know how malignancy does, cancerous cells have infiltrated our humanity. And its high time to purge. And the bad thing about it is...we have to remove, not some...it all! 

Bienvenue! Merde! Vous assistez a la genese de l'humanite!

(I try. I really do!(smile) Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Come Back To US ("Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. Everything else is wicked and evil.")

 You know what's wrong with Our US of A? We relyin on fuckin co-signers! I'm a grown ass man/woman making my own way in this fucked up life and doin the best that I fuckin can...and the last thing a motha fucka like me needs right now is anotha motha fucka speakin on me or speakin about me.

If yo ass is a grown ass man or woman in good repute! You stand alone under this fine firmament and stand fucking tall, with not a slump in your posture and say to one and all: "My name is Meredith Singleton Hopson!" And whatever the response. It is what it is. I'm me and I don't need yo sorry ass goin round my back askin bout me because I'm the only motha fucka that has the right answers, the truth of...me! 

Not, and I say it again, not some fuckin co-signer or non-cosigner! God damned it!

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Answer Is...

 I mean shit! How much time you think you got left in this bitch? Today? Tomorrow? Two days? Three days?...Shit, and the answer is always: I don't know. Damn straight! You don't fucking know! And I sure in the fuck don't know either! I ain't no fuckin soothsayer...far be it. I'm just a regular ol' nigga bein me! And heavy on that ol' and I'm teetering on that nigga part! Shit! While ya playin. But seriously, how much time you think you got?

And whatever the answer...what the fuck are you going to do during that short or long period of time...to make this a better place for all of...US?

Back In The Day

 I'm listening to Depeche Mode's, "Policy of Truth." Motha fucka be rockin! Straight up! When that opening: "berhn-berhn-berhn-tung-tung-berhn-berhn-tung-tung-berhn-berhn..." Fuckin terrible! In a good way!

The lead singer couldn't sing for shit! But that damn beat though! Shiiiiit! Quite! Solid!

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Between You and Me

 Men always complainin, "She wants a fuckin twenty-eight hundred dollar fuckin refrigerator for God's sakes! Twenty-eight hundred fucking dollars!" or, "She wants a thirty-three hundred dollars washer and dryer!" or, "Come on man! Six thousand for some bullshit stand alone oven?!"...we can go on and on with that shit ad nauseum. Shit. 

Tell you what playa, check this out, how bout cho selfish ass gets in that fuckin kitchen and gets some shit out and feed some niggas. Shit!  Say, fuck it, I'll cook the damn meals from now ohn! I'll wash all the clothes from this point forward don't worry about such traditional female house shit, I got chou!...Then when she comes to you and says, "We need another stove that one looks like it needs to be replaced." Then you can say, "Oh, you gonna start cookin for niggas now? Shit cool!" Then she can say, "Nah! I ain't sayin all that! Shiiit I've been havin that bitch since I bought this bitch! So she's cool!" Then you smile at her and say, "I love you!" And she smiles back at you and hopefully says, "I love you too." And if she doesn't, shit, you didn't have enough to carry both y'alls asses through to begin with. But if she does, shit nigga everything is solid. Cha-ching! You just saved the household six-thousand dollars motha fucka! !

I'm sure you've heard the phrase: "Happy wife, happy life!?"


Whatchatchairnaw! (smile)...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Misgivings (Thirty-Nine Years Old, Otis "Ox" Wilson, Retired Professional Entertainment Wrestler, Spoken Word Enthusiast) Saturday, December 5, 2020 @ 3 AM

 I want to feel what's real. Steal the thunder from the blunder. Asunder plight or flight. Night being bright despite the kite flying so high! Bye-bye to the days and the wonderful blue skies; now mostly gray or even tie dyes. 

The time is now. Just Pray and say...and I'll be glad to show you how.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Unaccounted For

Comeuppance. Now that's a motha fuckin word I adore in this time, in this life. Motha fuckas! Motha fuckas! And if ya didn't read me the other two times: Motha Fuckas! Don't you just love the Black so-called Bourgeois? Funnier than shit! You just want to tell them in confidence, if they didn't know before because some dysfunctional brain synaptic episode, "You do know you a nigga! Don't you?" And they would be offended. But let me tell you something, "A real bourgee  nigga doesn't concern themselves with cost." A real nigga does. So...I would deduce...we don't have real Bourgeoise niggas in the Black American community, only Real Niggas...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cannons, "Love on the Ground" and The SOS Band, "Just Be Good To Me"

 All that you want from that motha fuckette or fucka, whateva's cleva; is...just be good to me! Goddamn it! Treat motha fuckas howeva ya wants...but...motha...fuckette! Be good to my Black Sorry Ass! And I sho nuff will be just as good or more to yours! For real! Whew! Sweet Jesus!

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Song, Can Make Things Move...In A Very Good Way

 Let's put on a little music to get the brain synapses clanging together as to calm. So? What shall we play?...I know. Can't go wrong with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers', "You Got Lucky." So here we go...

Send the winds of sins to never win only to sign our name in the vanity of humanity; that has never cared for our betterment. The various stents that have bent and broken in this fine firmament which we destroy. Little boys playing with toys instead of being Pious Leaders in this whirlwind of venomous chaos...

Foster The People's, "Sit next to me."

Don't fret there's no room to assume. Forget and leave a chip in the hip pocket which may pay the next months bill, a thrill to find thy hidden "surprise" in disguise to your own demise of various cries. Lament about the days gone bye as thy Father is nigh. Coming to swoop you up, going to the most high... 

Happy Mondays, "Hallelujah" (club remix)

The beat goes on and on, while I am gone. Pound a sound for the underground of hope. No need for the dope, just a periscope as I submarine under the many blunders of man. Don't say I can't because I can! Hallelujah resounding in my cranium as the maniacs attacks the so-called brainiacs traversing into another direction is the infection which will cure and pure. Rising higher onto another level where beautiful humans and things steal the opening act. Then the various Lucifers draw up a contract, a lifelong pact. 

Cannons, "Fire for You."

I don't like to talk in a negative connotation. Alienation causes lifelong pain and discord. Pull the cord of the tired chord playing painstakingly in the background. Time to turn it around. Stop all the bass just in case we have no one hard to hear. There's no fear! We got each other My Dear...Sweet Sistas and Brothas!

(...Peace! More to come...)

Monday, November 9, 2020

"Jack's Pizza, 1966"

 Ya readin me? I mean really readin me? Kay. Check this out. You call Jack's Pizza up right? Get an XLarge: Sausage, Onions and Banana Peppers pizza! And nigga...you set for the day! Eat that shit all day long son! Straight up! Breakfast, lunch and dinner! And no refrigeration needed. Twelve hours don't kill a nigga! I mean shit, look at me I've been doin this shit for years and I'm still writing to you. So fuck it! It is what it is, you know what I mean? Pizza...sausage...Bingo-Bango focused negro...

The sausage. They have this I do believe is, breakfast sausage that is crumbled all over that motha fucka! Shit! I mean eighteen inches of a round flat plane with nothing but a canvas, pizza dough, and topped off with pizza sauce and a sausage layer of future satiating goodness. Uhm! What else you want? Well let me get those Banana Peppas and those Sweet Onions right there, and you know how to do the rest, old motha fucka! Yea, I know how old yo old ass is! Just as old as my Black Ass! But yo ass is doin way better than me, you definitely haven't aged a motha fuckin year since I first was introduced ta ya! Damn! Right On! Damn:


"Thank you for calling Jack's Pizza, this is Erin can you hold please?"
"Sure," What? Fuck yeah I'm ordering me a damn Jack's Pizza! All this talking of food made my Black Ass hungry! Shhh...

