Friday, August 2, 2024

Failed Assassination Attempt?!

Thee Holy fuck!

 There are no evil fuckin Fed coincidences!



Aftah researchin some US shit!

Them evil elite degenerates know what thah evil fuck they are fuckin doin with precision and shit!

If?! And that's ah big ass muh fuckin 'IF' God damnit!

If them evil muh fuckahs wanted President Trump dead?!

President Trump would have been ah muh fuckin dead sorry ass muh fuckin

President Trump!

I mean, shit!

Just look at John F. Kennedy and shit! Them evil muh fuckahs got thah muh fuckin driver tah assassinate that sorry unbeknownst dead ass! JKO was like, "The fuck! Let me get my ass out thah fuck of here!"! Tried tah scramble her way out that muh fuckah! Cause her sorry ass knew where thah genesis of that fatal shot was originated and shit, which was from thah fuckin driver in thah muh fuckin vehicle! Anyway!...

Them evil degenerates don't fuckin miss!




There is more evil shit tah be

Done, in thah name of 

Lucifer and in thah name of sorry ass muh fuckin President


Can't make this Fed fucked shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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