Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Hope Ain't Got US Shit!

 Think about all thah muh fuckin times throughout US's sorry broke ass lives US didn't listen tah thah muh fuckin voice of broke ass reason, "Now Playesses and Playahs! Y'all know y'all's some broke asses! Yo broke ass can't afford that shit!"

Thah fuck US do?! 

Signed up for "Care Credit"!? 

Now here yo broke ass lookin at monthly payments yo sorry ass knew yo broke ass couldn't afford thah shit in thah first muh fuckin place! But US signed thah shit anyway! Because US wanted tah look fly in them "Cazal" joints!


Because of muh fuckin tired ass worthless

Hope payments!?

And fuck muh fuckin priceless


(Peace! More to come...)

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