Friday, March 27, 2020

666,000,000 (Globalization, WHO...and You) April 01, 2020

There were three stages to the neutralization.  The first was almost complete. They would just have to tweak the agenda a wee bit, but other than that the Americans were falling into place just fine.  'Land of the free!  Home of the brave," my ass Director General Doctor Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus derided to himself.  He had found out through his many so called 'Health Crises' in Ethiopia that all an individual needs is a little push.  Dick Hauss had challenged him about the first stage of neutralization and he, Dr. Gebreyesus from his humble beginnings had to educate a Semite, he, Doctor Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, himself being well respected because he came from the Beta Israel Tribe who were descendants of Shem.  And he had to deride to himself to this fake Ashkenazi  Judaism individual, Dick Hauss,  the real reason why Dick was in the world's mix at all.  We, my people, were the real deal, not...and let me repeat...not you fake ass Ashkenazi Zionist Jew asses! That got Dick's attention.

Doctor Gebreyesus, rhymed with Jesus, did he need any other qualifications than that?  And since you didn't understand Dick, my people have been in the equation since the beginning of humans' time.  So he was not surprised by the deference he was treated by Dick when he was asked about the timeline.  He had gotten Dick in line a long time ago, fucking goy for real. The Beta Israel Jews were the Real Jews, and soon the Zionist Jews would be aware of that fact.

Instead of showing his disdain for Dick's tribe, he just stated casually, " Neutralization is going just fine on a global scale just as we planned. It will not be too much longer where neutralization will be complete."

"Excellent," Hauss responded.

'And not too much longer where your fake ass Jew asses will be punished," Doctor Gebreyesus scoffed again to himself at the hopeful lost Semite Dick Hauss...( to be continued...) 

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