Sunday, October 22, 2023

It's Just A Fucking Juvenile Muh Fuckin Game! Give Props To The Winning Team!

Them othah muh fuckahs beat that ass!

Thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin?! 

Multiple muh fuckahs makin excuses for sorry ass failures and shit! 

"The other team was a better team today! We coaches failed the players!"

How thah fuck hard is that shit!?

Muh fuckin reporters want tah talk tah thah playahs and shit!

Fuck that shit!

Them muh fuckin playahs ran thah muh fuckin plays that were called by thah muh fuckin sorry ass losin coaches God damnit!

Not takin thah blame managerially for not performing as ah muh fuckin team!?

Now, that's some pussy ass shit in ah muh fuckin so-called




(Peace! More to come....)

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