Monday, October 23, 2023

Human Trafficking US! CaUSe US Be's Goyims Muh FuckUS!

 Want tah know why all these sorry ass politicians in US have dual citizenship in Israel!?

Cause Israel don't give a fuck about ah muh fuckin


Male, female and fuck whatevah race yo sorry ass is!

"They 're prostituting all of US!"

Shut up Goy!

And take those Zionists Jewish dicks until they are limped!


But thah sad muh fuckin thing about that shit is!

When these sorry ass muh fuckahs go ovah there to escape the Crime Against US Humanity charges and sentences generated ovah here!

Them evil muh fuckahs gonnah find out within thirty-three days of implantation and shit!

"I done fucked up! Cause I ain't from thah 'right' muh fuckin tribe up in this muh fuckah! And my sorry goy ass can't go back tah US!"

Damn fuckin skippy!

Get! And

Get some you!

evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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