Thursday, September 19, 2024

Diddy Done Did The Dastardly Deed, Again!

Thee Holy fuck!


Nigger hand ovah thah muh fuckin evil blackmailing sorry ass shit!

That's all that them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs, yo oathful evil peers, want from that stank nasty, bein drug through thah mud, sorry ass muh fuckah! Them evil muh fuckahs tearin that ass ah new one! "Playboy" yo nigger ass done got evilly played!

"Freak Offs"!?

Thah best ah muh fuckah got with all that God damned money is bein notorioUSly known for some nasty ass, rapists kind of shit, "Freak Offs"!?

Money and power tah be lazy and


Off with



Yeah! Yo ass needs tah be properly crucified, you no-good for nothin evil nigger!

Thah fuck done went wrong with US niggUS!?

US done jUSt drank thah muh fuckin evil sacrificial "Kool-Aid" blood, heavily sweetened of course!

And said,



Come ohn naw?!

I mean, shit!



AssUS are way muh fuckin bettah and way muh fuckin more complexed... than this fucked up

US shit currently bein muh fuckin pitifully


I mean, thah fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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