"Sorry for your hold, this is Erin how can I help you?" Gotta go...

"Yeah Erin. Can I get that extra large, sausage..."

(...Peace! More to come...)

Friday, November 6, 2020

Just Playing With Words And Fighting Against The Evitable

 It's interesting that all it takes is a catalyst. Something that can alter your thinking into deep consciousness. A profound thing happens to the ones' who care. You get more and more human. Slowly with every one of those various catalysts we choose which we kickstart. In whatever manner. And in whatever medium which you prefer to initiate the transformation. 

What am I talking about? Well that is easy I guess if I liven a word picture for you. Take for instance smoking. You have the ones that continue to use book matches or boxed wooden matches instead of a disposable lighter. Then you have the hardcore ones who will not fire up their ciggy by any other means than that old reliable ZIPPO (Clink-shick-clink). But no matter what you use the ends justify the means. You just need that Nic' Dick! Pullin on that motha fucka watchin it slowly get limp, smaller. Thinking like a motha fucka who likes Nic's dick, "Oh well!" Next!...

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The World Walk

 You know why I love President Trump? Cause a motha fucka...anybody, male, female, straight, LGBTQ...whatever the fuck! E'rbody wantsta put their middle finger to the world and say, "Fuck!!!!!! You!!!!!!!!!" And this motha fucka gettin away with it on a big motha fuckin stage! While ya playin. 

And no matter what happens to the motha fucka, he got that swagger, like, "Whah? Motha fucka?" And he don't have to say one goddamned word! Even though he's Plump Trump! He still got that mother fuckin 'Fuck You Swagger,'! 

And say whatcha want! I's don't give a real thirty-three shits! All I can say is: 

Now that's...My Nigga! For real!...

Peace! More to come...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Just The Next Scene Of This Abysmal, "The United States of America," Magnificent Over Costed Play

 It's always somethin. What ah surprise! The Electoral Votes could be a tie. Shit! Didn't see that comin! Fuckers! Who the fuck they think they foolin? Fool US numerous times, shame on US! Try ta fool US this time, shame on you!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Just Nouns

 "People, places or things..." gonna ring and sing when the mighty hand seals the deal. Just be still and watch the magic try to steal another trick in the hectic, prophetic mess we have travelled many times before. Abhor our defiance in the nuance of life. 


 They're causing a problem to begin with. They know good and goddamned well motha fuckas watchin the shit gonna say whatever candidate won as President gonna have a fuckin problem. They do these big ass all fucking day long programs, on live television no less, shows that eventually will tell the winner of the Presidential Election. But what they fail to say, which their asses put in fine print, and say under their fuckin breaths: These are projections! 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Wanna Bet?

 I hear Carly Simon singing, perpetually on up until this election drops,: "...Anticipation/ Is making me wait..." 

Oh, my Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, this shit is going to be the greatest spectacle in Politics! Ever!:

"President Donald Trump Vs Vice President Joseph Biden!" 

Here are the rules: 1) Gonna be a clean fight; 2) No hitting below the belt; 3) No hitting on the breaks...we all agree? Okay! Fight! VOTE!

And it will be...a beautiful thing! Oh, yes it will...

Peace! More to come...

Thursday, October 29, 2020

(I'm still working on this one, so here's a peek with no peak) BBP 3rdDOC (1stDOC/Th-03-Sept-2020)

...“Jerrell! The fuck nigga! Who the fuck you talkin too! Yo man check this out, Jolee sayin ‘Tell that motha fucka in or out? But that motha fucka gotta cut all that goddamned noise out!’”

My dude shouting off of his porch at me as I look at my dude in disbelief. “Dee! My nigga! Don’t you see all of these motha fuckas around me? Please don’t tell me I’m crazy!”

“Ab-so-fuckin-lute-ly! You fuckin nuts! Buggin son! Motha fucka! Ain’t no one there…nigga!” Drake said to me with concern in his statements of his truth. Then I heard him say something else all of the sudden, “The fuck!”.

“Yeah! You see them too,” I say.

“Fuck yeah I see them! The motha fuckas all white and all naked and for some reason looking at you like a greasy succulent pork chop!”

“But you do see them!?” I say.

“The fuck nigga a bunch of naked white people around here in the fuckin dark, but yeah man I see them!”

“Yes!” I say to him triumphantly.

“But check this out Jay. You need to make yo Black ass this fuckin way cause somethin’s gonna go down that it looks like you will be the main attraction. Yo ‘Lee! Get the pistols!” Drake yelled up to his wife.

But what busted me up is when I hear Jo’ yell out in response, “Yay-yay!”

I looked at the now naked white people coming towards me and I was thinking how and when did they turn into white people. And out loud I said to all of the mass coming toward me while laughing my ass off, “Y’all done fucked up now! You done fucked with Jo’! Y’all in deep shit now! Y’all just need to stop!” I stop laughing abruptly because that is exactly what they did, they just fucking stopped…and stared at me…

(Still working on this one. We'll see how it goes. Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Stop Following The Crumbs...And Be Not Led Any Longer

The Democratic Party has been infiltrated. Compromised and cut down to a size of an imp. I cringe when I think about how I voted blindly, 51 years of my 55 years old life, Democratic. 

If the person is a Democrat, well he/she is alright with me, and you got my vote! Well my Momma and Daddy was a Democrate. And their Mommas were Democrats. So...I'm a Democrat too! Such fools are we. A pity. Then Hillary came along and understanding her and Bill’s history of lies and deceits. I said to hell with the Clintons! Male or female fuck those mother fuckers!  Hell, no! Another Clinton will be the end to this US of A. Can’t do it! Won’t do it! So, “Hi-ho/Hi-ho/ it’s off to the GOP I go…”  

Monday, October 26, 2020


So the bitch say,"I'm Indian and Jamaican." Then the bitch say, "I'm Black and Indian-Asian American." The fuck kinds of nigga are you? Damn! If you Black? You Black motha fucka! Straight up! Pick a side motha fucka! That's all I'm sayin! We Black Americans are unique because we are three or more generations in this Great Land Of The United States! All the fuck we know! The only thing we know!

Then you have some smartass spoutin off, "Go back to Africa!" Shit! Who me? Shit! The fuck! I ain't left nothin in fuckin Africa! I'm American born, bred and raised goddamnit! Proud and free motha fucka! And I have no nano-particulate inside my body that wants to even visit the continent, nor a country which it contains. No place in that motha fucka! 

I mean take Nigeria for instance. Put another 'g' next to the other 'g' and you got yourself a pretty good joke. Shit! Then Nigerians have the nerves to say, "In my country every family preaches education! One degree is not enough!" The fuck! Y'all motha fuckas, excuse me, "in my country," still traversing on dirt roads as main thoroughfares  motha fuckas! Is a Black fuckin American missin somethin here? Fuck your African purity! It means shit here! "Oh, that's mean." The proof is in the goddamned pudding goddamnit! The same motha fuckas talkin to me or I'm listenin too are over here clockin dollas and going back, excuse me, "in my country...," to fuckin floss. While your fuckin country looks as if it is still in the 1950's and shit! Simply put: "Lookin like shit!" Fuck your country Nigger-ia... 

(working on it...)

Peace! More to come..

