Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Silly Ass Muh Fuckin...Hats!

 Talkin bout some funny muh fuckin shit tah my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Them Saudis with them towels on their muh fuckin heads with that band around it?!

I laugh my ass off at that muh fuckin shit!

Jewish muh fuckahs with this yarmulke on thah top of their heads! Thah Yids takin bids on whose shits' gonnah drop by thah end of thah day, not bein muh fuckin secured propahly!

These muh fuckin Africans with that loud as shit Kente cloth bullshit headdress!

Fuckin Drill Sergeants! Thah fuck niggah! That "Smoky The Bear" shit ain't sharp!

Pentecostal women wearin these mean-ass silly flamboyant hats: yet, their religion is anything but!

Baseball hats! If yah really look at 'em? They are very fuckin odd lookin!

Ten-Gallon hats! Now, that's just foolishness!

Doo-rags! Sorry, that's some niggah shit! Anyway...

(Peace! More to come...)

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