Monday, September 4, 2023

US IN: State Blacklisting. And Incentivizing The True IN RighteoUS.

 Here's all them stupid muh fuckahs would have tah do in thah innah cities tah stop this stupid ill ass shit that's goin on!

"If any person living in said residence is arrested on any misdemeanors, felonies... for whatever reasons! The resident in question shall lose all state and federal assistance immediately and for life in The State of Indiana! And those living in said residence receiving public assistance shall lose state benefits from the encounter until the individual resident/residences death who occupied residence of note when infractions occurred, in The State of Indiana. This edict will go into effect in thirty working days...." 

Put some more shit in there! But I bet them muh fuckahs would straighten their sorry ass "thuggish" ways thah fuck up!

I always write on thah real! Muh fuckah put that type of pressure on that muh fuckin sorry ass household!? With yo baby-makin, non-workin muh fuckin ass!... They'd beat and murder that supersilly ass muh fuckah!...

Shiiiought! Fuckin 'round and shit! Thah fuck wrong with US?!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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