Tuesday, April 4, 2023

US Needs To Be Kind! Even If US Don't Fucking Mean It!

 US sees thah problem is that US don't take thah muh fuckin time tah write!

Muh fuckUS wannah pop off crazy tah thah muh fuckin messenger!

Fuck that shit!

Get on that company's website and write ah muh fuckin glowin review about yo muh fuckin ill experience!

And I ain't talkin bout no vengeance shit! Fuck that shit!

Companies' are desensitized tah complaints from US!

So fuck it!

Don't be too ovah thah top with thah shit! Be creative with US feedbacks! 

Though that shit was some ill wrong ass customer service shit! Cause I didn't do shit! Sorry, yo ass havin ah bad muh fuckin day with US broke asses! I fuckin get it! But yah don't have tah give me thah same treatment yah gave that ungrateful sorry ass fitfty othah customahs yo tired ass done had! Cause I ain't did shit!

But they treat US like shit! Cool! 

Here's what US do!

Without bein too facetious! Write ah glowin fuckin review of your ill experience! And when it gets back tah that muh fuckah! Oh, it'll get back from the company's kudo boards, or whatevah thah fuck! 

They'll remembah! And they'll fuckin know! Thinkin tah their sorry ass selves, 

"His ol Black sorry broke ass took thah muh fuckin time tah praise my non-customer service ill ass, on this day?! I remember that ol ass muh fuckah? What the fuck!?"

They ask for ah code near thah bottom of thah receipt and shit tah write ah review on their company's website and shit! Date, time, name of their fabulous team member... 

It fucks them up!

Just suggestin?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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