Monday, December 14, 2020

Good Ol' Since Humankind Graft

 Niggas are new ta this here Graft game. White motha fuckas are experts at the shit! Been doin that shit since we let their asses out of the Caucasus Mountains and shit! But on we march motha fucka! And let me not just say, White People. Ya see American Christians weren't slave owners, if you read the history of the shit. It was the Jews. Look into your ancestry, and look into your last name and tell me about it then. Jews can't stand niggas! They really can't! Research the shit with an open mind then we can talk instead of argue. What good is a conversation if it isn't conversing at all save for letting out hot fetid air. No a conversation is civilized between two separate entities, both with open minds, with that being the case. Both, not one, shall have a conversation about their given trivial knowledge about their given truth in a civilized way; then, in turn, both, will depart one another and research what one conversed about extensively, with an open mind of course. Then, and only then, one can state who is a liar or not. You see, it humbles one like me, because to go down that proverbial, "rabbit hole," One shall have to relearn everything they have to assuredly: dis-believed...

(Peace! More to come...)

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