Monday, September 4, 2023

Murder Every elite To Thine Last Singleton!

 Oh, it's gonnah go down!


Shit, only Our Father knows that 

RighteoUS shit!

But when thah shit does!?

Can't be one of those muh fuckUS hidin in thah muh fuckin woods, in underground preppin bunkers, tryin tah escape...what needs tah happen for Genesis to recycle!

Fuck no!

US gonnah have tah get our sorry broke ass hands hellah dirty and

Quite bloody!


Tah quell thah next muh fuckUS thinkin of tryin tah do this ill shit in US's future, tah make US all undah-fuckin-stand;

Do this shit in US's near and distant future again? What US 's doin tah these evil ass sorry muh fuckahs... jUSt 

Pedestrian muh fuckin shit!

So, US has been 





(Peace! More to come...)

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