Sunday, September 3, 2023

Human: Modern Proverbially Speaking

 There were at least two times yesterday when I saw "Targeting" in college football and nothin was thah fuck called! And when thah young men got up from those hits thah muh fuckahs looked shaky as fuck!  No concussion protocols were done with them sorry offensive ball carryin disoriented muh fuckahs! Commentators didn't say shit! Even on one of'em callin it, "A vicious hit!" On thah othah thah muh fuckin commentators said, "Yeah that was close to "Targeting"!" Thee Holy fuck!

It was 'Targeting' muh fuckahs! Helmet to helmet!? And I ain't talkin bout no rams bullshit lowerin thah head in unison, tah see who comes out of this shit without bein knocked thah fuck out, kindah shit?! I'm talkin bout muh fuckahs defensively leadin with their muh fuckin helmets to crack thah offensive ball carriers in thah side of thah helmet!

God damn!

But US do realize if thah refs don't call thah shit! That means thah ones commentatin can't say shit about thah obvioUS missed calls! Which means,

Y'alls commentatin asses, 

"Ain't worth a pot to piss in!

Nor a window to throw it out!"....

(Peace! More to come...)

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