Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fighting: This Firmament's Chosen Infinite Human Cyclical Sport

 my old Black sorry broke ass look at these bad muh fuckUS like, Jon Jones, Randy Couture, Any of thah family of Brazilian Gracie...There is something kind of evil about that shit!

In thah muh fuckin "Octagon" it's jUSt

You or


What say 


But there's some fucked up shit about that shit! Because, shit! Aftah awhile with my MMA badass! I'm seein this whole firmament's shit that I have tah always be aware of! Fightin off and shit!

But thah real fucked-ed up dick about that ill shit is:

99.3% of thah time US real muh fuckUS ain't tryin tah fuck yah! US jUSt tryin tah keep, keepin on and shit!

So...all that trainin tah fight othah muh fuckUS is for less than

One-fuckin-percent in this muh fuckah!?

That muh fuckin less than one-fuckin-percent includin this manmade "Octagon" shit!

my cut up, bad muh fuckin ass livin in 

US and shit!

Fuck all that noise!

I should've jUSt worked and bought ah

Shitload of 



Guns and shit!

I mean, shit!

Just in case some shit happens and shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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