Sunday, May 8, 2022

You lose Because You Have Lost (Black, 44 Years Old, University Of Indianapolis Men's Head Basketball Coach, Francis Gospel) Tuesday 15Dec2026 @ 9:13 pm

 "So what about the refereeing. Were they apart of the game?"

Yes. Most definitely. They were apart of the game.

"Well, what I meant was, for the team losing?"

The team lost! Because the team lost! Refereeing ain't got shit tah do with that! It is what it is!

"So you don't think the referees had anything to do with the teams negative outcome?"

Fuck no!

"And why's that coach?"

You can only control what you can control. Play hard. Execute. Make your shots. Pay attention to your reads. Hit your free throws...A whole lot of outcomes given the plethora of scenarios.

"So you're saying it's the teams fault?"

As a collective, yes!

"So the refs had nothing to do with the loss?"

Okay. I see where this thing is headed. All I can tell you is this: play the fuck ball! Quit cho fuckin bitchin! And fuckin play hard ball God damnit! That's all! A team can't control the fuck else but how they perform through execution from coaching! Refs? If the refs are in on a big conspiracy to make certain teams win, good luck with that! And that'd be some evil shit!  But fuck it! That's a league problem with subsequent quarrelsome numerous questions. Ain't got nothin tah do with this team's loss today. Thank you.

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