Saturday, October 14, 2023

"Don't Eat These 14 Foods Unless You Want A Heart Attack - msn 'news'"

Clicked on thah shit! Curiosity is ah muh fuckah! Anyway...Talkin bout foods and shit that causes blockage and shit!

'I'm sorry Miss Lady?! But the FDA stated these foods were GRAS!?'

"Well that's true. But if you will please refer to the report you will understand it better."...Anyway...

 Niggresses and Niggahs!

Got tah 'Fried Foods"!


Now, yah jUSt fucked up!

Them evil muh fuckahs done lost their muh fuckin minds!

Now I don't eat thah shit every-muh-fuckin-day!

But about once ah muh fuckin month

"Popeye's" suits my ol Black sorry broke ass just muh fuckin


"Love that chicken from Popeye's"

Come ohn naw?

Crispy and delicioUS!

With pickled jalapenos and drizzle thah pickled jalapeno juice on that shit?!

That fried thigh with jalapeno juice is about ready tah be


(Peace! More to come...)

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