Sunday, May 8, 2022

It Is What It Fuckin Is! (Black, 46 Years Old, Indiana Pacers' Basketball Coach, Francis Gospel) Sat 16Dec2028 @ 12:29 AM East Coast Time. Fired Friday 15Dec2028 @ 10:32 PM West Coast Time.

 "So coach? Why'd the team lose?"

Beats the fuck out of me? And these muh fuckahs are professionals!? When a player thinks that there is nothing else to learn...shit...the team got problems. Especially when the team has contracted with that player to play no less than seventy-five percent of the minutes in any given game as long as the player is not injured. Can't set 'em on the bench! Just got ah watch the shit coachable-less dribble the fuck down until the shit gets stolen. Damndest thing!

"So...The team lost because...?"

The team lost because coaching ain't got shit tah do with professional sports! Can we please stop bein so pedestrian bout this bullshit!

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