Saturday, December 3, 2022

Buy Stocks!? Uhm! Niggahs Go Buy Yo Sorry Black Asses What Is Truly Needed: Some Damn Groceries!

 It's a big ol' muh fuckin elite 

Ponzi Scheme!

They Use our taxes and savings/checkings tah pay for their evil elite treacheries!

Not even three months ago I was talkin tah my brothah about cryptocurrencies and shit!?

Then who would ah thought?!

FTX Ponzi Scheme hit ah fucked up snag!

My brother wasn't on FTX's tip

But he sho thah fuck was suckin "Bitcoin's", unbeknownst tah him of course, dwindlin titties!

Controlling the fuckin market!


Yo ol Black broke sorry asses throws yo lil money in tah stocks!

And that lil money gets eaten by thah elite as ah trivial monetary


(Peace! More to come...)

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