Saturday, June 1, 2024

"'Disservice to the nation': Former VP Pence breaks silence on Trump's NYC conviction - FOX NEWS"

 CaUSe that sorry evil ill ass muh fuckah knows thah fuck that his sorry ass gonnah be revealed as ah muh fuckin 

Child rapist and shit!

Oh! Them evil sorry dastardly muh fuckahs done fucked up!

Settin US righteoUS PrecedENCE, is not y'alls evil sorry ass muh fuckin asses




CaUSe y'alls evil muh fuckin asses are 

Quite nasty!


Quite despicable!

Y'alls ill asses need like R.J.'s Latest Arrival once spat, 

"Shackles on my feet..."

And muh fuckin

Wrists God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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