Saturday, May 7, 2022

Absentee Rulers

 We don't know what the fuck is goin on in China, Russia, Ukraine...!

Yo sorry ass just trustin what the sorry muh fuckahs been tellin yo 

Programmed asses what thah fuck's goin the fuck on!

I undahstand!

But, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Yah have tah quit listenin tah 'em!

That ain't Our shit!

"Let us take care of our own garden. " (Voltaire)

Shit yah asked ah mothah fuckah in your own God damned neighborhood,

"What the fuck happened last night!?"

The ubiquitous, "Shit! I don't know dawg!"

Now individually that's some straight up proximal shit!...


We are so trustin with these muh fuckahs, that we don't fuckin know,

To tell US the truth!?

And News ethicality has been long since thrown out thah muh fuckin various US windows, to

Fuckin believe what their sorry no-count havin asses tellin US, what thee Holy fuck is goin on in various countries in this here firmament!



We still don't know three-quarters of the time what thah Holy fuck is happenin in Our own perspective muh fuckin neighborhoods!

And we livin in this bitch!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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