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A "MAGA" Tale

 The motha fucka only takin a fuckin dolla ah yeah! Did you read me? One fuckin dolla ta be President of this here United States of America! Did you know that? He didn't want shit but to run for President of this fucked up country? The fuck!? 

That's four dollas afta it's all said and done and unda a fuckin penny a day!? Uhm! How can a motha fuckin American not vote fo a motha fucka like that? It's against the greatest American Slavery Credo in the world: If a nigga wantsta work for nothin...then that's a crazy nigger and he's fuckin hired! 

I don't wantcho fuckin sorry ass money! I's gots things ta do! God damned it! Now gets out my way and let me tag some ass! Excuse me. 

Somebody done pissed President Trump off somewhere in between when he was born until now. And fuckin believe-you-me it wasn't a fuckin nigga! Now...that's a motha fucka ona mission fo sho! Straight up! And my Momma told me in the most definitive way: "Boy! Let white folks, fight with white folks! And get out of the way!" And niggas still gettin in the motha fuckin way! Well. Mission almost complete!

So, sign me up! Let me get my gear and my Ninja outfit: and VOTE...and nigga, let's go fo a hellacious euphoric ride fo sho...

And let's...yes: Make America Great Again! 

Solid! Peace! More to come...

Friday, October 23, 2020

An Epiphany

 The next bet. Quit, and too quick to fret. Beset to the many texts hecks. But everything is fine as the Sunshines. Kindness binds US. What's the fuss? I'll tell you while I have to ride the bus. The wounds pusses, never discusses the: Whys and Who? They just do!

And so can we. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

As The Turntable Turns

When he listened to the song, it made him feel like writing. He couldn’t really explain it. It just did. And lighthearted shit, which he was totally adversed to. He was here to tell you. For real. Made him wanta vomick all over the place. Yech! But the strangest thing started to happen: he started reading the bullshit that he wrote while listening to this funky beat and found out, after rereading the shit, and rereading the shit again, that…it wasn’t half the fuck bad. Far be it. Solid even…

(I'm workin on it. Damn! Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 19, 2020

HOPE/The Underprivileged

 Get on in. There's no sin or strife. Only life. Riding past the afterlife. On and on we go. Past the soul. Into another firmament meant to be Heaven not dissent. We're going to get by no matter the spry. No need to spy! 

We're all going to be just fine...Sunshine!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

We Are One With The Father And Son

Let’s take a long needed ride just you and me.  Feeling free. Watching life go bye so easily. Never giving in to the phony acrimony. Oh no, we are one in harmony under this fine firmament, Heaven sent. Graciously: We…are...forever present!

"...Leave Them Dems Alone" R.A.C.K.N. :First Single off of their third album in just over three months(Sample used by Quasi permission from Pink Floyd's "The Wall") Sunday, June 06, 2021

 "...Hey niggas!...Leave them Dems alone!"

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fuckin Around

 What do you think? In pink? Maybe of a black ebony sink? The slink to the ink. Stinks to the high heavens me thinks.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


 In biblical understanding we were created to work this great garden. Somehow like always we strayed the course and here I asses be...

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

GOTs and The GOP/Trump 20/20 (Corrected Vision from 20/300)

 Bein a Trump supporter in the Black community is a hard motha fucka. Straight up! But cha see niggas are hardheaded motha fuckas! Been bred that way! And still in 2020 can't shake the shit! Uhm! Feel ashamed and shit because you know Trump should win hands down! 

Biden (Snow Miser) will bring the Winter.  Any GOTs fans? If yo tired black ass is tired now, just you wait...yo dogs gonna hurt for real subsequent to a Snow Miser presidency. Just remember the warning from GOTs: 

"Winter's Coming!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

And So We Begin...Again.

 You want to fly...but you can't.

You want to ride and feel the breeze against your skin as you just ride.

You want to say, "Hi," to the various passersby.

You want to shake physical hands with your fellow Committed Americans.

You want to say goodbye, and die. 

But you can't because...


You just want to be able to fall asleep in peace. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Real New Generation

"Gonna get that Dodge Charger Hellcat Son!"

"Niggah? Word!"

"I don't play when it comes to dollas son! Oh, no!"

"Damn niggah I didn't know yo ass gotten like that."

"Shit Moms cooler than shit yo. She lettin' me stay here and shit until I work some shit out."

"Buyin a Hellcat? Shiiiit! Shut your motha fuckin mouth negro!" 

(Nig...gas, please!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

As A Matter Of Fact...

 I see a collective. Not solid in nature. More like...let's say... just matter. And with that matter it is not spheroid. Oh, no. I think we have tired of that ubiquitous absurdity. And this matter flows forth, in equal spread across infinitum plane...

Monday, October 5, 2020

Our Own Absolutely One of A Kind Primal Intoxicating Unique Scent (BBP)

 She had a certain smell. Indecipherable. Inexplicable. Her own. And I started guessing I had a certain smell about me too unbeknownst to me, cause shit, I'm used to the damn smell. Been around it all of my goddamned fifty-five years old life. Plain and simple. We all have a certain primal smell. And she had hers. Quite intoxicating: one thousandsth parts booty juice, a dab of piss, two dashes of sweat maybe more, a hint of lavender... and do I detect a smidge of patchouli? Oil or spray? Uhm. I don't quite know, but definitely without infused, not from within. And that distinct umami of a pussy smell...

Quit playin! Pussies. Asses. Dicks and balls have smell. And I can definitely attest to the latter statement based on my sometimes sweaty, ugh, testicles and yes penis causing a tight crevice inside and outside of my drawls which in turn causes a slight irritation and moreover sweat pore combination which is adverse to a pleasant Biome...

Hope all is well My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Write atcha soon! Kay?

Peace! More to come...

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

(I'm still working on this one, so here's a peek with no peak) BBP 2DOC (1stDOC/Th-03-Sept-2020)

…There that shit go again? Ya see what I mean? I mean, for real you didn’t hear that shit? When I see that motha fucka again I’m gonna tell that motha fucka ta leave whatevathefuck we were smokin the fuck alone! For real! Then a certain presence emanated. The fuck! How much longer I got until this shit wears off? So let me sit my Black ass up. I sit up with the half moon in the sky, my night vision being acute because of being out in the goddawful dark for…reaching for my cell phone now illuminated informing me some forty-five minutes. Cool. But look…I can’t really describe it to you. But I can see them. As if they are one with the night but many. You don’t get it? Let me liven a word picture for you. Let’s say you have cellophane in front of you; yet, unbeknownst to you? Don’t think too hard on it, I’m wording the picture. Let go…There you go…the numerous figures are coming towards US as if moving effortless through the air without touching the ground, like forms of humans compressed against the backdrop of cellophaned night.

Look goddamnit! They're almost upon US! Please! Just fuckin look!…

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Debate: President Donald Trump V. Vice President Joe Biden (MSHCirca2000)

 Trump kickin' that ass in the nuts! Po' Joe. Joe Biden lookin straight up like, Snow Miser from: "The Year Without A Santa Claus." 'member that shit? 

"Shit! Bingo! Bango! A sad negro!" Ya heard may? The American slogan subsequently:

"Kick'em in their fuckin' nuts Trump!"

Come ohn na! Ya just gotsta love it! For real!

Peace! More to come...

Not On The Menu

Don’t wait to taste this here prime humanity of insanity. Might choose something you care for and adore. It’s too late then, the door’s been shut! Now you have to feed with your heart cut, slowly dying from within.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Cannons, "Love on the ground" (55 Years Old, Music Critic, D.J. Piece) Now

 I move to this song like when I was thirty-three years old. 

