Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Them evil Muh Fuckahs Can't Wait Until 2030!? Then It'll Be Too Fuckin Late for Their Sorry evil Asses!

 The reason why they expeditin this Global World shit is becaUSe they can't even control their own secrets any longah! Thah same technology bringin some of US down are thah same muh fuckin technology they thought would bring US all down! But it's turnin on that ass swiftly as fuck!

But them muh fuckahs are ignant! It always flows both ways evil muh fuckahs! Toujours! Anyway...

Yah, see? When you are ah rich elite sorry dumbass muh fuckah! Yo ass starts gettin careless with yo ill ass shit! Yo ill ass shit gettin less and less secure! Leavin yo laptop any goddamn place with cellphone tah boot!...Uhm! And with all that muh fuckin money?! God damn! Anyway...

Alas; muh fuckahs!

Soonah than muh fuckin soon!

Hackers gonnah get intah their ill ass plethora of "Libraries of Human Torture" for pleasure shit!

Gonnah become hella viral with projectile emesis coverin this firmament for ah muh fuckin time, US finally witnessin their evil prurient nasty genetic propensities!


Then all God damned righteoUS

Hell gonnah break out on those sorry ass muh fuckin


Que le meurtre commence!

Can't wait!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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