Saturday, May 28, 2022

"Paddy Chayefsky" Miss You Bro!

In the heard mental voice of "Howard Beale" imprinted in my mind! 

"We have a problem! A problem which You people have created! With your, wanting to go to Hawaii! Because Mary Beth and Jeff and his family went last year and they had a wonderful time! And you deserve it too! You live in the same community! Talk to the same people! Work at the same place! By gosh why can't we have bliss too!? Well, I'll tell you why not God damnit!..."



Best character ever!

In my humble opinion of course.

Don't chou worry.

I'll expound on this modern day "Howard Beale" soliloquy!

God speed Chay'!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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