When I hear some complexed aural music like this shit, well sign me up! And yes, I am thrown back some twenty-two years ago moving to the music...the same as when I was thirty-three. 

Whah? You heard my sorry Black ass! Hold up! Here's my part, "...Is it love or is it...alchemy? I need to know. Is it love or is it...alchemy? I need to know. I need to know..." Come ohn naw!

Peace! More to come...

Thursday, September 24, 2020

You Ain't Fresh (Studio Engineer, Alfred Fresh, World Renowned for his '35 Percent Modulation Theory of Professional Mimicry') Sunday, February 14, 2021

Well it was the money. It is what it is. So he agreed to finally 35 percent. Smart for him. I mean you can do so much to a voice then shit, it ain’t shit but the motha fucka yo sorry ass tryin to sound like. It’s the motha fucka we tryin to mimic yet not. 

He fuckin agreed to 35 percent. But what do motha fuckas do? Motha fucka, just because Michael 's dead motha fucka don’t mean shit. After a while motha fucka gonna start understandin that ain’t no fuckin Weeknd that some Michael Jackson with a little influence from the Weeknd’s voice which we married 65 percent Michael Jackson’s voice on the tracks and 35 percent Weeknd’s voice. And everything was cooler than a motha fucka until a motha fucka start smellin under their armpits and still thinkin they smellin fresh. And heavy on that still...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fighting The Progeny of Misogyny

Say it loud and sound proud. Enshroud the clouds forming, culminating and storming on all fronts. Confront the male fetid cunts’ stunts. The punt ’s on the half yard, downed without even a yellow card being shown as a penalty. Don’t let the vaginal allegory steel your thunder, steal your glory. But glad tah tell ya, the vagina is the most important genital part of Our human story.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

God Damned Texting (True interchange) Friday, September 18, 2020 @ 6:30 PM, Indianapolis, Indiana

"Hi, I'm Giselle. I'm just contacting you about voting. I am reaching out to you from the Democratic Party wanting you to remember to vote. We are also asking for you to reach out to other people and call them to remind them how important this upcoming election is. Please call people and remind them to vote." (jk000(()

"Hello my Dear Sweet Sista. I am a Trump Supporter. Do you still want me to make those calls?"

"Thank you, sorry to waste your time. Have a nice day."

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sinking (Retired USMC Gunnery Sergeant, Fifty-Six Years Old, Robert Apples: Finding It Difficult To Cope On The Outside; Lake Monroe, Bloomington, Indiana) Sunday, July 04, 2021

 He decided mind you to look up as it was happening. Water kind of burning his nose. Hurting his eyes. Water isn't as pure as most people think it is. Seeing these movies showing these people with their given eyes wide open under nasty ocean or lake water no less. Bunch of Hollywood bullshit. Open your eyes under that damn lake water and see what yo dumb ass gets? Ain't gonna be nothin nice with those pollutants' gettin yo fuckin eyes all the fucked up! Shit fuck that, you don't even have to go as far as your local watering hole, shit, just open your eyes in the bathtub goddamn it! And magnify those microbes in your lil micro environment with the eyes wide opened Hollywood actor/actress fucking acting, times billions of nanos and tell a muh fucka who tellin you the goddamnedawful truth?...

Friday, September 18, 2020

Darkness Has Never Stopped The Light (Noble Prize Winning Author, Xavier Xenith Xanther, Existentialist) Sunday, 04 July 2021, "Holla At Cha X " Convention, Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana

 Everything starts with darkness, a void. But then the light grows magnificently out of the given darkness. Now, effulgently shining and the true Beauty of Life is revealed. 


Friday, September 11, 2020

It's All About: Them

I ponder…I do that so much these days. There is no time in my life that I have thought about where this life of ours is going? Not for me. Shit, I wanted to end it a long time ago but took too long doing it, so here I sit reading with you. No, not for my life but for their lives. The Ones coming up to become we would hope sentient, responsible, safe…and be able to really fight for what is right…for them.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Operation Blank (Anonymous) Year 0000 Post Nuclear Winter (Month and day, somewhere in the Fall months)

 We didn't understand it at the time! How could we? It was there! Right in front of our eyes; yet, we were played. Oh, we don't use the internet or anything electronic speak for US now. We have learned from the past: If you don't have a person from the past, telling you from the past, in the future, "Then what is the future's truth?"...

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Votre Existence (Motivator/Existentialist, Chloe Hopson) Sunday, 06-December-2020

Do I exist? Now that’s a motha fucka query fo yo ass! Only in your minds eye. Think about it, you only exist in the environment which you inhabit. I will never go to Japan! Not sayin that I wouldn’t like ta go negro but shit they don’t like niggas and I ain’t got the money! Shit! Digressing…we were pondering the phrase: “Do I exist?” And a marvelous query it is. Japan…if a motha fucka ova there ain’t eva interacted with me, neva seen me, neva acknowledged me…in their existence I never existed. Not only that: they never existed to me. And never will because: they don’t like niggas and I ain’t got the money!...

The Truth

 You feel lost as a motha fuckah. For real. Things don't feel right, don't look right, don't sound right, don't smell right...because it ain't right! 

But hold up d'ere naw! Let me tell ya lil sorry ass som'em: It-ain't-fucking-about-the-Right! Far be it. You and I know that. Don't we?...

Friday, September 4, 2020

IT Happens (ITH) (Thirty-Nine Years Old, MIT Graduate, I.T. Programming Specialist, Dennis Entry) I.T. Seminar: The Cloudless Sky, SalesForce Arena, Indianapolis, Indiana, Wednesday, March 03, 2021 @ 3:30 PM

 It sounds good. Sounds AMAZING in fact. But what do we in the I.T. field understand? Right? If its human generated the program will always have a flaw! Always! Because though we are all programmers here today we are not Flawless! (Laughter throughout the crowd resonating off of the auditorium's walls) Now here is the segue. All of US understanding that credo, that fact, that...absolute...we are still believing data out of those ubiquitous flawed not flawless systems. Take, "The Cloud," for heaven's sake. They are telling you it is a flawed system just by what they've named it: The Cloud! Clouds are not a constant! No, goddamnit! They form then slowly dissipate! Ergo, yo shit will dissipate and be the fuck gone over a time!  Because it fucking dissipates over a time! Now you're fucked for believing this bullshit in Heaven!...

Fruit To Bear (2020) BBP

Raising a child to have choices is a beautiful thing. Why do I say that which to me is a Truism in my psyche, based on life and living? You ask...me? 

Because one sees the outcome from the child which grew out of such an environment. In Biblical terms, “From the trees come forth seeds and what edible fruit which they lie?” So one can gauge what one does or has done just by being honest with oneself and do what’s best for the seed and subsequent fruit. C’est tout! 

Less one wants to bear inedible fruit. But who in their fucking right fucking mind would do that? Some psychotic farmer or psychotic horticulturalist with a death wish?...  

Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Boo-Hiss!" Triple Platinum Reggae Inspired Relatively New Single From The Controversial Band: Riots Are Calm kNow (R.A.C.K.N.) Sunday, February 14, 2021

Boo-Hiss! (Men chanting title(MCT))
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Boo-Hiss!  (MCT)
"When a fucka come 'round ya gotta get down!" (androgynous voice (av))
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Say it louder! (Single Male Voice saying in a commanding voice. (smv))
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
"When a motha fucka come 'round ya gotta get down! (av)

(I'm still working on this one. But here's a peek with no peak...) BBP

 So I was higher than shit right. I got behind the wheel of my car and looked around...I forgot like a motha fucka he lives in the sticks and ain't no fuckin way my Black ass can keep it steady, drivin my ass some forty-five minutes in total, to get my Black ass back to the crib!Be smart motha fucka, sleep it off. Get out the car. Sit on the hood and look at the heavens and indulge...motha fucka! 

