Friday, May 20, 2022

50 Mill USD For Relief?!

 They given those Ukrainian bitches fifty fuckin million of Our 

US federal hard earned tax dollahs!

And thah muh fuckahs ain't even close tah bein an


And they gots thah nerves tah put me on a payment plan for owed taxes!?

They just throwin Our fuckin money away on bullshittin outsidahs!


Where's my cut you super silly sorry muh fuckahs!?

Or at thah very least tell ah niggah

"Mr. Hopson. We're square!"

Then I don't give ah good fuck!

But, yall ain't did that fuckin shit fo ah niggah!

What's up with that shit!?

If yall gonnah throw Our money away like that shit!

Why ah niggah gottah pay federal taxes fo any damn way?!


I'm quite adept at fuckin up my own damn 


No Thank you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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