Monday, August 10, 2020

Religion: Makin A Better Fucked Up World!

 You evah thought bout this here damn religion bullshit? I mean, don't make no fuck bit of sense whatsoevah! Keepin the slaves at bay. Oh, they got that ass! Oh, yes they did. I ain't crazy! No! No! No! Learned long ago, yah gostah give those niggahs hope!

"Fuck that monetary bullshit!
I know...let's give'em nothin!
A fuckin deity...
God! Yahweh! Allah! Buddha! Combayah!...
And a fuckin lavish or fucked up Temple...
Is gives ah fuck! 
Put any name yah wanna on that bitch, but I don't owe you shit!
You broke, poor, pitiful mothah fuckahs!
Just fuckin ignant fo no damn reason but tah be ignant!
Ten Percent? Fuck that I wants all yo shit boo-boo! Er-fuckin-thang!
Fuck! You!
You super-silly-mothah-fuckahs!"

And the beat goes ohn! Oh yes it does, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! Um!

Peace! More to come...

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