So I sit on the hood and look up and I start to marvel...then I heard the earth come alive with sounds acquainted with the night....

Then I heard some shit that was abnormal with the sounds acquainted with the night. Something not quite right with that sound...there it goes again... then nothing for some time. Silence like the night went deaf. Shit, like I went deaf! Shit, the fuck kinda weed that motha fucka have me smokin? Trippin like a motha fucka! Calm yo ass down! You cool. Keep it togetha baby. There you go playa. Speak on it. Well, like I was sayin. Motha fucka lives out in the sticks...Fuck this, let me lie down on this hood an marvel some more and tell y'all about this shit round here. He and his wife have a real nice home. They live down Lafayette Road past 86th street. Kinda woodsy and not. A cross between urban and rural but not quite suburbia. They live in a plot that they share with three other houses called, Kingdom Estates, believe it or not. I have never seen the other three houses on the plot but if the others looked like theirs, them some funky houses too. I mean bad.  Like Michael Jackson Bad...

Monday, August 31, 2020

Words To Live By (Sixty-Six Years Old, Bee Earnest, Eastern Star Miss Three-Three, Mid-West Region) Sunday, July 4, 2021

 Looking back on it...the move was all wrong. Period. Should have thought it out more, drawing out the web of treachery and deceit, takes not only time but fucking sweet butt fucking planning.  But these young guys be buggin, for real. Want ta do shit all fast and shit. No! No! No! Motha fucka you! Fucking no! You can't go about that shit like that, no motha fucka gonna take some plannin! If yo ass lookin at five years, decide on ten! If yo ass lookin at ten years look at fifteen.... Listen to me, if you don't remember shit I have eva told ya, remember this: "If you over sale you fuck yourself. If you under sale those some happy motha fuckas for real!" ...

(to be continued...)

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Disjointed (NETFLIX)

 So the motha fucka held the door open for her and shit. She went through the opened door and looked back at him. He smiled and looked her in the eye and said, "In about three hours I will have the perfect thing to say to you in this situation, but right now my ass is speechless." 

Motha fucka mackin his ass off fo sho!

Tell Me About It...I'm Here For You!

 Being married myself for over sevens years and listening to endless amount of banter and observances, I have deduced that there are two distinct categories or reasons why, I have witnessed, people get married are:

For Love And Peace


For More Loneliness and More Despair

Please indulge me Dear Readers? What category are you?

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Taken Care Of My Lovely Third Bitch (Forty-Six Years Old Black-Japanese American, Tank Mei, B.S. Radio/Television, Butler University, Now Licensed OTR Truck Driver) Sunday September 13, 2020

When I first saw him I knew he was a he. But then a brotha needed a job, this freight liner twenty-three years ago was training a future Truckee free if the subsequent now Licensed Truckee after aforementioned free training, stayed with that company for eighteen months after being trained and licensed. Walk in the park! And sign me up! ‘Cause you bout to get a nigga paid!

We would go out and go over the truck, doing safety checks with the other trainees…all the while I’m thinking, “I’m gonna be ridin in a big ol long dick all day. This is some gay ass shit for real.” But a brotha needs some good money like this company’s gonna be payin once my ass start ridin that big ol dick. See, that shit don’t sound right at all! Like Seinfeld said, “Not sayin there’s anything wrong with that.” But if yah gotta ride a dick for money it may as well be a big one. So, here we go! Down the fuckin rabbit hole. Especially if ya don’t know what to do with a big dick let alone a little one.

But everything I said about what I thought about being a big ol dick and shit…well…you can throw that right the fuck out the window! Shit! A nigga was wrong! Fo sho!

Ya see? I was finally going to get my chance to go out with the instructor, training on the big ol dick. We went up to it on the driver’s side. She smiled at me and said, “Hop in,” as she went to the passenger's side to, ‘Hop in.” And all I’m thinkin is, “In?” You don’t “Hop in” on a big ol dick, yo ass “Hop on,” a big ol dick, that’s if you like dick! Dick in or on don’t make no damn difference, a dick by any other name motha fucka! Shii-ought! Other than that, this Truckee thing is lookin up!

Well I hopped in and it beautifully happened:

I fell in love with a bitch disguised as a man!...

Friday, August 28, 2020

D-N-R (33 Years Old, Yeyla Function, Enlightened Molecular Scientist) Wednesday March 3, 20-21 @ 3:33 AM

Democrats or Republicans!  My ass! Shit, when those motha fuckas want ta fuck us they sho in the fuck know how to become fuck buddies PDQ don’t they?! Both of the parties workin togetha, shakin hands across the aisles and shit! Unbeknownst to US and shit. In closed chambers you bet your ass! Ya feel me! Workin like fuckin slaves to try their best to fuck over the other slaves! Absurdity acting in purity…

(to be continued...)

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Illegal Alien (BBP)

He felt alien himself now; felt…eerily uncomfortable outside of his home. Inside was a whole nother matter. Inside, he felt at peace. He felt life. 

Outside the rules were set up to not feel like life is all around and he was within that same life but, outside his door…

You are different. I am me. And I am special amongst all the rest, so fuck’em all!...

Alas, he was here my friends who so humbly are reading this right now. One hundred percent, he was here! And the same society that is buying the Luciferian Credo: I’m the motha fuckin Devil in charge motha fuckas! And if you don’t get out of my way, there’s gonna definitely be blood on the flo’! And the shit on the flo’ will definitely not be mine!...

(to be continued…)

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

PIPE LIFE: Getting Clean Before Thy Death Befalls

Don’t fear, that should be in the rear, a spear to the queer. Sodomite delights entices the multitude with its rude ill behavior, layers gone from Our Father’s skin of pain.  Detain the last remains while I dry before I get so fuckin high!  I cry and I rumbly sigh in an exasperated, defecated…silage from the deep lungs trying like hell to expel the fetid inhale of this PIPE drug called: LIFE.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I Wish You Were Here!

Sending stars from above as the lift off occurs.Blurs through my sight as the lights of the earth get a little smaller.
I holler from the lovely emotion speeding toward the atmosphere
as my soul starts to level off.
I select a better view as the jettisons stop.
I hop on my back to pay attention to outer space,
throwing up a peace sign as I stare in wonder;
as the thunder rumbles through my back and out of my chest,
aftershocks from the sky a little below me.
The best is yet to come as my soul gets ready for re-entry
being gone what seemed for so long.
I land so softly upon the green earth, touching down.
I turn around and say,
"Fire it up again nigga! 'Cause I'm goin for nother round!"
The sound is tremendous as the smoke is sucked in,
the rockets burning off what isn't needed.
It's lift off. . .all over again...

Monday, August 17, 2020

Everyone's Light Shines Just As Bright! It Is Finished! Amen!

I am the light which shines so brightly amid the fog. 
I am the light which shines so brightly throughout the smog.
I am the light which shines so effulgent;
I am the light which never dims nor has bent.
I have been Heaven sent!
I am the Sun of our Father's Son;
I am a religious Holy one.

Disarm Us...Please?

