Wednesday, August 5, 2020

There's God! Then There's This Religion Bull-to-the-Shit! (Nevaeh Wright, 23 Years Old, Existentialist) Monday November 09, 2020

The old saying goes, "If yah scared, then go to church." Mothah fuckahs get scared and go tah church. Then yo sorry ass still gots the nerves tah be scared? The fuck! If yo ass is goin tah church and still fuckin scared, then yo ass just fuckin off! For real! Like the Drill Sergeants say in the military, "You just dickin the dog son!"

But we got Black ass mothah fuckahs, and white ones too, thinkin Judaism was the chosen religion by God! Like, we all just tryin tah get ah seat on a flight, tryin like hell tah get the fuck out-of-the-fuck-here, just waitin for the "chosen few" tah get bumped! If yo sorry ass lookin at the shit like that, yo ass needs tah get the fuck out the goddamned terminal and drive, ride a bike, walk...I's really don't give ah good fuck, cause that shit just ain't gonnah happen! Evah! If it's goin down like that. That's some fucked up customer service fo yo ass! And yo ass needs tah find anothah carrier goddamn it!

Fuck the Baptist! Fuck the Apostolic/Pentecostals! Fuck Judaism! Fuck Muslims! Fuck Buddhists!...and definitely fuck those damn catholics, with y'alls sick asses! Worthless pieces of dogshit! Cosignin fo Pedophile Priests!? The fuck!?

You think God gives a good fuck what religious sect yo stupid ass is involved in? That's Our shit, human's shit! Not, God's shit! We been fuckin round with the wrong ass shit! Putrid! Quite fuckin malodorous, to say the least!

But since we surrounded by the toxic methane gas this religious shit produces, that Our broke asses gotstah deal with, put your gas mask on (make sure you clear that mothah fuckah first). Kick ass! Take numbers! And start tellin the fuckin truth bout this here life! 

These so called religious fuckers wouldn't know the truth if God himself came down and slapped them mightily on both damn cheeks! Pa-dow, pa-dow! Nothin! The truth sans religiosity is the only way we gonnah stop smellin shit and havin tah put up with this bull-shit! Yah know. Word to your mothah fuckin Mother and Father...and anybody else! Yah heard may?

Peace! More to come...(God willing)

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