Sunday, April 2, 2023

They Really Don't Want US! The Real RigteoUS To Start...!

"Why Wick, Blade, Dexter...And Shit?!"

Why thah fuck not!?

I mean, those muh fuckahs huntin and killin their own kind!

Them evil muh fuckahs know! 

The righteoUS are not their real enemies! 

It's thah evil muh fuckahs like my sorry worthless pathetic ass!

"I've given myself to the darkside!"


Go 'head with yo bad-muh fuckin ass! Your choice! But it ain't nothin nice! US ain't got shit tah do with those ill vices and choices! That shit's proximal! Like environmental, family...whatevah thah fuck! So go fuck with them evil muh fuckahs that created you!...

And them evil cinematic muh fuckahs, hunting their own kind and shit, 

Know how tah leave US real





Cause US ain't no threat!

Until US has tah


And they really don't want 


RighteoUS asses tah truly believe it's

Time tah start 

Kickin some evil asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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