 The fail to inhale the sins of the winds debunks the avowing of wins; sends our Father's words to the absurd; curds being over bitter to the Federal babysitter of such disturbing vices, entices the many purists of the moral panics. Manics sick from the accusation picks of a dreaded many complimentary masks to no avail to the prevail of a cure. Pass tasks to tax, finding a pristine pipe for spite. Hit it just right! 

It's going to be a long mourning to wake up one morning and not be able to shoot or; alas, to fight. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Erased Ink Stained Signature

  The hype with not a single character type. Sans pen and paper nor a signature to witness the ubiquitous sickness of breached lies. Belies the greed of the numerous misdeeds upon our vital life's blank landscape of blissfully dreaming. Scheming to murder with a serrated knife slicing through without a tingle nor single nerve ending being disturbed, numbed. The signal to mingle with the bloody alarm to thy death will come, "We are slowly exsanguinating and will most assuredly die and ultimately fail." Sail the vast opaque oceans without a lifeboat to the various potions to heal; with high hopes to finally close the seal of this horrid Luciferian Deal.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Pay Up Thy Hedonistic Heathen!

 I see the fees that frees. I'm not going along with the Nihilists sprees. The seas filling up with the dregs who beg. Reneges all the patriot niggardly ways on display. Pays a mighty price to all of US mice not men. Pen and pencil stencils the pixels of the aperture fractured. Torture and rape what our Father's  promised that has been compromised to the human signature without gauge in the righteous religious' prefecture on permanent delays. None the least, we hold captive our blessed human nature to fleetingly savor. Chronic abhorrent misbehavior. It's time...to pick your favorite flavor? The choice must be: Our Forgiving Savior.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Doubt is a mothah fuckah! Straight up! Yo monkey ass thinkin yah got everything in check. Shiiit! Then yo ass starts thinkin all crazy and shit! Well, what if this? Or what if that? Fuck that shit! Fuck it! Fuck it! And did I say, "Fuck it?" If I didn't...fuck it! Yao Ming? If yo tired ass has a plan, fuck all that doubtin bullshit! Execute the shit and let the chips fall where they mothah fuckin may! Goddamnit! Bettah than where yo ass is now, worryin yo ass silly bout the what-the-fuck-ifs! Damn all that noise! While yo broke ass stagnatin! Plan it! Organize it! Actuate it! And Carry that bitch the fuck through! And after all the shit is said and done...Fuck It! Yah heard may? Peace! More to come...

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Geoengineering, The Prophecy: The Man Made Revelations (Fifty-Five Years Old, Pyle Driver, Theological Scholar) Friday September 11, 2020

 The Earth is comprised of 75 percent water and 25 percent of land. So too is the human body, 75 percent liquid and 25 percent solid matter. Now, yo ass can keep lookin at this shit whatevah way yo sorry ass wantstah look at it, but the end is nigh! Call my Black ass crazy if yah wants to. But the shit is what it is!

I ain't seen rain, thunder, lighting, heat...whatevah the fuck, like I'm witnessin right now. Like the human body where you can tell what the fuck the symptoms are to determine the fuck is wrong with yo body. The Earth is tellin our sorry asses something is the fuck wrong! Damn right bout that. 

If yah read Revelations in The Holy Bible, it conveys very clearly the three cataclysmic events that are going to happen when shit is bout ready tah pop the fuck off: A Super earthquake; A Super Hurricane (Or some other water affiliated disastrous event); and lastly, the kicker if you will, A Super Volcano. The last will send this Earth into a Nuclear Winter, killing over 95 percent of this world's population. 

Say and do what you mothah fuckin want. Open yo mothah fuckin eyes, ears and soul. Move to the high ground! Pray! Cause this shit is gonnah get much worse! And it is here to stay!

Call me crazy if yah wants to! And I ain't tootin my own horn or comparin myself tah any damn venerable body...but...they called Noah a Loon too!

Yah heard may?

Peace! More to come...

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Real Good Shit! (Black Heroin Addict) 1986

 I cook the shit to make the hit. The little cotton ball purifies it all. I push the plunger. The thunder rumbles through my veins. A cooling, soothing liquid abating my plethora of pains. I feel this world slipping away and that's more than okay! I smile and I sway; lost in my smack filled haze; hoping there will not be any other days. Umm! My eyes close languidly; I open them the same but tranquilly. My head bobbing like I am sucking my own dick. Going in and out of conscientiousness but I am far from sick. I smile again, at the absurd sight, of the needle still dangling perilously within.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Religion: Makin A Better Fucked Up World!

 You evah thought bout this here damn religion bullshit? I mean, don't make no fuck bit of sense whatsoevah! Keepin the slaves at bay. Oh, they got that ass! Oh, yes they did. I ain't crazy! No! No! No! Learned long ago, yah gostah give those niggahs hope!

"Fuck that monetary bullshit!
I know...let's give'em nothin!
A fuckin deity...
God! Yahweh! Allah! Buddha! Combayah!...
And a fuckin lavish or fucked up Temple...
Is gives ah fuck! 
Put any name yah wanna on that bitch, but I don't owe you shit!
You broke, poor, pitiful mothah fuckahs!
Just fuckin ignant fo no damn reason but tah be ignant!
Ten Percent? Fuck that I wants all yo shit boo-boo! Er-fuckin-thang!
Fuck! You!
You super-silly-mothah-fuckahs!"

And the beat goes ohn! Oh yes it does, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! Um!

Peace! More to come...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

It's Only A Matter Of Time

 The world is fucked up! That ain't no kinda epiphany tah yah. And I sho in the fuck don't have tah say it twice b'fo yo Broke sorry asses tah understand. Yao Ming? 

Knee deep in this shithole! And the shit is constantly risin. Pretty soon gonnah have tah tilt yo head back so yo fuckin nose won't be inhalin the shit directly intah yo lungs. Ears cloggin the fuck up with shit. But all yah doin then is buyin yo self a lil mo time until the inevitable happens...cause the shit's perpetually risin and yah have tah breath! 

Eventually we all choke aftah inhalin, physically, the raw sewage into our lungs. Those same lungs fillin up with the shit. Then yo sorry ass can honestly gurgle, "I'm actually drownin in this shit!" 

Peace! More to come...

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

There's God! Then There's This Religion Bull-to-the-Shit! (Nevaeh Wright, 23 Years Old, Existentialist) Monday November 09, 2020

The old saying goes, "If yah scared, then go to church." Mothah fuckahs get scared and go tah church. Then yo sorry ass still gots the nerves tah be scared? The fuck! If yo ass is goin tah church and still fuckin scared, then yo ass just fuckin off! For real! Like the Drill Sergeants say in the military, "You just dickin the dog son!"

But we got Black ass mothah fuckahs, and white ones too, thinkin Judaism was the chosen religion by God! Like, we all just tryin tah get ah seat on a flight, tryin like hell tah get the fuck out-of-the-fuck-here, just waitin for the "chosen few" tah get bumped! If yo sorry ass lookin at the shit like that, yo ass needs tah get the fuck out the goddamned terminal and drive, ride a bike, walk...I's really don't give ah good fuck, cause that shit just ain't gonnah happen! Evah! If it's goin down like that. That's some fucked up customer service fo yo ass! And yo ass needs tah find anothah carrier goddamn it!

Fuck the Baptist! Fuck the Apostolic/Pentecostals! Fuck Judaism! Fuck Muslims! Fuck Buddhists!...and definitely fuck those damn catholics, with y'alls sick asses! Worthless pieces of dogshit! Cosignin fo Pedophile Priests!? The fuck!?

You think God gives a good fuck what religious sect yo stupid ass is involved in? That's Our shit, human's shit! Not, God's shit! We been fuckin round with the wrong ass shit! Putrid! Quite fuckin malodorous, to say the least!

But since we surrounded by the toxic methane gas this religious shit produces, that Our broke asses gotstah deal with, put your gas mask on (make sure you clear that mothah fuckah first). Kick ass! Take numbers! And start tellin the fuckin truth bout this here life! 

These so called religious fuckers wouldn't know the truth if God himself came down and slapped them mightily on both damn cheeks! Pa-dow, pa-dow! Nothin! The truth sans religiosity is the only way we gonnah stop smellin shit and havin tah put up with this bull-shit! Yah know. Word to your mothah fuckin Mother and Father...and anybody else! Yah heard may?

Peace! More to come...(God willing)

Monday, August 3, 2020

Indulge Not! (BBP) Friday December 25, 2020 @ 12:01 AM

The courses of deceit are replete with starch, not meat;
Tries to defeat the primal animal in the cannibals as we;
The treacherous application may bring a satiation to one which stands on fours
Instead of Two;
And the revenge of thy premeditated ruse, thou transgressor...
Will thee definitely rue.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The A-B-C of Offense In Basketball (Chloe Penser, Head Coach Butler University's Men's Basketball Team) Monday February 03, 2025 @ 3:13 PM Hinkle Fieldhouse

"Excusez-moi messieurs! Excusez-moi! What are the A-B-C of offense?" Coach Penser said conversationally to the Bulldogs at halftime losing to Xavier at this point 33-31. "Anyone?" Again in her thick French accent being only a duel citizen of the United States and her Mother country France for a little over three years. "Personne?" She asked?

Then the 6'3' point guard asked, "Personne? The fuck?" Kwame Dabney asked.

She glared at him and he instantly looked down at his hands while his thumbs twiddled. Coach Penser was only five foot one inch tall but was formidable. All fifteen players on the team was reminded of their perspective Mothers' when they interacted with her. But oft times she would say a word or sentence that the players were not familiar with and they would question her, like now. She was trying to teach them slowly of her native language but now was not the time, making the many mistakes they had made in the first half. Non, incroyable! Mon Dieu!

"Excusez-moi messieurs encore. Personne means: No one?" As she looked around at the team of thirteen suited and two in street clothes, only wearing suits the way she was taught to coach. "Etre professionelle! Toujours Chloe!" Her female mentor had embedded into her psyche. That credo had gotten her where she was to this day: being the first and only female Head Coach of a NCAA Divisioin I Men's Basketball Program.

"Encore: Again! Personne: No one? Personne can tell me the Ah-Bay-Cay of offense and we have went over this time and time again?" Silence! "Mon Dieu! Merde! Merde! Merde!" She said a little louder than usual. She never hollered, screamed or disrespected them; she would only speak professionally to them. They were young men. They were learning. Their team's record unbelievably so was 13-0. She was all the rage in the coaching and media circles. But for some reason today they were not doing as they had been coached. Standing around on the perimeter, playing catch with one another. "Merde!" She kept looking around and all of the team were just looking down.

"D'accord!" She said in earnest. The whole team like on cue looked up at her. "Je suis desole! D'accord?" All of the team nodded. "Parfaite." And the team smiled. "Maintenant il y a mes jeunes hommes!" She said with a smile. The team smiled back at her. They understood that sentence she had said it many of times during practice and during time-outs and had explained to them what the sentence meant the first time she had said it.

"Ecoutes! Le Ah-Bay-Cay of offense is: Always Be Cutting ou Coupe Toujours! Comprends?" All smiled and nodded. They were learning she thought to herself...

(plus a venir...)

The Times (Lucas Cage, 44 Years Old, Indianapolis, Indiana Native) June 06, 2020

I came out of the gas station on 10th and Shadeland the other day and a young Asian male, maybe twenty-five or thirty (I'm not too good with ages any longer) with a clean wife beater, clean athletic shorts and flip-flops and he asked me for a cigarette. I gave him three out of my new pack. In my whole 44 years of life as an American, I have never seen an Asian ask for anything in the streets in this You-S-of-A.

I went to fill up my tank yesterday evening and a thirty-ish white man asked me for fifty-cents, so he could have enough money to catch the bus, so he said. I gave him a single and he tried to give me fifty-cents back avowing, "I only need fifty cents." I said to him, "Man, be careful out here." He looked me in the eye and said, "Thank you My Brother." The same evening, I was going into my apartment complex, a woman came up to me and asked me for four dollars. I gave four dollars to her. She looked at me and said, "God bless you!" And I don't really believe or think that God is gonnah bless me at all, to tell you the truth.

I do not have this type of money to be giving out. Truly, I don't. I'm very low on funds always. But, what I am witnessing now...well...is something I've never seen nor experienced in my whole entire life. I lived in downtown Indianapolis for some six years total in the past and I did not see what I'm witnessing in this day...there are a shitload of people in need. And its only goin to get worse. And the bad part of this whole scenario is...I am, quite possibly going to be, one of them.

My God!

Friday, July 31, 2020

Heaven Is Nigh (BBP) Friday September 11, 2020

Take the time to find the fine line in this life of pitiable destiny. Blessed to be a wild child, instead of being meek and mild; it's so plain to see in me; piled high to the sky looking and knocking on Heaven's door.

No one has ever answered. Sent a request before I am dead, asking: "I keep knocking, will someone let me in?"

A terse response contained therein, "I don't care! But there's no need to keep knocking! My son, you are already here!"

Thursday, July 30, 2020

In The Best Interests? (Alan Thompson, 33 Year Old, Black Non-Custodial Marion County Indiana Parent) March 03, 2020

“Mr. Thompson, do you have anything you want to say,“ The judge asked.

“Yes, Your Honor,” He said, and proceeded to lay down his reasonable law. “The way I’ve been treated down here in Johnson county Indiana…well…I’ve been treated like a nigga. I don’t know how else to put it. The head of the ADR in these parts, Mr. Saturn, he told me straight up, ”Mr. Thompson, you’re not going to change the way things go on around here.” Fuck that mean? I still want to ask that motha fuckin so-called mediating attorney that. Why? Because she’s white and I’m Black? The fuck? I don’t have the right as a caring parent; albeit Father, which you courts don’t think two shits about, to have Zoe at least half of the time? Half of her life is not reasonable? Why? Cause I’m a nigga? Cause I’m a punk ass man, and if I really was a man, in the traditional court mindset, I would be out there at work, providing and slaving for my child? Not, wanting to spend time with the child, scaling down. A fuckin sperm donor? The fuck? That’s not a man’s duty to care about the rearing of his child or children. So, what am I doing as a caring male parent? Impeding upon the traditional mores and values of a race that don’t have the faintest clue anymore of how to raise a child or raise their children? Due diligence. I have witnessed firsthand of what I must do as a parent, not Mother or Father, but a motha fucka who played God and now the role of God don’t look so hot because the creator has been duped into a contract with another creator who’s creation was nothing more than the other creator being…bored. Not, realizing what that one creation will become, or what responsibilities belies when one plays God and creates. The power of Gods hand: I give you the gift of knowing creation. The greatest and most priceless gift God could ever have given US, his soul, discernment. And what do we do with it? We fight with one another about the time the creation can spend with one creator than with the other creator. We drink; work all the damn time; do drugs…cause we have found out, this creation shit ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Touché! Touché! God is a stupid motha fucka to keep putting in the pot on this gamble. He called. I called. And whatasurprise! Loser. Every fuckin time. But he did… and he does. I did..and I do. Because, like Our Heavenly Father, I have hope. And with that hope, Our child cannot become wayward. This society is replete with wayward children; hence, my non-traditional role of a Father; albeit, just a plain old parent. I am only guilty of that, just trying to be a plain old parent. I want this court to pity the man which stands in front of this judge. And I also want this court to pity the situation Zoe is in, in the creation process. The creation has no choice. The creators make those choices for them. I just want to be a part of my creation. I have nothing more to say Your Honor.”

Sunday, July 26, 2020

No More Fear (BBP) August 26, 2020

He dreaded it. The damn pain! He hated it so. But what was the alternative? Wearing a mask all the damn time for deference sake? Shit no! He hated the mask like he hated the way this life was headed, to a slave state for the underprivileged, like he surely was but Heaven for the elite. Inconveniences were not meant for the poor or the unfortunates. The status quo had no place for a newly freed negro. 'Black Lives Matter,' was just a ruse to the obtuse. He was not slow to understand what was going on. Far be it. He knew the movement had everything to do but what they avowed, Black Lives Matter. And everything to do with rich lives mattered: the lazy, the weak and the worthless.

If COVID was really the truth there would be no options for anyone. No...one! He remembered when the great HIV scare hit the masses and what did they do? Not a damn thing! You can't keep motha fuckas from fuckin! White or Black people are going to fuck! And that went away and now it is just a time in our Human's history, a blip on the greatest stage screen ever, life. He had to smile to himself and shake his head.

Fear, guilt and life are the three greatest selling points to the great hustle of life. And the powers that be understood that fact. Been manipulating the multitude, the poor, since the beginning of Humans' existence.

And this was the last stage of Neutralization. The line in the sand had been drawn. And he had no other alternative but to believe in his Father and fast...

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Masked Death (August 25, 2020) Broke Black Profit

Now the motha fuchas say wear a mask on that ass. Surpass the task of being human. A true 'Wo' or 'Man.' And stand on the precipice to entice to alleviate the right. The wrong going strong while we all look for a dour filled bong to get along. There's always hope with dope to quell the many ills that have never healed or thrilled. Oh, wear a mask to last. Fast? The fuck you thinkin while yo broke ass is sinkin? Pass the joint to disjoint the particles fractured, pasteurized and not manufactured by no ones' surprised by the undernourishment in this wonderful firmament. Smell the scent of this crime scene made of precious metals and greens; nano particulates left to never to be seen or bereft.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

We Be Americans! Born and bred to be Free! (BBP) Thursday, September 3, 2020

The thrill is to kill; feel, sill and steal the seal of freedom. Lop off the top! Mop up and sop up the bloody mess to never confess the undress of purity.  Furor of this society sans piety or plight.  Fight a good civil evil to nibble the mines empty minds. The goose steps of cops crops the history of misery, taking away the indelible rights to the mighty underprivileged.  Sacrilege to the beautiful sights that you have seen and still see.  A mother fucking pity to witness.  But I'll close my eyes and kiss those stars and bars that we have always admired and fuck the sired.

The Number One: Human Race (Broke Black Prophet) Saturday, June 6, 2020 @ 3:03 am

The billionaires stare; goes unaware and doesn't care about your broke ass and not giving you a pass to last. Fast all that you want; a human front to the brunt of the various problems in this fetid cunt.  COVID 19 is the mean scene to the niggardly green. Seams to mean the vaccine to the scene of illicit dreams; a caveat to the ruse, the pervasive fuse to induce the cowardly abuse.  But the day is coming; drumming a thunderous sound of hope to the poor folks about to come around.  The meek that have inherited the irritating pokes alone with the non-humorous offensive jokes.  The time has come for your rich asses to succumb, because you have forgotten we are not number two but we are and have always been number...

Monday, March 30, 2020

Alas (Broke Black Prophet) Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Tribalism is the schism, no criticism as the globalization agenda is heading into a favorable direction to the road to hell.  The sale has been sold, foretold in Revelations over and over without coming across a four leaf clover.  Fair weather is not the tether to whether we are right or in errors to these erroneous terrors; severs the humanoids from the androids amid cell phones and drones devoid of humanity and causing worldwide confusion and insanity. 

Muslims, Jews, Christians...are just the predilection, called rational predation, to the obvious pervasive infections, predictions to the pseudo diction and dictations of the scribes gone bye now un-scribes to the ubiquitous lies. 

Say, "Goodbye!" Sigh! As a matter of fact go ahead, do a well needed stopping and of asking oneself, "I wonder why?"

Just remember: it's gonna take numerous human blood sacrifices to satisfy; the Luciferian battle cry.

Friday, March 27, 2020

666,000,000 (Globalization, WHO...and You) April 01, 2020

There were three stages to the neutralization.  The first was almost complete. They would just have to tweak the agenda a wee bit, but other than that the Americans were falling into place just fine.  'Land of the free!  Home of the brave," my ass Director General Doctor Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus derided to himself.  He had found out through his many so called 'Health Crises' in Ethiopia that all an individual needs is a little push.  Dick Hauss had challenged him about the first stage of neutralization and he, Dr. Gebreyesus from his humble beginnings had to educate a Semite, he, Doctor Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, himself being well respected because he came from the Beta Israel Tribe who were descendants of Shem.  And he had to deride to himself to this fake Ashkenazi  Judaism individual, Dick Hauss,  the real reason why Dick was in the world's mix at all.  We, my people, were the real deal, not...and let me repeat...not you fake ass Ashkenazi Zionist Jew asses! That got Dick's attention.

Doctor Gebreyesus, rhymed with Jesus, did he need any other qualifications than that?  And since you didn't understand Dick, my people have been in the equation since the beginning of humans' time.  So he was not surprised by the deference he was treated by Dick when he was asked about the timeline.  He had gotten Dick in line a long time ago, fucking goy for real. The Beta Israel Jews were the Real Jews, and soon the Zionist Jews would be aware of that fact.

Instead of showing his disdain for Dick's tribe, he just stated casually, " Neutralization is going just fine on a global scale just as we planned. It will not be too much longer where neutralization will be complete."

"Excellent," Hauss responded.

'And not too much longer where your fake ass Jew asses will be punished," Doctor Gebreyesus scoffed again to himself at the hopeful lost Semite Dick Hauss...( to be continued...) 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID And The Round Table (Astana, Kazakhstan, Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 12:30 am)

Everyone was discombobulated, they had caught the world off guard with their antics.  Brilliant PsyOp to be sure.  The Round Table had everyone on their heels.  Italy was the focal point of what happened if one did not succumb to government rules and regulations.  Dissenters were unheard of.  Brilliant!  If he had to say so himself.

Richard Haas looked around the table of 33 and smiled widely.  Dick’s heart warmed when all 32 mouths were smiling with just as much ebullience as his.  He nodded his appreciation to all, held his right pinky ring up as did the other 32, all the rings having a, gold ‘G’ in the center accompanied with a gold compass pointing up and a gold square pointing down, forming a diamond shape with the centered letter, ‘G’, with everyone’s assent, with Pinkies held high, he roared in a grandiose manner, “COVID-19 is a success!  Welcome to the beginning of the end!”  All clapped loudly and cheered, and even Dick had to give himself a, Rah-Rah too. It had been a long time coming.  But there was still a lot of work to be done.  And none of them would have ever guessed that it would be this easy.(...to be continued)